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Posted by Shot Round from 1Cust211.tnt4.fort-lauderdale.fl.da.uu.net on September 23, 1999 at 15:35:38:
Chapter 2
Indy backed up and sneaked one of the bullwhips from the stand into his hand. He then lashed it out at one of the gun wielding goons, hoping to at least throw a few off. A swordsman went for Brett! Brett kept on backing up as the goon came at him, closer and closer. He was cornered to one of the stands. The swordsman went for Brett, which Brett dodged. He went again for Brett and his sword got stuck in the stand! Brett kneed him in the stomach, then in the face and gave him one huge slug in the face! He fell to the ground instantly. Indy lashed his whip at one of the sword wieldersí wrists! The sword flew out as Indy yanked on it, making the sword fly into one of the others. The man started to run. One of the guys with the machine guns started to fire! Indy jumped and grabbed Meg as bullets pierced the stands near them!
ìStay here!î Indy barked.
Indy took out his 9 MM Beretta. Using the stand as a shield he shot a couple goons, then had to reload. As he was reloading, one of the men with the guns started to sneak up behind the stand.
Brett ran as two swordsman chased him. He came to a stand with wheels. Grabbing the stand, he shoved it at them who got nastily crushed by it. He ran and grabbed one of their swords.
The gunman held his machine gun by the barrel and held it up like a baseball bat to startle Indy and Meg as he hit them. Meg turned around to see him holding it up! Instantly Meg grabbed it as he swung it down on them! She pulled the trigger which made the guy fly back as he got punctured with bullets! Indy looked back surprisingly at Meg. Meg started to shoot at the goons and got each of them! Reinforcements started to march in.
Brett fought a few of the goons with swords. He easily dodged and sliced them! He used the dodge and slice pattern which worked each time. Then from behind the butt of a gun knocked him off his feet, face first onto the ground. His sword flew a few feet away from him. As he turned around he seen on of the goons staring down unto him.
James and Shorty ran as fast as they could from the goons after climbing the alley wall. They dodged people as they moved their way through the market place. They noticed an open door to a building and quickly ran to it. The swordsmen ran quickly after them. They found a flight of stairs and ran up them to the roof. They started to jump from building to buildingñthe swordsmen not too far behind. They jumped up to a higher building which wasnít too close to the others. The swordsmen jumped up to the same building. One of them lunged at James who sidestepped, making the guy trip and fall off the roofña nasty sight. The other went for a head chop at Shorty who ducked and tackled the guy to the floor. He stood on his knees on top of the goon and gave him to slugs in the face then a huge backhand. He got up off the guy.
ìBuddy,î James spoke out. ìAre you ok?î
ìNever better,î Shorty replied. ìYou?
ìTerrific!î James replied.
Down below the reinforcements shoved Brett in the middle of the plaza, and threatened as Meg and Indy were still behind the stand.
ìCome out of there!î The lead goon said. ìYou have no choice! Youíre surrounded! Give up and your friend wonít get it!î
Meg and Indy threw their weapons out and stepped out from behind the stand.
Up on the roof, James and Shorty looked down to see the crowd run as Brett, Indy, and Meg were being held captive by the goons. Shorty looked back at the sword on the floor and grinned. He ran to the body and took one of the swords and then grabbed one of the machine guns strapped on the guy.
ìJames, take this machine gun. I got an idea!î Shorty said.
ìCome out!î The lead goon commanded. ìYou cannot hide forever!î
Suddenly the image of Short Round swinging towards them appeared from above! Shorty was swinging on one of the welcoming committee banners that were hung from above. Clutching it with one arm around it and clutching the sword in the other hand, Shorty flew down like something you would see Batman do! Suddenly reaching near the ground, he rammed into a few goons and chopped through a few with the sword! Jumping to ground he slay any of the attackers that came near him! He noticed one was coming from behind and one from ahead! Shorty ducked as the first one chopped and as his sword followed through hitting the other attacker. Shorty kicked him in the groin as hard as he could, making the goon fly back into one of the stands! Suddenly, one of the gunmen started to rapidly fire at Shorty! The bullets riveted the ground around Shorty and whizzed right past him! Shorty jumped as fast as he could behind one of the stands as bullets pierced it as much as the ground!
Suddenly from above, James came down on the other banner, the machine gun in one hand as he put his arm around the banner. He shot rapidly with the machine gun and picked off one guard after another. Meg, Brett, and Indy jumped to the ground before-hand. As he reached the ground he jumped behind one of the stands across from the one Shorty was hiding behind! As he fired he picked off lesser guards than before as some went to hide behind crates, stands, and horse carriages! James then realized he had no more ammo left! Brett, Indy, and Meg were behind the crates as well.
ìCome out!î The leader goon commanded James and Shorty. ìYou canít win!î
James looked at Shorty who was in the other stand across the street. James had no more bullets and the rest were armed. He wasnít going to get out of this one! Neither were the rest!
Suddenly he heard rapid gunfire! He closed his eyes tight as bullets rapidly pierced the street and the stands! Silence. James attempted a peak from behind the stand. As he looked he seen all the men sprawled on the floor. He then noticed a jeep with a person at the wheel and another person standing up with a machine gun aimed and ready. The machine gun wielding man hopped out of the jeepñBen (friend of Indy)!
ìBen!î James yelled as he got out of his hiding place. ìAm I glad to see you!î
ìAnd Iím also glad to see you too,î Ben said. ìAlive that is.î
They both started to chuckle.
- - -
On the planeÖ
ìÖSo I heard on the CB some radio waves about sending reinforcements to the square.î Ben said. ìSo I knew it had to be an ambush. You guys always get yourselves in trouble so I thought it was you and I had to assist. I was right.î
ìWell thanks for coming for us back there.î Shorty said. ìI wouldnít have lasted much longer. And I been wondering something. Did you beat Boc in Jedi Knight yet?î
Everyone started to laugh.
ìYeah Shorty.î Ben replied. ìExcept fighting against a guy who jumps too much and has two lightsabers is hard to beat. Wouldnít you think?î
ìHeck yeah!î Shorty started to chuckle.
The plane ride wasnít as long since they slept through the whole thing. It was some dayÖ
- - -
ìThese guys came out of nowhere so me and James ran as fast as we could!î Shorty started. ìWe came to a dead end at an alley. We jumped over the wall and they followed. Then it was a pursuit of jumping from building to building. I felt like King Kong! Then we kicked the crap out of them! We then swung on the banners down to the marketplace below and kicked some ass! After that, Ben arrived and toasted the rest of ëem. It was a cool experience but in a way a scary one also.î
General Michaelson paced the room.
ìAll your stories were the same.î He announced to everyone in the room.
ìThe insignias on them,î Meg started. ìAnd their guns. Those were matching the insignias and weapons used by the Dark World Order!î
ìThatís right!î James said. ìIím an ex-Dark World Order agent! I should know.î
ìWell that is enough evidence that proves it.î Micah said.
ìSee Brett!î Shorty spoke up. ìI told you! It was the DWO freaks who raided us!î
ìI see.î Said Brett.
ìSo where do we go with this?î James asked.
ìWe donít exactly have enough evidence.î Michaelson declared. ìWe need solid evidence that proves those were the marks of the Dark World Order. Iím afraid we will have to play it by ear.î
They all nodded in agreement.
- - -
Aragorn, James, and Short Round woke up in a dark room. They could see each other yet nothing else beyond. Their heads were throbbing with pain. The room illuminated with light and they found out they they were actually in a transparent dome! The outside was still darkness.
ìYou will join meÖî a voice said throughout the room. ìI am your master and you will come to me!î
Aragorn tried to speak yet nothing came out. His hand started to absorb much pain! As he looked at his hand it started to disappear! It went down his arm!
ìWhatís going on here?î Shorty blurted out.
Shorty felt a pain in his neck from within! He couldnít breath.
James felt his face as it felt like an acid of some sort spread on it!
ìAAAAHHHHHHHHH!î He yelled in agony.
A wicked laugh echoed throughoutñ
ìAAAHHHH!î Aragorn, James, and Shorty woke up. They were in separate rooms, yet their yells echoed through the whole hallway. From Aragornís all the way to Shorties.
Aragorn looked at his hand. It was ok.
Getting up, James went to the rest room.
ìWhatís the matter?î A half awake Brett asked.
James didnít reply.
Looking in the mirror of the rest room, James noticed his face was ok.
Shorty felt his neck while still laying in bed. It felt ok. His throat wasnít sore or had any pain whatsoever.
- - -
In the DWO baseÖ
ìThe group had returned.î General Phaceon reported. ìThree quarters of them were destroyed by the Phoenix scum.î
ìThese are not regular fools we have here, Commander,î Sauron said. ìThese are professionally trained people! And they are gifted! You canít keep sending out your teams, they will now be on guard and it would be impossible to get them! Gandalf is still on their side. I will get them myself when the time comes. In the meanwhile I will still assist you yet you serve me still!î
ìVery well then,î Supreme Commander Spaltic replied. ìAnd by the way they still have in their possession, Theodinís Spearhead, Faramirís Ring, and Aragornís Sword. I donít believe you can get that by yourself, could you?î
Sauron stared menacingly at Spaltic.
ìCould you?î He asked.
ìNo I cannot, and you cannot either old man!î Spaltic replied. ìBut my team will. We are starting the attack on the Phoenix Group Air Force base. If youíd like to help us in this, be my guest.î
- - -
Later that dayÖ
In the gym, Brett held the punching bag as James jabbed it with huge impact like a professional heavy weight.
ìCome on James!î Brett exclaimed. ìTell me! I want to know.î
ìJust drop it, ok?î James replied. ìIt has nothing to do with you!î
ìAlright, donít get excited.î Brett defended.
Shorty and Aragorn came running to them.
ìWhat do you want?î James asked them while not even taking a glance at them.
ìJames!î Shorty said. ìMe and Aragorn had the same dream last night!î
ìWhat was it about?î James asked sarcastically as if he didnít know.
ìIt was some dark place and nasty things were happening. You were there also and then there was me and Aragorn. We were wondering if this was a triple dream.î
ìI admit it.î James said. ìI did have that dream. But itís weird thoughñWe have new attackers, and now this. Do you supposed this could be a sign?î
ìI donít know buddy,î Aragorn spoke up. ìBut this was similar to what happened to me and Shorty in the cave at Valinor. Sauron was up to it. You donít suppose Sauron could be up to this, do you?î
ìYou never know,î James replied. ìAnything can happen.î
ìOh guys,î Shorty started. ìI was wondering if we can go down to where the jets disappeared today and check it out. We might find some useful clues to this mystery if we can call it that.î
They both nodded a ìyesî
- - -
Goodsport walked the corridors of the Phoenix Group Air Force base. Having been put in command he was also away from his little buddy Short Round. By now Shorty was able to live alone and was also working for the Phoenix Group as an agent. Goodsport couldnít resign the part he was in now. His new life as a commander was a good life and he wanted to keep it like that. But he would still be able to visit Shorty. Those were the days. Goodsport was already thirty-two years old. Short Round was eighteen already. He missed him.
He felt a vibration suddenly below his feet! He felt it coming closer to where he was standing!
A voice in his head told him. Before he was able to jump he felt an invisible force push him off his feet! He flew down the corridor when a dome came through the floor right where he was standing! He got up and ran as fast as he could as a door to the small dome opened and troops started to run out of it in attack mode! He hit one of the alarms on the wall which got the whole place going in red alert and the alarm buzzing throughout! Phoenix troops went to where the dome was as more DWO troops came from it! The Phoenix troops werenít exactly winning the gun battle but they were holding them off for the time needed to evacuate.
Goodsport ran down one of the deserted corridors when suddenly in front of him another dome came from the ground! Goodsport flew back! Getting up he ran to the closest door, closed and locked it! He noticed that he ran into the janitorís room. He heard the stampede of footsteps as troops came from the little dome. He made his move. Running to the other side of the room he took the grate off the air conditioning vents and using a chair as a boost he climbed in.
Climbing halfway through, he heard the troops bash through where he was before and wreck the place! He came to another grating and looked down unto one of the roomsñ the troops ran out of it. Bashing the grate, he hopped into the room. Goodsport noticed he was in one of the mechanicís rooms with the engines and such. He heard troops coming in again! They pointed their guns at Goodsport who quickly put his hands up in surrender!
- - -
The jeep pulled up near one huge ditch.
ìWhoa!î Shorty exclaimed. ìThis is heavy duty! This is amazing!î
Aragorn, James, and Shorty got out of the jeep to survey the ditch.
ìBut I donít get it,î James started. ìThe map said this was where the computers last seen the jets before they disappeared. And look at this! No bomb could have made it neatly square like it is! And I doubt they dug it because there is no tracks of any tractors or anything!î
ìThis is nuts!î Shorty exclaimed.
ìGuys, look!î Aragorn pointed out.
Scraps of metal lay on the other side of the hole. Aragorn, James, and Shorty drove the jeep over there as fast as possible. Kneeling near the scrap metal, they noticed that it had the Phoenix group insignia!
ìI donít get it.î James exclaimed.
ìNeither one of us do.î Aragorn said. ìThereís more scrap metal laying around this place, letís go check it out.î
They walked to one of the big hulks of scrap metal.
ìThis one has a different insignia on it!î Shorty said.
ìItís the Dark World Order insignia!î James retorted. ìThis is enough evidence that proves it was them! Letís bring it back to the base!
- - -
ìThis is enough proof, General!î James said.
ìIt is.î Michaelson replied. ìYou were right. Theyíre at it again! Was there anything else you were able to pick up out there? This could be scrap metal of a jet from years ago!î
ìWell there was one with a Phoenix Group insignia also. So thatís the crash sight, you canít doubt that!î
Shorty said.
- - -
Goodsport was being shoved down the corridor of the moving DWO base. They let him on his knees in a big room.
ìSo Goodsport,î Spaltic said. ìI understand that you made commander huh? Commander to Commander talk is fine with me, ëSport. And there is someone you might recognize.î
Sauron stepped up near Goodsport.
ìSauron!î He gasped.
Chapter 3 is coming soon! Well see ya's, Shorty