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European Indy Novels |
Information on French and German Indy-related publications
courtesy of John P. LaRocque (qstar14@fanshawec.on.ca)
There are at least two original French language Indiana Jones bandes desinies (BD). BD's are oversized hardcover graphic albums. They are from Bagheera Editeur (Paris). It is written/drawn by the team of C. Moliterni and G. Alessandrini. I suspect that they are done in several European languages, most probably including Italian.
Upcoming graphic novels include:
- Indiana Jones et le Secret de la Pyramide (September 1993, 48 pages).
- Indiana Jones et la Citi de la Foudre (April 1994, 48 pages).
- Indiana Jones et le Grimoire Maudit
- Indiana Jones et les Bidouins de la Mer
I have eight Wolfgan Hohlbein Indy books. He is a very popular German-language science fiction/fantasy author, including young adult novels, and has written at least eight of them, all published by Goldmann. Goldmann also publishes German-language translations of the American novels (Rob MacGregor, movie adaptaions).
The last two are also available in a combined double-volume.
- Indiana Jones und das Erbe von Avalon - 1994
- (...Legacy of Avalon)
- Indiana Jones und das verschwundene Volk - 1991
- (...Lost People)
- Indiana Jones und das Schiff der Gvtter - 1990
- (...Ship of Gods)
- Indiana Jones und die Gefiederte Schlange - 1990
- (...Feathered Snake)
- Indiana Jones und das Gold von El Dorado - 1991
- (...Gold of El Dorado)
- Indiana Jones und das Labyrinth des Horus - 1993
- (...Labyrinth of Horus)
- Indiana Jones und das Schwert des Dschinghis Khan - 1991
- (...Sword of Genghis Khan)
- Indiana Jones und das Geheimnis der Osterinseln - 1992
- (...Secret of Easter Island)
The first ever release of a Indiana Jones paperback was the Raiders Of The Lost Arc release by Arcade (a Dutch printing and record company)
Information on Dutch Indy-related publications
courtesy of Wilco Barg (wbarg@writeme.com)
Since 1991 the Dutch printer A.W. Bruna Uitgevers bv have released almost all the titles of the Indiana Jones paperback series. Below is a list of all Dutch titles that have been released by this printer so far.
- James Kahn
- Indiana Jones en de tempel des doods
- Campbell Black
- Indiana Jones en de Verloren Ark
- Wolfgang Hohlbein
- Indiana Jones en de gevederde slang
- (...Feathered Snake)
- Indiana Jones en het godenschip
- (...Ship of Gods)
- Indiana Jones en het zwaard van Djengis Kahn
- (...Sword of Genghis Khan)
- Indiana Jones en het verloren volk
- (...Lost People)
- Indiana Jones en het goud van El Dorado
- (...Gold of El Dorado)
- Indiana Jones en het geheim van Paaseiland
- (...Secret of Easter Island)
- Indiana Jones en het labyrint van Horus
- (...Labyrinth of Horus)
- Indiana Jones en de erfenis van Avalon
- (...Legacy of Avalon)
- Rob MacGregor
- Indiana Jones en de laatste kruistocht
- ( ...and the Last Crusade)
- Indiana Jones en de Dans der Giganten
- ( ...and the Dance of the Giants )
- Indiana Jones en de zeven sluiers
- ( ...and the Seven Veils )
- Indiana Jones en de Binnenwereld
- ( ...and the Interior World )
- Indiana Jones en het orakel van Delphi
- ( ...and the Peril of Delphi )
- Indiana Jones en de Zondvloed van Genesis
- ( ...and the Genesis Deluge )
- Indiana Jones en de erfenis van de Eenhoorn
- ( ...and the Unicorn's Legacy)
- Martin Caidin
- Indiana Jones en de luchtpiraten
- ( ...and the Sky Pirates )
- Indiana Jones en de Witte Heks
- ( ...and the White Witch )
- Max McCoy
- Indiana Jones en de steen van de filosoof
- ( ...and the Philosopher's Stone )
- Indiana Jones en de dinosauruseieren
- ( ...and the Dinosaur Eggs )
As you can see all movies and German (Hohlbein) paperbacks are enclosed. They started releasing the Rob MacGregor paperbacks in early 1994.
Beside those releases almost all the Young Indiana Jones TV series episodes have been released in paperback as well.
And last but not least a comics series was released during the eighties by printer Junior Press. The movies were released in a special movies series, which still runs. After that Junior Press released several comics . The titles are:
Indiana Jones: Filmspecials
- Raiders of the lost ark
- Indiana Jones en de tempel der vervloeking
- Indiana Jones en de laatste kruistocht
Indiana Jones: Uitgeverij JuniorPress
- De verdere avonturen van Indiana Jones
- Het oerkristal
Indiana Jones: Uitgeverij JuniorPress
- Intriges in een nachtclub/De vesting van de kristallen dood
- De gouden godin/De wieg van de duivel
- De vierde spijker/De dodelijke berg
- ?
The title of the fourth one is unknown or wasn't released ever. All are translated Marvel comics.
- Intrigue In A Nightclub / The Fortress of the Crystal Death
- The Gold Goddess / The Devil's Cradle
- The Fourth Nail / The Deathly Mountain
- ?
Site Author: Micah Johnson
Page Author: Micah Johnson
Created: July 11, 1997
Last modified: January 11, 1999