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Posted by Short Round from 1Cust250.tnt7.fort-lauderdale.fl.da.uu.net on November 08, 1999 at 18:40:36:
Shorty lay on his bed in the hotel room. He called all the hotel's and motel's yet couldn't find a Lauren Jones. But that wasn't going to stop him from searching or enjoying this nice trip to London. He got up and put his jacket on. He stuffed the picture of Lauren in it before exiting out the door.
He was walking through the lobby when he passed a rack with pamphlets on them and grabbed one.
I hope to dine with some class tonight! He thought.
- - -
Anthony and Lauren walked along the street to a fancy restaurant.
"This is the best restaurant in London!" Anthony said.
"It sure looks it!" Lauren replied.
Lauren sat down immediatly at a table near the entrace near a giant window.
"Why don't we sit in the back?" Anthony asked.
"I feel more comfortable here." Lauren replied.
- - -
Shorty stepped up to a fancy restaurant
"They weren't kidding." He said to himself. "I hope they don't feed me any of that Eye Drop Soup here"!
He sat down at a table near the entrance in front of a window.
- - -
A car screeched around the corner.
- - -
ìLauren justñì
Anthony grabbed Lauren and jumped to the ground.
- - -
ìHuh?î Shorty exclaimed.
Shorty ducked to see what Lauren and Anthony were doing when suddenly the glass on the table blew up in millions of pieces as bulletís came through the window! Shorty jumped to the floor as fast as possible while more came through! A few bullets came through the wall inches from his face
ìNot very funny!î
- - -
ìHow did youñì A body suddenly came through the window on top of them, blood gushing out of the dead body as it landed on their table above them! More bulletís hit people around them while some ducked and avoided the bullets.
ìStay here!î Anthony got up wielding a hand gun.
ìAnthony, wait!î Lauren yelled.
Anthony ran to the sidewalk and fired at the car which only hit the windowís that were bullet proof!
- - -
Shorty sprang up from where he was as fast as when he was in World War II! He jumped as pushed Anthony to the ground as a bullet grazed Shortyís arm where Anthonyís head would have been! Shorty lay on the floor clutching his wounded arm. Anthony got up and ran after the car when a oozy wielding man stuck out the window! Anthony aimed and fiercely fired at the man who got riveted with bullets and fell out the window onto the pavementñDead cold!
ìAnthony!î Lauren yelled running to him.
ìLauren come on!î
Anthony grabbed Lauren by the forearm and they ran as fast as possibly down the street the opposite way of the car. Shorty got up clutching his arm, and ran as fast as he could in his state where Lauren and Anthony went.
Lauren and Anthony ran to his flat. Shorty followed behind and sat on a bench near the bus stop. He took off his jacket and grabbed a handkerchief from the pocket. He skillfully tied it to his arm with one hand, and with his teeth, he bit one end and with the other hand yanked both ways to tighten it. He put his jacket back on.
ìThere was something familiar about her!î He said to himself.
He took the picture of Lauren out of his jacket pocket and studied it through the street light.
ìIt was her!î
- - -
The phone in Short Roundís hotel rang and rang.
ìWhere is that kid?î Indy said at the airport, Michael and Eric behind him.
ìDad why donít we go to Shortyís hotel room?î Michael asked.
ìYou know, thatís a good idea.î Indy replied.
Eric and Michael exchanged glances. Outside they signaled for a taxi.
- - -
Lauren and Anthony sat on his couch exhausted.
ìNow tell me how you knew that was going to happen!î Lauren demanded.
ìWell IÖî
ìWait a minute! Isnít that why you wanted us to sit in the back?î
ìListen Lauren, my eldest brother and a buddy of ours are involved in the mafia!î
Lauren listened with great interest.
ìSee, the gang that we had a confrontation with was partners with my brother! My brother and a buddy of ours were smuggling heroin out of the country for the mafia when they were caught by the FBI. They escaped but the FBI had evidence since the bags of heroin had the mafiaís seal.î
ìSo why would they want you?î Lauren asked while still in shock.
ìI turned them in!î
Lauren gasped in surprise.
ìI had to!î Anthony continued. ìYes, it was my brother but I knew it was wrong and he did too so he had to pay for his crimes which apparently he didnít! It was supposed to be a punishment to him but it started out as a war. Iím sorry to have dragged you into this between it all Lauren but you were at the wrong place at the wrong time!î
- - -
Shorty stood outside across the street out of view from the flat. A car similar to the one involved in the drive by shooting pulled up to it! Four men got out of it and started for the door.
ìNot very good!î Shorty said to himself.
The men kicked open the door and stormed in! From across the street Shorty ran as fast as possible to the flat!
- - -
Lauren and Anthony snapped to attention as the men stormed in! Two men grabbed Anthony and one man grabbed Lauren. The guys holding Anthony brought him up over to the head gangster who slugged him in the stomach.
ìFinally we meet face to face.î The man said in a French accent. ìTake them out back and shoot themÖ Shoot them both.î
The three men moved them to the door.
ìGet your hands off me! Get your lousy hands off!î Lauren yelled.
As they reached the door, Shorty jumped in front of them! Hanging on the top of the door jam he swung and kicked both guys holding Anthony in the face making them fly off of him! He then punched the man square in the face holding Lauren. The head man took out his hand gun and aimed it at Shorty! Anthony snapped and tackled the head man to the floor! The three other men got up and back Shorty up to the wall! As Shorty went alongside the wall, he came near a foot rest near a chair which gave him an idea. He quickly kicked it toward the man in the middle which made him trip forward and fall flat on his face! The other two advanced towards Shorty who easily slid between them and jumped on the foot rest which the other guy was laying on! Shorty then did a front flip off of it and turned towards them again in a fighting stance!
Anthony and the head gangster rolled and wrestled on the floor for the gun! Anthony jammed the manís hand on the floor making him drop the gun! Anthony punched the man and went for the gun when the man then jumped on Anthony and put him in a headlock! He squeezed and squeezed making Anthonyís face turn red!
On the other side of the room Shorty easily fought the two men who were conscious unlike the other man, and skillfully blocked, kicked, punched, and dodged attacks!
Lauren turned toward both battles and noticed Anthony needed some big help! Lauren ran and grabbed a vase on the coffee table! She quickly slammed it against the main gangsters head making him knocked out instantly.
ìAre you ok?î Lauren asked.
ìIÖIÖ Hope so!î Anthony tried gasping out!
Shorty made the wrong move and got flipped on his back!
ìOof!î He grunted as the wind got knocked out of him!
The gangster then punched him square in the face!
ìWe need to save him!î Lauren exclaimed.
Lauren jumped and tackled the man to the floor! She kept on punching him continuously! Anthony then noticed the other goon was about to go for Lauren! Anthony sprung to action and got the gun on the floor, aimed it at the manís head and pulled the trigger ending his life! Anthony noticed the man who was leaning over the foot rest started to get up. Anthony shot him easily!
ìCome on letís get out of here!î he yelled.
He grabbed Lauren who was into beating the hell out of the helpless gangster on the floor. While she got up they ran out of the flat and jumped into the gangsterís car.
ìI supposed I can hot-wire this thing.î Lauren exclaimed
After a few minutes she successfully hot-wired it.
ìNow letís go!î Anthony said as he put the petal to the metal.
Shorty got up and ran outside the flat as the car drove off.