which is dedicated to a certain whip-wielding archaeologist

Today is truly a sad day. I had a feeling that one day this page would one day fall prey to a pack of bored lawyers, and now it's happened. My worst fears have been realized. I'm sorry that I will no longer be able to provide an online resource to my fellow Indy fans. *sob*

It was fun while it lasted.

Here is the full text of the cease & desist order:

      LucasArks Entertainment Company
      P.O. Box 1138
      San Rafael, CA 9C3PO

      April 1, 1997

      Mr. Micah Johnson
      P.O. Box 1936
      1000 Well of Souls Dr.
      Tanis, EG 9906753

      Re:     Copyright and Trademark Infringement

      Dear Mr. Johnson:

      Please be advised that LucasArks Entertainment Company has learned that
      you are making its copyrighted and trademarked materials available on 
      the Internet, and that you have established a World Wide Web site purporting 
      to provide rabid fans of the Lucas property, Indiana Jones, a home on the 
      Internet.  We at LucasArks provide an extensive Star Wars site at 
      www.starwars.com and see no need for your efforts misrepresenting Indiana 
      Jones as something that people want to see.

      LucasArks Entertainment Company, on behalf of itself and its parent and
      affiliated companies, hereby demands that you immediately cease and
      desist from any and all unauthorized use of it's property on the Internet,
      and suggest that you direct all visitors to your site to www.starwars.com
      so that they will not miss the current Star Wars craze.

      This shall not be deemed an admission that Star Wars is not the only
      popular property of LucasArks. I look forward to your immediate partication 
      in this coverup and appreciate your cooperation.

      Very truly yours,


      Rene Belloq
      General Counsel and
      Director of Top Men


April Fools!!

To the real page...