Posted by Senor Palomar aka Toht from on October 24, 1999 at 10:25:19:
I did order the "ARTIFACTS" thing from West End Games, but I still would like an original artifact. If anyone's got one they'd let me use, I'd like to know.
I want something in the category of IDOL, GEM, or AMULET. Basically, that covers most of everything, but I do not want big stuff like the ARK OF THE COVENANT or TOWER OF BABEL. I'd like something small Indy could haul around.
I'm thinking like the GOLDEN IDOL OF FERTILITY, PHILOSOPHER'S STONE, or SANKARA STONES. If you can help, great.
I'd also like some help with locations. I was thinking of Indy looking at some big ziggurats in the area where the Biblical "plain of shinar" was or even a mountain hallowed out over two thousand years as a temple, with a large lush valley growing inside that gets sunlight from tons of tiny holes invisible from the outside.
Senor Palomar aka Toht