I have all Indy music now :o)

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Posted by JerryKing from n151.oswirus.krakow.pl ( on Friday, January 31, 2003 at 0:26am :

I just need to tell someone who will understand ;) - having found the complete score for "Raiders...", I finally have, I believe, all Indy-related music out there... all soundtracks that exist.

Raiders... - the original soundtrack
Raiders... - the complete score, 2 CDs
Temple... - the original Japanese soundtrack
Temple... - the complete score, 2 CDs
Crusade - the original soundtrack
Crusade - volume II, the unreleased themes
Crusade - - the complete score, 2 CDs
Crusade - the complete score, 2 CDs, alternate edition

Fate of Atlantis - remastered digital soundtrack, 2 CDs + my bonus soundtracks from "Last Crusade" (the adventure) and "Indy's Desktop Adventures"

Infernal Machine - digital soundtrack + bonus soundtrack from "Indy's Greatest Adventures"

And I even have the Young Indy soundtracks - while I will never consider this, uhh, _series_ to be a part of the Indy world, Joel McNeely did quite well.

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