Posted by INDY JONES from on January 31, 2000 at 20:22:25:
Chapter 2
"Xerxes was the son of Darius the 1st...."-Indiana Jones was back teaching class after his rather strange adventure. He was teaching his pupils about the Persian War and the influence is had on Greece.
The bell rang and as students left the classroom, a older, taller man
entered."Marcus!", Indy said as he went to greet him. "Well...did you get it?"
"Yes...I did", Indy replied.
"I brought some men to see you..bad news I'm afraid"
"What could be so bad I in trouble..I mean I dod pay my taxes this year?"
"No, Indy...It's about the's missing."
"Missing..Marcus...what about the..."
"Indy..come with me".
They were led to the conference hall and there, two men, one, who was
rather tall, glasses and a black suit sat up to greet Indy as he walked in.
"Good evening Dr. name is Fredrick Bonelli and this is my
asscoiate, Mr. Herring.
"Dr. Jones" the man said. He was rather tall and was bald on top.
"Well, I here that the Ark is missing..." Jones said.
"Yes, Iam afraid we have hit a snag...the man that was guarding the Ark was found mystersly murdered. He had been stabbed through the heart.
"Not good sercurity, I suppose.", Marcus said.
"Well, I dont see why...." Indy was suddenly interuppted.
"Dr. Jones..we dont want to have you tell us how bad things are already..yes, we have lost the ark..Now please understand that this is top secret..we have a lead."
"Mr. Herring..I'm not a detective...I dont save the goverment when they screw up..Iam a profesor."
"Dr. Jones..who ever took the ark plans to do something diabolical.
They know that if the Ark is indeed opened, the demons and spirits of the world will bring life as we know it to an end!"
"I dont know about this..this is ludrcious!"
"Dr. ...please?"
"Look..we have this lead. Some kind of scroll that the killer dropped
as he left..we know that he is going to Ethiopia."
Herring handed Jones a scroll that was papryus.On it, it had three arab people riding camels to some scared cave. Both had faces while one did not, only a shroud over the face.
"This is a muslim script...the guy without his face is Mohammund."
"That means that muslims have the Ark!", Marcus said
"Herring...I'll take that ticket to Ethiopia now."