Posted by Short Round from on October 10, 1999 at 13:26:40:
Chapter XIV
Michaelson and the gang ran down the corridor into a round room with doors covering half the room. Each door had a foot long window on the top. Jerico ran to it.
ìHey, this looks like something we could escape in!î Jerico spoke up. ìThese are probably one of those pods that they use to lower certain troops in or those escape pods like in the Star Wars movies.î
ìGood, but how are we going to get by the security system without them detecting and shooting us down like birds?î Michaelson asked.
ìWell canít we hot wire it?î Jerico asked. ìI know that kind of stuff.î
ìGo ahead Jerico, but donít break anything.î Michalson said.
After a few minutes, the pod rocketed from the bottom of the Hover Base.
ìHey, a pod got loose.î One of the bridge computer operators said. ìProbably a miss-fire Iíd guess.î
ìShoot it down.î The bridge commander said.
ìWhy?î The operator asked.
ìWe donít want any of our ëmerchandiseí to fly into enemies ëback yardsí now shoot it down!î The commander ordered.
ìAlright, alright, alright!î The operator defended.
He shot two times with the computer operated deck guns and missed. The third shot nailed the pod exactly. It blew up in a brilliant aura of flames!
ìThere, itís ëvapedí.î The operator spoke up.
ìGood,î The commander commented as he continued his stroll down the bridge.
- - -
ìJerico, we want to get in the pods first!î Michaelson barked. ìDonít launch them!î
ìAlright, take it easy I made a mistake, a miss-fire.î Jerico defended.
Michaelson restlessly sighed.
ìWell please donít make any more.î Michaelson said.
Everyone paced the room nervously.
Please donít make it self-destruct, itís all we need! Michaelson thought.
- - -
Indy and the gang walked across the plains, sweaty and beat.
ìIt didnít seam this long when we were running away from the base.î Shorty said.
ìI know, thatís because we were running, we slept and we started again.î Indy replied.
ìWell canít we rest right now?î Shorty whined.
ìI suppose.î Indy replied as he sat down.
Everyone sat down.
ìHey Brett, how did it feel to almost be fried to a crisp?î Shorty asked.
ìIt was scary.î Brett replied. ìI almost took a crap in my pants!î
Shorty chuckled.
ìBoth of us!î Alice spoke out.
ìSo I see it kind of sucked, huh?î Shorty replied.
ìYeah.î Brett said.
ìHa-ha!î Shorty chuckled. ìItís a good thing I wasnít in there with youís.î
ìHow would you like me to throw another Tolkien book up your nose?î Brett playfully threatened.
ìThe introduction I wouldnít mind.î Shorty laughed.
ìYeah, those were the days.î Brett said. ìBy the way, I never apologized for breaking your nose.î
ìOh, itís ok.î Shorty assured. ìYouíre talking five years. And itís not the first time.î
ìSo how far back to the base?î Jayne asked.
ìAs far as we can go without collapsing I guess.î Indy replied.
- - -
James and Aragorn wandered throughout the engine room. The engines hissed and roared, steam came out of pipes, pipes shook, the whole place rumbled. It was hot and clammy throughout. James put his hand on a pipe as he leaned on it and winced, grabbing his hand.
ìWhat-what is it hot?î Aragorn asked.
ìYeah, damn hot!î James replied as he clutched his hand.
ìGot to hate those burns.î Aragorn commented.
ìRightÖî James said.
The place suddenly lurched, making them fall to the ground.
ìWhoaÖ!î James exclaimed as he and Aragorn started to tumble down the engine room as the place leaned like a sinking ship!
James started to slide to a coal chute.
ìWhoa crap!î He exclaimed as he noticed he couldnít stop.
He clawed the ground and tried to stop his fall by putting his feet onto pipes which shook him off. Aragorn grabbed onto a lever that was on a computer console-like device. The lever went down, activating the melting pit. The place got hotter! James was close enough to Aragorn and grabbed his ankle as he was ten to fifteen feet above the furnace!
- - -
Jerico flew across the room and slammed into the door of one of the pods!
ìWhat did you do?î Goodsport angrily yelled.
ìI donít know!î Jerico replied. ìI must have activated something!î
ìThanks for letting us know, Einstein!î Michaelson commented.
They all tumbled around the room and grabbed onto anything which would hold and apparently didnít.
- - -
The cloning machine detached from the base! In Spalticís main room, they all watched in awe as hed disconnected itself and swayed away from the Base!
ìWhat is going on?î The General exclaimed.
ìThe cloning machine is detaching from the base.î Spaltic said.
ìI can see that Commander but first a pod miss fires and now this! I think it has something to do with that Phoenix scum! And Sauron, I donít think your clone disposed of them!î The General barked.
ìI will handle this!î Sauron replied.
- - -
All the crew on the bridge of the base flew into their computers and the deck commander flew across the bridge.
- - -
James climbed up Aragorn like a rope.
ìGo, go!î Aragorn exclaimed. ìI canít hold on that longer!ñì
Aragorn budged as one of the consoleís screws got loose.
ìWhoa!î Aragorn said as his sweaty fingers slipped from the lever!
He quickly grabbed for a pipe which burnt his hands!
ìAAAHHHH!î He yelled in agony as smoke arise from his hands!
He lost grip and fell! Jamesí feet wrapped around a pipe and now he held Aragorn! Aragornís head was only a few feet from the furnace. He could feel the heat more than ever!
ìAragorn!î James yelled from above. ìGive me your hand!î
Aragorn reached up and after a few minutes grabbed Jamesí wrist! James clutched Aragornís wrist and let go of his foot with the other hand.
ìGrab the lever on the console!î James yelled. ìIím losing grip!î
ìAlright!î Aragorn growled.
He climbed up James and used the pipe as a boost for his foot and leaped to the console! He successfully grabbed it was one hand and it budged slightly! He reached and grabbed with his other hand when it cracked! He fell passed James!
ìAragorn!î James yelled. The fog from the pipes covered Aragorn as he fell to the furnace!
ìNO!î James yelled on the top of his lungs which echoed throughout!