I'm not saying I agree either way, but...

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Posted by JuggleEwok from spider-tn051.proxy.aol.com on January 25, 2001 at 10:29:55:

In Reply to: My opinion posted by Indy Coil on January 25, 2001 at 00:29:41:

: 1: If they were secretly shooting an Indy movie anywhere between Episode 1 and now, we would have defintely heard about it. Hell, Lucas tries desperately to keep Episode 2 stuff under wraps but it leaks out, so an Indy movie would have been known about by now.

I think that goes back to the original theory of us not knowing about it. We all know they're filming Episode II. We DON'T know they're filming Indy IV.

: 2: Indy couldn't possibly ride again this summer, we would know about it by now. Take a look at the Mummy Returns, We saw the first trailers in early January and the thing doesn't come out 'till May!

Mummy Returns is a sequel to a recent movie. It may have been popular, but it is a new thing. Do they REALLY need months of advertising for a sequel to one of the most popular franchises of all time? Especially one that's still incredibly popular, despite not having a new one released for over a decade?

: 3: If filming started recently, then a 2003 release is most likely, 'cause it takes quite a few months to shoot the movie alone, about another 4-5 to edit the damn thing and put special FX in, Another 3-4 to to tease the consumer and have it be submitted to the ratings board, and finally, premier.

I guess that one just depends on when they supposedly filmed it. I'd love for Indy IV to come out this year, but I ain't holding my breath. There, a nice middle-of-the-road stance. :-p

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