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Posted by Rundquist from ( on Friday, May 02, 2003 at 3:52pm :

Non-gearheads should probably move along. There’s nothing to see here (at least this post). Anyway, lately I’ve been really thinking about the differences in the Herbert Johnson Indy movie hats. For many years I assumed that the HJ shop worked from pre-blocked hat bodies. It’s easy to see from where I derived this idea. The hats look so different in each movie. Even though the hats looked different from scene to scene in a particular movie, they looked really different from one another from film to film. The Raiders hat in particular was very different from the other two. One of its differentiating characteristics was that it seemed taller than the other two. It also “moved” different than the other two. It seemed less stiff. In most scenes it appeared more straight-blocked than in the other two movies (especially Temple of Doom). Most of these differences can be attributed to the thinner felt that was used for the Raiders hat. A friend of mine had two hats made recently that were blocked on the same hat block. The felts were the same (same manufacturer). The only difference in the two was that one was thinner than the other. The hat that that was made from the thicker felt came out marginally more tapered and marginally shorter than the thinner felt hat. This coupled with the differences in the way the thicker and thinner felts react to creasing in my opinion pretty much accounts for the differences in appearance of the movie hats. The felt used in Raiders was definitely thinner than the other two. The felts used for the TOD & LC hats were probably different from one another as well. The defining characteristic that most people think of when they think about the TOD hat is a tapered crown. The mean “TOD taper” was not present in all the scenes. The hat used for the rope bride sequence is as straight as anything. I believe that the TOD felt was prone to shrinkage, which caused the hat to taper. There are a few obvious exceptions to this. The hat in the Ford Tri-motor scene looks like a straight-up Stetson. A friend of mine (Lee Keppler) also pointed out that the TOD hat had a wider brim than say, the LC hat (the TOD & LC hats are the most alike). This wider brim adds to the feeling of taper. The crown of the LC hat (in most scenes) is not that different looking from that of the TOD hat. The LC’s extremely short-sided brim is its saving grace. It made the LC’s crown appear taller than the TOD’s, which it really wasn’t. The Raider’s hat’s crown was only negligibly taller than the other two for that matter. Look at the pick of Vic Armstrong (in the mine car). The hat that he’s wearing is from Raiders. In the Making of Raiders video, Terry Leonard’s hat doesn’t look as tall as Ford’s either. IT Makes me wonder if Ford wore the fabled Christies of London hat throughout the whole frikin’ movie (grin). Cheers

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