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Posted by Indiana James (Lambert) from port7.westworld.ca on August 03, 1999 at 13:02:41:
In Reply to: Chapters 36-37 of Tessa and The Stranger in the Plane posted by Goodsport on August 02, 1999 at 23:23:21:
: : Chapter 36 [The Party Commences] (written by Indy)
: : Indiana Jerico and Indy sneaked their way to the edge of the woods. From there they had a better few of the big red barn. It was about fifty feet tall, and had an old windmill to the left of it. To the left of the windmill was a large pond. Behind all this, just barely visible, was a farmhouse. All of this was definitely deserted.
: : "So, what's the plan?" Indy asked.
: : "I have no idea," Jerico replied.
: : "Well," Indy started, "There're no windows. So we could probably sneak up on them easily."
: : "That's definitely a start." Indiana Jerico took a pair of binoculars from his pocket and looked at the barn closely. "On the right side is a door to what looks like a hayloft. It's hanging open. We could toss a hook up there and climb."
: : Indy squinted. "Sounds good to me."
: : Slowly, the two companions made their way across the barnyard. They kept low, looking around for any sign of trouble. When they reached the area beneath the hayloft, Indiana Jerico took out his rope and attached the grapple-hook to it. He looked at Indy and pointed up, and Indy nodded. Indy backed away from Jerico as he swung the hook around and around. After several swings, he let it go as it soared through the airÖ. and missed the door. Both Indy and Jerico had their eyes on it, and it came falling down. It landed behind Indiana Jerico with a clang. Both of them turned around to find a soldier laying on the ground unconscious. Indy shrugged his shoulders. Jerico smiled, and Indy then threw it again. It landed inside the door, and hooked on.
: : - - -
: : The Fiddler was next to Short Round, walking around him waving a Glock.
: : Indiana James was standing a few feet away, holding an M-16 in his hands. The pair had ordered in a few soldiers just to help them. They felt there was no way they could fail. "This is great, Fiddler! Soon we'll have lots of money!"
: : "It's great!" The two men looked at each other and slapped hands. They grinned evil grins.
: : -----
: : As Indy started to pull himself into the hayloft, Indiana Jerico helped him up. When they were both safely up, Jerico retrieved his rope. They both looked around. Indiana Jerico jumped as he spotted another baddie sitting at the top of a ladder. His back was to them, and he seemed to be looking downstairs. Indy looked at Jerico and put a finger too his lips. He started sneaking up behind the goon and pulled out his knife, when a floorboard creaked. The baddie turned around and tackled Indy, sending him flying back. As soon as Indy hit the floor, he prepared his knife and threw it as hard as he could. It hit its mark, right in the soldier's throat. The soldier grabbed his neck, fell to the ground and died. Indy dragged his body over to a corner behind some hay bales, and returned to an obviously disturbed Indiana Jerico. "What is it?" Indy whispered.
: : Indiana Jerico swallowed hard and replied, "Nothing."
: : They crept over to the ladder, and peeked down. Below them was another platform, with more hay. They slowly crept down the ladder, and when they reached the bottom they moved behind some hay. Looking over the bale, they could see Short Round in a chair, battered and bruised. Next to him were Indiana James, The Fiddler, and five guards. Just as they looked over, they heard the end of James' sentence: "-great!"
: : The brothers then slapped hands and looked at Short Round. James sneered. "They'll pay us millions for you, no doubt about it."
: : Indiana James chuckled. "Even after they pay us the money, we're still gonna kill you!"
: : Short Round glared back. "I'm gonna kick your asses!"
: : Indy suddenly stood up. "IndyÖ no!" Jerico said.
: : Once Indy was up, he smiled, then yelled," I don't think so uncle-f***ers!!!"
: : He fired 2 shots into the first soldier, hitting him in the chest. Seeing that he only had a few options, Indiana Jerico stood up and fired at another one, blasting the goon back.
: : Before the baddies even had a chance to retaliate, Indy fired three more shots into another guard, killing him. He and Jerico immediately dropped to the floor, and bullets whizzed around them. Jerico looked over at Indy and yelled, "I don't think this hay's gonna stop these bullets!" They stood up and fired back, barely missing the Lamberts and two other guards. The Lamberts and the guards scrambled out of the room, and headed to the ladder that led to the roof. They cursed at themselves for not getting Short Round, but it was too late. As soon as they were gone, Indy and Jerico climbed down from the loft and rushed over to Short Round. Short Round smiled and said, "I knew you guys wouldn't leave me."
: : "What? Us?" Indiana Jerico asked as he cut Shorty's ropes "Not a chance in hell, pal."
: : Indy finished reloading his guns, then looked at them and said, "Let's do what one shepherd said to the other shepherd."
: : "What?" Jerico and Shorty asked at the same time.
: : "Let's get the flock outta here!"
: : -----
: : Chapter 37 [The Race Is On] (written by Goodsport)
: : The pain flooded his entire left side as he tried to stand up. The fact that he was right-handed didn't give him much comfort at the moment.
: : "Oh man!" thought Goodsport, "This is going to seriously put a crimp on things!"
: : Falling back onto the semi-comfort of the hospital bed, Goodsport once again took a deep breath and lifted himself. This time, with painful success.
: : Clutching his wrapped-up shoulder, Goodsport finally reached the other side of the room. He lifted his shirt off the table and examined the bloody mess. Fortunately for him, though, the one part he needed was still intact.
: : Goodsport lifted the right sleeve of the shirt to his mouth and spoke. "Muppet, you there?"
: : "I hear you, G!" crackled the sleeve, "Where are you?"
: : "In the hospital, incapacitated for a while! We got problems!"
: : "Why? Are they close?" asked Muppet.
: : "Yeah. Both partiesÖ Micah's Phoenix group, and the Dark World Order!"
: : "Don't worry, G. Neither of them really know what's going on."
: : "I know," Goodsport replied through clenched teeth, trying to keep the pain in, "I think the other 'G' tried to tell me something when he finally got a chance to contact me, but I wasn't paying attention at the time."
: : There was a few seconds of silence, then the sleeve spoke again. "Goodsport, it gets worse!"
: : "What?"
: : "The MWH are in on it, too! They even made an attempt on the DWO in Malaysia a little while ago."
: : Oh great, thought Goodsport, the Men With Hats know! Then he realized, Of course they know! Who else would know about the truth about Valinor except the very enemies the Ancient Vanguards of Valinor have fought for the past 3000 years?
: : "Hold on a secÖ" realized Goodsport to Muppet, "didn't the Men With Hats allow the DWO to 'borrow' one of their agents for some reason or another?"
: : "Yeah," Muppet replied, "so why the assassination attempt on Deirdre? Doesn't make sense!"
: : "Contact our 'inside' and let her know that the MWH know!" Goodsport commanded, "And did the guys she's accompanying at the moment retrieve the successor?"
: : "I'll contact her and find out. Muppet out."
: : "Out," Goodsport answered, as he heard footsteps just outside his door.
: : - - -
: : "He looks pretty beat up, but he should be okay," Meg said quietly, "how's Goodsport?"
: : "Pretty bad. How much do they know?"
: : "They know of it, but not much else," replied Meg rapidly, "they're still not sure if even Tessa realizes how much she hit on in her 'Aztec Spear' forum novel. Quite frankly, neither am I."
: : Meg saw the others returning from the roadside drug store. "I've gotta go! Meg out."
: : "Muppet out!"
: : Meg lowered her arm quickly as Indiana Jerico, Indy and Short Round returned to the pickup truck.
: : "Meg, you want some?" Short Round asked Meg of his M&M's.
: : "No thank you, Shorty," she replied, smiling. If he had been hurt any worseÖ
: : "Jerico, come on!" Indy called out as he started the Ford.
: : "Hold on a sec!" Indiana Jerico answered as he put his head back to his cell phone, "Michaelson, we're on our way back to the hospital. Aragorn's there. Okay, understood. Out."
: : Indiana Jerico returned to the pickup. "Indy, bad news," Jerico informed Indy, "Micah sent some of our agents to scour the farmhouse, including your friend Ben. They found some goons and a few stores of ammunition, but no trace on where the Fiddler or the Lambert brothers have gone."
: "Wonderful!" exclaimed Indy in disgust. "Hop in the back with Short Round. Let's go pick up Aragorn."
: : - - -
: : The cramped Polish AvtoVaz sedan chugged its way into the hospital's backlot.
: : Hotwiring the rust-bucket was one thing. Controlling it quite another. But with two bickering brothers in the backseat, the trip was absolutely unbearable for the Fiddler.
: : "Shut up, back there!" threatened the Fiddler, "Or I'll use this MP-10 on the both of you!"
: : "I can't believe it!" Indiana James cried out, "We were that close!"
: : Brett rolled his eye. "Listen, they'll come back to the hospital! They had to take that bleeding guy here when we got Short Stuff, remember? Aragorn must have stayed with him, or else he would have been at the farmhouse shooting at us."
: : "Feels good betraying your old mates, eh?" beamed Indiana James with brotherly pride.
: : Brett turned quickly to face the window, his face suddenly solemn. "Let's not talk about that anymore, okay Jimmy?"
: : - - -
: : Aragorn began opening the door to Goodsport's hospital room when the sudden flash to his eyes changed his surroundings.
: : He found himself in a familiar looking field, with the similarly familiar cloudy sky thundering overhead.
: : "Welcome back, Aragorn!" the menacing new voice in his head welcomed Aragorn, "This time you cannot escape!"
: : "NOOO!!!" Aragorn ran across the grassy plain, as he felt the black rivers of substanceless darkness gaining on him.
: : - - -
: : "And that's what we have so far, sir," Micah sat behind his desk in his spartan office, the humming of computers and bustle of monitoring employees dulled through the closed door.
: : "Ah figure that this is important," replied the Commander-in-Chief in his natural Arkansas accent, "deal with it swiftly and silently, but do it quietly. If ya fail, ah will disavow all knowledge of your organization. Do ya understand?"
: : Micah stood as the President did. "Completely, sir!"
: : "Good. Ah gotta catch Air Force One to California. Mah daughter is still on summer break from college, and I wanna be with her before her studies start again!" the President replied, as he left the room.
: : Micah rubbed his eyes. Great! We lost our leads for this mysterious city, and the C-in-C himself wants the matter solved swiftly!
: : "Micah?" Michaelson stepped into the room, "Our satellites got something!"
: : The expression on Micah's face brightened as he scanned the page Michaelson handed him.
: : A private jet, with their prime (albeit unwitting) lead on board, flying out of Poland - heading toward North America.
: : "And here's a list of the travel plans," Michaelson added with a smile.
: : Another scan brought a smile to Micah where one didn't exist only a minute earlier. "Contact Jerico and the rest. It looks like they'll get another shot at visiting The Windy City!"
: : - - -
: : Hearing the thud of someone or something hitting the ground right outside the door. Goodsport struggled to open it. The sight of a transparent Aragorn lying on the ground almost took him aback.
: : "Someone is reading the Book again!" Goodsport heard the voice say behind him. Goodsport turned around quickly.
: : "Sir Gandalf, you startled me!" Goodsport bowed in respect to the other 'G', "I apologize for not recognizing you on the plane earlier."
: : "Enough, noble Goodsport! Memory is very maleable," responded the wizened wizard, "you cannot help matters in your current state."
: : Gandalf lift his staff and set it on Goodsport's injured shoulder. The initial twinge of pain gave way to a soothing warmth for Goodsport as the light from the staff traveled into his shoulder and throughout his entire body before dissipating.
: : Goodsport was speechless as he examined his shoulder. It's as if I was never shot! he discovered.
: : Gandalf's voice became stern. "Now go! Find the Book, or all is lost!"
: : "Thank you, Sir Gan-" Goodsport's sentence faded as he looked up to see himself alone in the room, "-dalf!"
: : Aragorn seemed to be fading even more, so Goodsport knew he must act. He quickly dressed into his clothes, and wore a bathrobe to cover the hole in his shirt. He then glanced at his suddenly glowing ring.
: : - - -
: : Tessa was sitting between two bodyguards on the luxurious jetliner, across from Deirdre and Mack.
: : "What's this all about?" Tessa asked.
: : "Don't worry, Miss Zarycki," the Asian-looking lady answered, the corner of her mouth curling into a grin, "we'll answer your questions soon enough!"
: "Where are you taking me?" insisted Tessa, hiding her hand in her pocket as her ring began to glow intensely.
: "Where are we taking you?" Deirdre suddenly took a mock-motherly tone, "Why Tessa, we're taking you home!"
: : - - -
: : The Fiddler stepped out of the cramped sedan, stretching his limbs as he loaded the MP-10.
: : "Can we come?" both Lambert brothers asked in unison.
: : Despite his better judgment, the Fiddler halfway-relented. "Brett, you come with me. James, you stay in the car in case we need a quick getaway."
: : "In this hunka-junk?" retorted Indiana James.
: : "It's what we've got to work with!" the Fiddler answered, as he and Brett sneaked into the hospital's then-empty loading dock.
: : - - -
: : His glowing ring 'pulled' Goodsport upstairs and to another hospital-room door. Goodsport opened the door swiftly to find an old man sitting on the bed, reading a big glowing book.
: : "Interesting reading, this," the old man exclaimed, "the cover says 'written by J.R.R. Tolkein', but I know that he didn't write much of what's in this book!"
: : "Sir, who are you?" Goodsport asked the old man, who had to be about a hundred or so.
: : The old man ignored Goodsport's question. "You protect Valinor's location, but you don't actually know where it isÖ do you?"
: : Goodsport was aghast. "Who are you?!?"
: : The old man leaned heavily on his cane and stood up. "Whoever left this book here will be back for it! We'd better leave!"
: : The old man closed the book, and the glowing stopped.
: : The screams from below could be heard from below as the lights in the hospital went out.
: : "I agree, sir. Come on!" Goodsport helped the old man move, his arm around the old man's waist. His other arm held the book.
: : - - -
: : Indiana James gazed out the window of the car, annoyed that he didn't get to join the fun.
: : "Does betrayal come easy for you, young Indiana James Lambert?"
: : Indiana James turned quickly to see the passenger seat filled.
: : "Hey, I've seen you before, old man!" he pointed to the wizard beside him.
: : "Why do you seek to pollute Valinor? Isn't it enough that the Men With Hats seeks to eradicate it, or that the Dark World Order seeks to use Valinor's power for its own evil ends? Have you forgotten so quickly?"
: : "Forgotten what???" a wide-eyed Indiana James extorted. The sound of screeching suddenly startled James to turn his head to see about ten vans stop in the side lot. Armed men stepped out of the vans, led by an armed man who looked like he stepped right out of the late-sixties Brit-pop scene.
: : "Let's go, babiesÖ YEAH!!!" is what Indiana James heard the leader tell his men as they began to storm the side and back entrances of the hospital.
: : "Did you see that?" James asked, only to find the seat next to him empty.
: : "Oh boy," he worried to himself, "the Fiddler and Brett are in for it now!"
: : - - -
: : Goodsport used his glowing ring to navigate back to a now-solid Aragorn.
: : "What happened?" Aragorn asked, "Who turned off the lights?"
: : "Never mind that!" the old man retorted, "I have a car out back!"
: : "You still drive???" Goodsport asked, "but you'reÖ wellÖ"
: : The old man glared at him. "Don't even say it! Besides," the old man smiled, with surprisingly still-healthy teeth, "it's not the yearsÖ it's the mileage!"
: : - - -
: : The Man with the Hat struggled to lift himself. He knew that if he didn't stop the bleeding soon, he wouldn't be long for this world.
: : A feeling of helplessness suddenly washed over him. "Dammit," he realized without knowing exactly how, "The VanguardsÖ they found the key!"
: : - - -
: : "Indy," Indiana Jerico yelled from the back of the pickup, "I just got a call from Michaelson on the cell phone. New ordersÖ we pick up Aragorn and fly to Chicago."
: : "What?! Why the sudden change?" Indy replied.
: : "I'll explain on our way to the airport," answered Jerico, "just keep going to the hospital!"
: : Meg and Short Round glanced at each other, worried. What if these two guys find out?
: : - - -
: : Indiana James Lambert gasped as he saw the Ford pickup truck park a little ways away from his car. He gasped further when he saw Indiana Jerico, Indy, Meg and Short Round leave the truck with guns drawn.
: : "They saw the lights are out in the hospital", though James aloud, "they know something's wrong."
: : He wondered what to do, as he saw his four enemies enter the building through the loading dock.
: : - - -
: : Goodsport, Aragorn and the old man slipped out the front entrance without incident and made it to the old man's car.
: : "It's a rental," the old man grinned, "American money still goes a long way around here, even for a man of myÖ mileage!"
: : "I'll drive," Aragorn got into the driver's seat and started the car, "where to?"
: : Goodsport glanced at his glowing ring as the car left the front parking lot. "The airport!" Goodsport then spoke into his sleeve, "Muppet. AirportÖ front gate. We're heading over there now!"
: : "Gotcha!" replied the voice from the sleeve.
: : "Who were you talking to?!?" Aragorn asked in shock.
: : "I'll tell you when we get there," answered Goodsport with a grin.
: : "Where are we going?" the old man asked.
: : Goodsport and Aragorn asked in unison, "WE?!?"
: : "Promise to take me along, and I can get you the key!"
: : After a small debate, the two men relented. "All right, sir," Goodsport relented, "now, where's the key?"
: : The old man opened the large Tolkein book. "I've found that part of this book is actually hollowed out!" The old man opened the book further, revealing a hollow compartment near the back of the book. He pulled out a pointy object.
: : "I've been looking for this Aztec Spear for so many years," the old man said, "I finally found it just as you barged into the room!"
: : Goodsport was astonished. "UhÖ sorry about that!"
: : "Anyways," Aragorn interrupted, "where're we flying to?"
: : Goodsport concentrated on his glowing ring some more. "Chicago."
: : "By the way," the old man asked, "I didn't catch your names."
: : "I'm Goodsport, and the driver here is Aragorn," answered Goodsport.
: : The old man thought for a second, as he zipped up his jacket. "HmmÖ unusual names. But not any more unusual than mine, I suppose!"
: : "And what name would that be?" Aragorn asked.
: : The old man adjusted his eye-patch. "Well, I was born Henry Jones, Jr. But I prefer Indiana."
: : -----
: Who wants to contribute Chapter 38? :)