Trivia Contest Answers by Adam McDaniel |
Part I: Raiders of the Lost Ark
1. When Lucas & Spielberg initially flirted with the idea of the would-be adventurer, "Indiana Jones" was NOT the original name for the character. What was it?
ANSWER: INDIANA SMITH2. Lucas named "Indiana" after his own dog. What breed was Lucas' pet?
- Labrador
- Collie
- Saint Bernard
- Mutt
- Dachshund
- German Shepherd
- Malamute
- Dalmation
- Beagle
3. This dog was also the visual inspiration for which Lucas character?
- C-3PO
- R2D2
- Wickett the Ewok
- Qui Gon Jinn
- Chewbacca
4. In the late 1970's, Steven Spielberg had seriously campaigned to direct a film for a very successful action franchise, but was turned down by the producers. (!!!!!) It was from this that Lucas offered him another story that was "something better". What was the film franchise that Spielberg first wanted to work on?
ANSWER: THE JAMES BOND SERIES5. In the late 1970's, a producing team with Warner Brothers considered Spielberg to helm a gigantic-budgeted hero fantasy movie, but deemed the director as "untried" and too expensive. What was this film?
ANSWER: SUPERMAN6. Lucas had originally offered Spielberg the directing job of RETURN OF THE JEDI (1983). Which of the following attributed reasons best prevented Spielberg from doing the project? (one answer only)
- Spielberg said he was too involved with the current back-to-back filming of E.T. and POLTERGEIST.
- Spielberg was too busy enduring the courtroom testimony behind the tragic deaths of three actors for John Landis' episode of TWILIGHT ZONE: THE MOVIE.
- Spielberg at the time was reluctant to do sequels.
- Spielberg was reluctant because of Lucas' public disavowal of The DGA.
- Spielberg was too busy enduring the DGA examination behind the controversy between his role and director Tobe Hooper on POLTERGEIST.
7. Everyone knows that Tom Selleck was the first choice to play Indiana Jones, but because of MAGNUM P.I. he couldn't do it. But -- according to one Spielberg biographer -- what is NOT widely known was that Lucas & Spielberg had actually decided to use Selleck AFTER testing Harrison Ford several times. Unfortunately for the filmmakers, Ford eventually found out this information -- and was justifiably furious. How did Ford learn that he had initially been turned down for the role?
- Through a telephone conversation with Lawrence Kasdan
- An Entertainment Tonight featurette
- Through a conversation with CAA
- Through a conversation with Selleck's publicist
- Through a premature press release by CBS promoting MAGNUM
- Through an article in THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER
- Through an article in VARIETY
8. On what date did RAIDERS' principle photography begin?
- May 23, 1980
- May 25, 1980
- June 7, 1980
- June 23, 1980
- July 6, 1980
9. Where did principle photography start?
ANSWER: B, La Rochelle, France
- In Hawaii
- In La Rochelle, France
- At Elstree Studios, England
- In Tunisia
- At Paramount Studios, Hollywood
- Outside Skywalker Ranch, Northern California
10. What year does the principle events of RAIDERS take place?
ANSWER: 193611. In what country does the film's story open?
ANSWER: Peru12. In which U.S. state was this sequence filmed?
ANSWER: HAWAII13. Harrison Ford expressed his initial problems in using a bullwhip, namely because he had once injured his wrist and therefore needed to regularly flex the wrist muscles with a weighted metal sphere. How did he injure his wrist?
ANSWER: D (Source: Taylor)
- In a car accident
- Falling off a horse while filming THE FRISCO KID
- He accidentally slammed it with a hammer while building a deck for Lauren Hutton
- He fell off a ladder while at Valerie Harper's house
- Falling off a motorcycle while filming HANOVER STREET
14. Name the Peruvian temple where the idol was held.
ANSWER: TEMPLE OF THE CHACHAPOYAN WARRIORS15. Name the indian tribe that guards the temple (and Belloq allies with).
ANSWER: THE HOVITOS16. Name the two Peruvian guides who betray Indy. (1 pt. only)
ANSWER: BARRANCA and SATIPO/STAPIDO17. Name Indy's predecessor whose corpse is found in the temple.
ANSWER: FORRESTAL18. We encounter Indy's archrival, Belloq. The novel lists which instance(s) where Belloq had previously "stolen" from Indy before the events of RAIDERS? (Must get all for 1 pt. only)
- Belloq plagiarized a paper on stratigraphy, winning the Archaeological Society Prize.
- Belloq had published a revolutionary description detailing the Guarni Indians in Portugal, based on information Indy had originally written in 1925.
- Belloq had found relics & artifacts regarding the Ark, intercepted by Abner Ravenwood in 1926.
- Belloq had excavated a dig in the Rub al Khali Desert of Saudi Arabia, where Indy was planning to work but got to too late in 1934.
- Belloq had excavated a dig outside of Accaba, Arabia, where Indy was planning to work but got too late in 1932.
19. What were the serial markings on the seaplane?
ANSWER: OB-CPO20. What is Jock's LAST name?
ANSWER: LINDSEY21. What kind of snake does Jock have?
ANSWER: BOA CONSTRICTOR22. What's the snake's name?
ANSWER: REGGIE23. There is a MAJOR CONTINUITY ERROR between the LAST CRUSADE novel & script, and the RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK novel & script; it involves the name and location of the college and museum Indy works in. Undoubtedly, Indy's classroom -- featured in the first and third films -- is the same. But according to the original materials from RAIDERS, the name of Indy's college is completely different. What was it in the first film?
ANSWER: MARSHALL COLLEGE24. And, according to RAIDERS, which state was this college located in?
ANSWER: CONNECTICUT25. The novel and an early version of the script features a young woman flirting with Indy at his home just before Brody enters his house. This was originally designed to be filmed, but last minute changes prevented it. What was the first name of this girl?
ANSWER: SUSAN26. The RAIDERS novel also mentions the first name of a girl Indy almost married (NOT Marion) a long time ago. What was this girl's name?
ANSWER: RITA27. Where does Indy eventually hope to find the Idol after losing it to Belloq?
ANSWER: MARRAKESH28. How much money does he think he'll need to get it back?
ANSWER: $2,00029. As Indy sleeps in a seaplane bound for Asia, a Nazi reading a magazine spies on him. Who played this role?
ANSWER: DENNIS MUREN30. According to the original RAIDERS storyline (film script; novel), in what year did Abner die?
ANSWER: 1934; Two years before the events of RAIDERS.31. Indy had Abner as a teacher at what University?
ANSWER: The University of Chicago32. How did Abner die?
ANSWER: AVALANCHE33. According to the RAIDERS script and novel, how old (young) was Marion when she and Indy first had a relationship?
ANSWER: FIFTEEN34. What was the name of Marion's bar in Nepal?
ANSWER: THE RAVEN BAR, or simply THE RAVEN35. In what TOWN was this bar located, according to the story? (Yes, there's an actual NAME.)
ANSWER: PATAN, in Nepal.36. How did Marion "inherit" the bar?
ANSWER: She worked in the bar whose owner went insane. As they carried him out, he shouted that the bar was hers.37. What was the name of Marion's assistant?
ANSWER: MOHAN38. How much money does Indy offer Marion for the Medallion of Ra?
ANSWER: $5,00039. Name the Chinese character in the novel (and early draft of the script) who helped Indy by tracking down Ravenwood's location and supplying transportation.
ANSWER: LIN-SU or BUZZ KEHOE. (I asked for a name in both the novel and early script. The answer I was looking for was LIN-SU, but because an older version of the script not novel has the name BUZZ KEHOE, I was willing to accept that, too.)40. What favor had Indy done for this person years before to earn his help? (1 only)
- He saved him from the bombing of Shanghai
- He lied to immigrant officials by saying the man was working at his museum
- He helped him obtain a U.S. Visa for scientific research
- He helped him obtain a U.S. Green card for archaeological research
41. Karen Allen won a major theatre award for her performance in a stage play inspired by the life of Helen Keller. What was the name of this play?
ANSWER: THE MONDAY AFTER THE MIRACLE42. Before Karen Allen answered a nationwide casting call for the role of Marion Ravenwood, which high-profile actress(es) was (were) originally offered the part but turned it down? (Must get all answers, worth 1 pt. only)
ANSWERS: D and G; Winger & Hershey.
43. What was the name of the city (actual location in 1980, NOT according to the film's 1936 plot) where Sallah's balcony was filmed?
ANSWER: SALLAH MOHAMMED FAISEL EL-KAHIR45. What is the name of Sallah's wife? (As far as I know, he only had one.)
ANSWER: FAYAH46. How many children do they have?
ANSWER: NINE47. Sallah seems to have a strong liking for singing sea shanties during the movie. Of these listed below, which have written the songs/scores for his songs?
ANSWER: C: Gilbert and Sullivan
- Rogers and Hammerstein
- Robbins/Bernstein
- Gilbert/Sullivan
48. What is the name of the old arab astrologer Sallah takes Indy to, to have the headpiece translated?
ANSWER: IMAM49. What is the name of this astrologer's young assistant (the one who gave Indy the dates)?
ANSWER: ABU50. How many Kadams high does the front side of the headpiece say the staff of Ra is?
ANSWER: SIX51. How many inches is this, based upon Sallah's approximation?
ANSWER: 72 inches (six feet)52. When flipping the meddallion over, we learn that the height has changed. What is it after all, according to all the markings?
ANSWER: FIVE KADAMS, or 60 INCHES/FIVE FEET.53. When we finally see the Map Room sequence, Harrison Ford carries the staff with him. Do the markings' instructions corroborate with the staff Indy uses?
ANSWER: B: The staff is much taller than Ford (six-foot two) is; a probable film flub.
- Yes
- No, the staff is too tall.
- No, the staff is too short.
54. There's a character mentioned in the film who WE NEVER SEE...some guy named OMAR, Sallah's friend. What thing does Omar own that helps Indy's cause? (No, not a shovel to dig with.)
ANSWER: OMAR OWNS A GARAGE that Indy uses to drive the truck into to escape the Germans.55. What was the actual pet name of the little monkey featured in RAIDERS?
ANSWER: SNUFF (!)56. What is Belloq's FIRST NAME?
ANSWER: RENE57. According to the RAIDERS novel and script, what is Toht's FIRST name?
ANSWER: ARNOLD58. According to Marvel Comic's THE FURTHER ADVENTURES OF INDIANA JONES series, what is Toht's FIRST name?
ANSWER: ERNST (One storyline concerned Toht's siter, Ilsa, seeking revenge for her brother's death. And the writers referred to him as Ernst Toht.)59. What is the name of Dietrich's (Wolf Kahler) personal aide?
ANSWER: GOBLER60. The actor who PLAYED Dietrich's aide was also the LEAD villian in what Spielberg-produced film?
ANSWER: YOUNG SHERLOCK HOLMES61. In an early draft of the script for RAIDERS, Toht was designed to have a special mechanical arm that could fire bullets. What legendary film character served as the inspiration for this initial idea?
ANSWER: DR. STRANGELOVE62. During the filming of the Well of the Souls sequence in England, the daughter of a WORLD REKNOWNED DIRECTOR was horrified at the alleged "bad treatment" of the snakes. After her telling dad about this incident, the director was quoted as saying, "Steve's a jerk." (The RAIDERS crew quickly improved the conditions for the snakes afterwards.) Who was this legendary director?
63. Elstree Studios was where the "Well of Souls" set was built. It occupied a specific stage where, immediately before RAIDERS, another famous movie set had been. Name the film.
ANSWER: THE SHINING64. Name Harrison Ford's stunt double who held on to the Jackal statue as it fell.
ANSWER: MARTIN GRACE65. For a close-up shot of a snake almost biting Marion's leg in the Well of Souls, a stand-in was used for Karen Allen. What was the name of this person?
ANSWER: STEVE EDGE66. Poor Karen Allen never got a break. Even after the wretched filming with all those damn snakes, she still had to put up with Steven Spielberg's pranks. What horrible thing did her do to her that was well known, in regards to this sequence?
- He arranged for the crew to leave her stranded for one minute alone with the snakes
- He placed a rubber snake in her dressing room toilet
- He put a rubber snake down her back
- He put a real snake down her back
- He said that the snake venom serum was out of date right before doing the first take
67. As Indy and Marion leave the Well of Souls, we see an Arab lying down next to the exposed part of the structure. Why is he there unconscious?
ANSWER: D: Superstitious of the spirits potentially disturbed, HE FAINTED as Indy began to push the stone from the inside out. This was cut.
- One of the Nazi guards knocked him unconscious for defiance of an order
- The stone Indy pushed accidentally hit him on the head
- He was sleeping in the hot sun
- He fainted when seeing the stone moving
- In a cut scene, Indy had knocked the Arab unconscious so he wouldn't reveal their escape
68. According to THE MAKING OF RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, what was the approximate budget spent on The Flying Wing *prop*?
ANSWER: D: About $60,000
- $10,000
- $20,000
- $40,000
- $60,000
- $80,000
- $100,000
- $120,000
69. Producer Frank Marshall has a small cameo in the film. Who does he play?
ANSWER: The PILOT of the Flying Wing.70. According to Taylor's MAKING OF RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, a freak accident almost happened during the filming of the truck sequence. Terry Leonard was driving the truck when an 11 year old Arab boy ran in front. Fortunately the boy was fine, but everyone was genuinely shaken by the experience. As gifts, the crew gave the boy's family some money for a trust, bought some toys, and gave the boy another nice big gift specifically from England. What was it?
- A bicycle
- A skateboard
- A movie projector
- A television
- A stereo
71. RAIDERS' truck chase is one of the most celebrated pieces of stuntwork and action in the film -- if not in FILMS. Therefore, some due attention should be placed on the director of this sequence, which required Spielberg to establish a second unit while he filmed in England. Who directed this 8 minute sequence?
ANSWER: MICHAEL "MICKEY" MOORE72. What is the serial number on the top of the sub?
ANSWER: 2673. Where was the Nazi sub base sequence filmed?
ANSWER: La Rochelle, France.74. What was the NAME of the sub itself?
ANSWER: The Wurrfler75. What is Captain Katanga's FIRST NAME?
ANSWER: SIMON76. What film previously featured this sub?
ANSWER: DAS BOOT (THE BOAT)77. Ironically, the celebrated director of that film and Harrison Ford would team up together years later to work on another blockbuster. Name this German director.
ANSWER: WOLFGANG PETERSEN78. In the FILM, what is the serial number placed on the wooden crate for the Ark at the end of the film?
ANSWER: #990676379. What classic film does this finale -- the biggest prize being lost amid an endless corridor of crated junk -- pay homage to?
ANSWER: CITIZEN KANE80. The film's wrap parties in Tunisia were, according to Derek Taylor, organized by "Dr. Frank Fantasy". Who really was this person?
ANSWER: FRANK MARSHALL, the producer81. Both Karen Allen and John Rhys-Davies reprised their RAIDERS roles for a television special. What was this special?
ANSWER: A HALF-HOUR PROMO FOR THE FORBIDDEN EYE RIDE AT DISNEYLAND. (This preceded a showing of LAST CRUSADE on CBS some years ago.)82. Allen and Rhys-Davies also worked together (though not appearing at the same time) for a computer game. What was it?
ANSWER: RIPPER83. Name BOTH ACTORS who play more than one CREDITED role (not stuntmen or extras) in RAIDERS. (two answers required, worth 1 pt. only)
ANSWERS: VIC TABLIAN and PAT ROACH (VIC played two credited roles: BARRANCA, the evil guide Indy whipped in the Peru intro after he tried to shoot him, and THE MONKEY MAN. PAT played two credited roles: the GIANT SHERPA, wrestled Indy in the Raven Bar, and the FIRST MECHANIC, the big, brawny guy Indy wrestled with in the plane sequence.)84. The late Derek Taylor wrote "The Making of Raiders of the Lost Ark." Taylor was well-known for being a longtime publicist to a European rock group. What was this rock group?
ANSWER: THE BEATLES85. Late actor Denholm Elliott, a longtime film and theater veteran, was nominated for an Oscar for his performance in what film from the 1980's?
ANSWER: A ROOM WITH A VIEW.86. Name the artist (FIRST & LAST NAME) who did the American teaser, videocassette/1982 rerelease poster art for RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK.
ANSWER: RICHARD AMSEL87. Very recently, The American Film Institute selected RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK as being one of the top 100 films made in America. What place did it rank, out of 100?
ANSWER: #6088. "Every time I am up there I feel scared," said one person of the production, referring to a high-crane camera. "I would rather be down among the snakes." Who said this?
ANSWER: STEVEN SPIELBERG89. Paul Freeman (Belloq) said once that his attraction to the RAIDERS script was from a specific thing: "Any film with THAT in it can't be all bad." What was he referring to?
- Nazis' faces exploding and melting
- A hero who brandishes a bullwhip
- A monkey giving a Nazi salute
- A "villain who finally is both suave...and French"
- An "incredible truck chase"
- All of the above.
90. Someone once daringly said (according to Baxter), "Steven (Spielberg) and I are not the best of friends. He looks at actors as part of the scenery." Who said this?
ANSWER: B: KAREN ALLEN (as quoted by Baxter).
91. "Stunt work to me is memories, friends, and eight-by-tens." Who said this?
ANSWER: Stunt man Terry Leonard92. "I don't know what George is...I mean, I know him pretty well, what his talents are, but I don't know how he manages to do what he does..." Who said this, according to Taylor?
ANSWER: A: Harrison Ford (Source: Taylor)
93. In the early stages of the Indiana Jones character development, Spielberg, Lucas, and Kasdan considered making Indy which of the following (Must get all for 1 pt. only):
ANSWER: ALL A through D.
- A womanizer
- An alcoholic
- A James Bond-like figure
- A scientist deeply obsessed with his work
Part II: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
94. In what year does TEMPLE take place?
ANSWER: 193595. What is the name of the dance club Indy goes to?
ANSWER: CLUB OBI WAN96. What American broadway tune does Willie Scott sing (in Chinese)?
ANSWER: ANYTHING GOES97. What was the name of Indy's assistant, disguised as a waiter?
ANSWER: WU HAN98. Lao Che, of course, is the villain. BUT CAN YOU NAME HIS TWO SONS? (1 pt. only)
ANSWER: KAO KAN & CHEN99. Whose remains (ashes) is Lao Che bargaining for?
ANSWER: NURHATCHI100. Which dynasty did this dead guy belong to?
ANSWER: MANCHU DYNASTY101. Short Round wears a baseball cap for which team?
ANSWER: THE NY YANKEES102. How did Short Round make a living before meeting Indy?
ANSWER: THIEF/PICKPOCKET103. How old was Shorty when his parents were killed?
ANSWER: FOUR104. When Indy and crew arrive at the airport, name the character who greets them.
ANSWER: WEBER105. Which famous actor/comedian played this cameo role?
ANSWER: DAN ACKROYD106. Which of these following concepts/ideas used in TEMPLE OF DOOM was NOT originally designed for RAIDERS in initial script drafts?
ANSWER: B. Monkey brains dinner
- A shootout with the Chinese Mafia
- A gross-out dinner involving chilled monkey brains
- Indy using an inflatable raft to escape an airplane
- A huge mine-cart chase
107. Name the city that Indy and Co. are ORIGINALLY SUPPOSED to fly to before their plane is ambushed. (It's NOT in America.)
ANSWER: SIAM108. What U.S. State is Willie originally from?
ANSWER: MISSOURI109. How were Shorty's parents killed?
ANSWER: IN THE JAPANESE BOMBING OF SHANGHI110. What KIND OF CAR is Shorty driving to escape with? (Make of car; don't worry about the year.)
ANSWER: DEUSENBERG111. The SANKARA stones are the object of pursuit in this adventure. What do the "rings" on the stones represent?
ANSWER: THE UNIVERSE112. How many stones have been recovered by the time TEMPLE takes place?
ANSWER: FIVE114. Which Hindu god had given Sankara the stones to combat evil?
ANSWER: SHIVA115. What NAME does the shaman call the village's lost Sankara stone?
ANSWER: SIVALINGA116. The shaman's village is located near the _____________ hills.
ANSWER: MAYAPORE117. How does Indy say "thank you" to the villagers?
ANSWER: ESTUDAY118. Who (deity) does the shaman think was responsible for making Indy and Co. fall from the sky?
ANSWER: KRISHNA or SHIVA (Various sources credit both SHIVA and KRISHNA, so I accepted both as correct.)119. What is the villagers' word for "children"?
ANSWER: LAMAI120. Before he decides to head off to the Palace, where (travel destination) does Indy originally want to go? (The answer is NOT back to America or his university.)
ANSWER: NEW DELHI (DELHI also accepted)121. What is the name of the Palace?
ANSWER: PANKOT122. Who first greets our heroes at the palace? (Character's name)
ANSWER: CHATTAR LAL123. The ACTOR who played this character had a major role in which Best Picture Oscar-winning film?
ANSWER: GANDHI124. What's the name of the British cavalry captain, visiting the Palace?
ANSWER: CAPTAIN BLUMBURT125. The ACTOR who played this British captain had a memorable role in which legendary horror film from the 1980's?
ANSWER: THE SHINING126. The THUGGEE CULT are the bad guys in this outing. Name the feature film that previously featured the Thuggees as the central bad guys along with a famous rock group.
ANSWER: HELP!127. Which evil God do the Thuggees worship?
ANSWER: KALI128. What natural element is the known cure for a victim of "The Black Sleep"?
ANSWER: FIRE/FLAME129. Which mine tunnel route are the heroes SUPPOSED to take to get out?
ANSWER: LEFT130. What event during filming delayed the production over six weeks?
ANSWER: HARRISON FORD'S BACK INJURY131. What specifically CAUSED this problem to occur?
ANSWER: INDUCED BY LONG HOURS RIDING ON AN ELEPHANT, or simply "elephant"132. How many Oscars did TEMPLE OF DOOM win?
ANSWER: ONE -- for its VISUAL EFFECTS133. The screenplay writers for this film also penned which 80's MEGAFLOP?
ANSWER: HOWARD THE DUCK...quack. or BEST DEFENSE (The obvious answer I was looking for was HOWARD THE DUCK. But there was also another movie flop, though not as notorious, called BEST DEFENSE, so I accepted this as well.)134. What was the ORIGINAL title for "INDIANA JONES and the Temple of Doom"?
ANSWER: INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DEATH135. What movie system rating did this film eventually bring about, but didn't actually receive?
ANSWER: PG-13136. What other Spielberg-produced film did Kee Huy Quan star in?
Part III: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
137. At what year does the film open?
ANSWER: 1912138. What is the name of Indy's fat young friend?
ANSWER: HERMAN139. Name the actor who plays the "Fedora".
ANSWER: RICHARD YOUNG140. The location for the opening LAST CRUSADE shots was in "Monument Valley", immortalized in several film westerns by another celebrated American filmmaker. Who was this filmmaker?
ANSWER: JOHN FORD141. Where is the Jones family home during this sequence (name of state)?
ANSWER: UTAH142. What was the name of Indy's mother (first name only)?
ANSWER: ANNA143. Where was the mother born (name of state)?
ANSWER: VIRGINIA144. What year did she and Henry Sr. marry?
ANSWER: 1898145. What year did the mother die?
ANSWER: 1912146. How did she die?
ANSWER: SCARLETT FEVER147. What other film did Harrison Ford and River Pheonix star in together?
ANSWER: THE MOSQUITO COAST148. How does Indy get his scar?
ANSWER: MIS-USING A WHIP149. In real life, how did Harrison Ford get his scar?
ANSWER: IN A CAR ACCIDENT150. The "Cross of Coronado" is named after what 15th century explorer? (Full name)
ANSWER: FRANCISCO VASQUEZ DE CORONADO151. What was this original explorer looking for?
ANSWER: SEVEN CITIES OF GOLD152. What year does the rest of CRUSADE (with Harrison Ford) take place?
ANSWER: 1938153. How many years -- chronologically within the films -- have passed since the previous Indy adventure, and the events with Ford in LAST CRUSADE?
ANSWER: TWO YEARS154. How many years (within reality) had passed between the U.S. releases of the second and third films?
ANSWER: FIVE YEARS (1989-1984=5)155. List ALL the INDY films in their chronological order (in terms of storyline), from first to last.
INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE (1938 sequence)156. The story of LAST CRUSADE differs chronologically from Lucas' initial plans for the INDY series in 1981. Briefly explain how.
ANSWER: THE 2ND AND 3RD FILMS WERE SUPPOSED TO TAKE PLACE BEFORE THE EVENTS OF RAIDERS, or simply that RAIDERS WAS DESIGNED TO BE THE LAST ADVENTURE.157. What is the name of the actor who plays the American villian, Walter Donovan?
ANSWER: JULIAN GLOVER158. This actor (from #157) had a relative of his play a small cameo role in the film. Who was this relative?
ANSWER: "MRS. GLOVER", his WIFE.159. Who did this relative play?
ANSWER: MRS. DONOVAN, his wife.160. This actor (again, from #157) also starred opposite Charlton Heston and another, young SPIELBERG-alum in a television movie based on a classic novel. Who was this now up-and-coming young actor?
ANSWER: CHRISTIAN BALE (The movie was TREASURE ISLAND)161. In which Spielberg film did this young actor star, and have the leading role?
ANSWER: EMPIRE OF THE SUN162. The actor who played Walter Donovan seems to have an affinity for villains, having played bad guys in two other MAJOR film franchises. Name these two franchises. (Must get both for 1 pt. only):
ANSWER: The STAR WARS series and The JAMES BOND series163. Name the SPECIFIC FILM from each of these franchises in which this actor starred. (Must get both for 1 pt. only):
James Bond series: FOR YOUR EYES ONLY164. This actor was also a next-door neighbor in London to which INDY executive producer?
ANSWER: ROBERT WATTS (Source: Baxter)165. This executive producer had originally recommended the actor for which role in LAST CRUSADE?
ANSWER: VOGEL (Spielberg wanted Julian Glover to play Donovan instead.)166. Indy and Elsa meet KAZIM, one of the BROTHERS OF THE CRUCIFORM SWORD. But the actor who played Kazim was asked, years ago, to audition for ANOTHER role in a previous INDIANA JONES movie. What role was he asked to audition for?
ANSWER: SALLAH167. Why -- according to him -- did he probably not get the part?
ANSWER: HE GOT HELD UP IN TRAFFIC FOR THE AUDITION168. The first marker that Indy reads in Donovan's apartment is part of a large shield, broken in two. What were Donovan's men originally excavating for when they discovered this piece?
ANSWER: COPPER169. The grail was originally "Entrusted to Joseph of __________________."
ANSWER: ARIMATHAEA170. What subject does Henry Jones Sr. teach at an unnamed northeastern university? (More than "Grail lore")
ANSWER: MEDIEVAL LITERATURE/MEDIEVAL STUDIES171. What was this unnamed university?
ANSWER: PRINCETON UNIVERSITY172. Marcus Brody was also in the first INDY film. What is his exact position, in relation to the museum?
ANSWER: MUSEUM CURATOR, or DIRECTOR OF ANCIENT ANTIQUITIES173. What is the name of Indy's secretary?
ANSWER: IRENE174. According to the materials on INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE, at which college does Indy teach?
ANSWER: BARNETT COLLEGE175. And, according to LAST CRUSADE, which state was this college located in?
ANSWER: NEW YORK176. The actress who played ELSA SCHNEIDER also starred in another long-enduring and successful MAJOR film franchise, featuring yet another multi-world-saving hero. What film franchise was this?
ANSWER: The JAMES BOND series177. Name the specific film from this franchise/series in which she appeared.
ANSWER: A VIEW TO A KILL178. Henry mailed his Grail Diary to Indy, c/o his college address. On what STREET does the envelope list as where Indy's college is located?
ANSWER: Grove Avenue179. When the idea of using Sean Connery in the role of Indy's father came about, Harrison Ford said to the press that he had only one slight reservation (other than possibly being upstaged or having to share top billing). What was it?
ANSWER: CONNERY IS ONLY TWELVE YEARS OLDER THAN FORD, MAKING HIM A LITTLE TOO YOUNG TO PLAY HIS DAD; or simply, AGE.180. Henry made a map in his diaries, with detailed directions to the location of the grail. All he lacked was one thing: the name of the city. What was this city? (It's original name.)
ANSWER: ALEXANDRETTA181. What present city is built on its ruins?
ANSWER: ISKENDERUN182. What reason does Henry Sr. give to explain how he knew Elsa was a Nazi?
ANSWER: SHE TALKS IN HER SLEEP183. What is Indy's real name?
ANSWER: HENRY JONES, Jr.184. What specific object is featured on Elsa's lighter?
ANSWER: FOUR-LEAF CLOVER185. In the film, what are the serial numbers listed on the side of the bi-plane Indy & Henry use to escape?
ANSWER: DE-KVY186. Who was quoted as saying, "I can't play opposite someone called 'Doody' you know what that means?"
ANSWER: HARRISON FORD (As quoted by Baxter)187-198. (TWELVE POINTS TOTAL.) According to LAST CRUSADE's telling of the legend, there are six degrees or levels of awareness in the Grail quest -- each degree is represented by an animal. Name ALL the animals (SIX POINTS), and what they each represent (SIX POINTS).
EAGLE -- LAST LEVEL, THE POWER & KNOWLEDGE OF THE QUEST.199. What is "the name of God"? (No, you don't need to worry about spelling or the Latin alphabet.)
ANSWER: JEHOVAH, or IEHOVAH200. "The _________ man will pass...the _________ man will pass..." (One answer; same word.)
ANSWER: PENITENT201. According to Henry's cryptic diary, the three grail challenges he describes to Indy on the Zepplin are (must get all for 1 pt. only):
"First, the __________ of God..."
"...second, the __________ of God..."
"...third, the _________ of God..."
ANSWER: BREATH...WORD...PATH.202. In the FILM, what was the make of car that Donovan gives to the sultan?
ANSWER: ROLLS ROYCE PHANTOM II203. In the NOVEL, what was the make of this car?
ANSWER: DAIMLER-BENZ 320L204. Finish this old University Club Toast: "Genius of the Restoration..."
ANSWER: "...AID OUR OWN RESUSCITATION!"205. That damn LATIN ALPHABET made Indy mistake one letter for another. He stepped on the wrong letter-stone and FELL INTO AN ENORMOUS CAVERN. But this was not the original BAD OUTCOME filmed during production; the "bottomless-cavern" image was added in post-production, because the first BAD OUTCOME didn't give the necessary chill to the audience. What THING (one word) was this original BAD OUTCOME?
ANSWER: TARANTULA/SPIDER206. What actual location was used as the lost city exterior for the CRUSADE finale? (One word; not ELSTREE)
ANSWER: PETRA207. The tank at the end of the film required the crew to reconstruct a replica of WHAT KIND of tank?
- Mark V German Tank
- Mark VI German Tank
- Mark VII German Tank
- G-7 Prussian
- G-7 Austrian
- Mark V Turkish Tank
- Mark VI Turkish Tank
- Mark VII Turkish Tank
208. In which conflict was the original tank used?
ANSWER: B: WWI (yup, most of these other multiple choices were fiction)
- Turkish/Arab front, 1934
- Zionist regime, 1934
- German-Russian front, 1916
209. How many of these tanks were built for this conflict?
- 8
- 80
- 800
- 8,000
210. When our heroes find the lost city, it seems pretty darn silly -- they just waltz on into the cavern! It's a small wonder why the "lost" city was lost for so long. But there was a filmed scene not included in the final cut which made this sequence more believeable and logical. What exactly happened? (Just a few words will do.)
Part IV: Miscellaneous Trivia
211. Which COMIC BOOK SERIES (actual issue title name) briefly "flashbacked" to the end moments of LAST CRUSADE, with Indy and Henry thinking about the Grail?
ANSWER: INDIANA JONES AND THE SPEAR OF DESTINY.212. Name the two comic-book companies which produced INDY titles in the United States (must get both for 1 pt. only)?
ANSWER: DARK HORSE COMICS and MARVEL COMICS213. What film beat out LAST CRUSADE for the 1989 U.S. domestic boxoffice?
ANSWER: BATMAN214. Give the FIRST & LAST name of the artist who made the LAST CRUSADE poster/video illustrations in America.
ANSWER: DREW STRUZAN215. What was the highest-grossing film of 1989 internationally?
ANSWER: INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE216. What do INDIANA's and WILLIE's names have in common, in terms of their origins? (Must get all for 1 pt. only):
ANSWER: A and C.
- They're both "professional names"
- They're both named after streets in San Francisco
- They're both named after the filmmakers' & screenwriters' pets
217. Who was Lucas' first choice for the role of Henry Jones, Senior -- when the character was still in a more "scholarly" stage?
- Orson Welles
- Charlton Heston
- Jimmy Stewart
- John Houseman
- Joseph Cotton
- Robert Mitchum
- Burt Lancaster
218-220. Three actors of the INDIANA JONES films also played the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES in major movies. Who were these actors? (3 pts.)
ANSWER: HARRISON FORD, RONALD LACEY, DAN ACKROYD221-223. What were the names of these three films? (3 pts.)
ANSWER: AIR FORCE ONE, THE ADVENTURES OF BUCKAROO BONZAI, MY FELLOW AMERICANS (respectively)224. Which of these characters from THE INDIANA JONES films reappeared in any of the issues of THE FURTHER ADVENTURES OF INDIANA JONES comic book series? (Must get them all for 1 pt. only):
ANSWERS: A (Indy), B (Marion), C (Marcus), D (Sallah), E (Katanga), F (Jock), H (Lao Che), J (Short Round).
- Indiana Jones
- Marion Ravenwood
- Marcus Brody
- Sallah
- Katanga
- Jock
- Mohan
- Lao Che
- Willie Scott
- Short Round
- Belloq
- Captain Blumbert
- Dr. Henry Jones, Sr.
- Elsa Schneider
- Donovan
- Fayah
225. Which of these characters from the INDY films have been featured in any of the DARK HORSE COMICS' Indiana Jones series (NOT including the YOUNG INDIANA JONES CHRONICLES)? (Must get them all for 1 pt. only):
ANSWERS: A (Henry) and G (Marcus)
Bonus Questions:
226. A reoccurring villain in TFAOIJ series was Toht's SISTER. What was her first name?
ANSWER: ILSA227. Who designed Indy's fedora?
ANSWER: HERBERT JOHNSON or DOBBS and SWALES (This bonus question I was really lenient with. I was looking for HERBERT JOHNSON, but some sources also credit FRED DOBBS and RICHARD SWALES, so I accepted those, too.)
Tie-Breaker Questions
Round 1:
1. Name the composer who beat John Williams' RAIDERS score for the Oscar, and the film he won it for (1 pt. only).
ANSWER: Vangelis with Chariots of Fire
2. Of the names listed below, four (4) worked as illustrators for RAIDERS' storyboards. Name all four (1 pt. only).
- Ed Verreaux
- Nilo Rodis-Jamero
- Douglas Slocombe
- Keith Short
- David Negron
- Joe Johnston
- Elliot Scott
- Bob McAllistair
- David Fincher
3. In RAIDERS, where was the "Flying Wing" sequence filmed?
- Elstree Studios
- Kairouan
- Sedada, Tozeur
- Arraybe, Tunisia
- Cairo
ANSWER: C. Sedada, Tozeur
4. According to Richard Edlund, what kind of camera was used to film RAIDERS' visual effects' shots? (Not to be confused with the composite print made from the initial print.)
- Vista Vision
- 65mm Panavision
- 35mm Panavision anamorphic
- CinemaScope
- 65mm Arriflex
- 35mm Arriflex anamorphic
ANSWER: A. Vista Vision (Source: Taylor)
5. According to Harrison Ford, what was his first professional job in construction as a carpenter?
- A patio deck for Sally Kellerman's house
- A patio deck for Valerie Harper's house
- An annex to Jack Lemmon's Californian living room
- A recording studio for Sergio Mendes' back yard
ANSWER: D. A recording studio for Sergio Mendes' back yard
Round 2:
1. Where did Spielberg and Lucas first meet?
- The New York Expo
- A Student film festival at USC
- A student film festival at UCLA
- The Chicago International Film Festival
- The Venice film festival
- At the premiere of THX 1138, Westwood, California
- At Universal Studios during Spielberg's post-production of DUEL
- A dinner film event with Francis Coppola
ANSWER: C. A student film festival at UCLA (Source: Lucas bio)
2. Lucas was the one who envisioned the character of Indiana Jones. But who introduced the notion of the Ark of the Covenant as the "engine of the story"?
- Steven Spielberg
- Robert Watts
- Frank Marshall
- Phillip Kaufman
- Marcia Lucas
- Franics Coppola
- Larry Kasdan
ANSWER: D. Phillip Kaufman (Source: Lucas bio)
3. In regards to RAIDERS, looking back, who said "Anybody who couldn't have fun doing that picture must have been dead for several years"?
- Spielberg
- Lucas
- Ford
- Kasdan
- Kaufman
- Allen
ANSWER: C. Ford (Source: Lucas bio)
4. Lucas served as an uncredited executive producer and backup "sponsor" for which of these acclaimed films, as a favor?
- The Right Stuff
- Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
- The Big Chill
- Body Heat
ANSWER: D. Body Heat
5. The Arab extras for the desert sequences earned:
- Five dinars a day
- Ten dinars a day
- Twenty dinars a day
- Fifty dinars a day
ANSWER: B. Ten dinars a day (Source: Taylor)
6. Name the hotel by the beach where Lucas told Spielberg about the idea for RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK.
ANSWER: The Mauna Kea Hotel (source: Taylor & Lucas bio)
Site Author: Micah Johnson Page Author: Adam McDaniel Created: August 29, 1999 Last modified: October 12, 1999 |