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Posted by Goodsport from adsl-216-102-199-185.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net on June 06, 2000 at 07:30:46:
    Lauren sat on outside on her balcony, drinking a glass of iced tea. She looked up at the stars, and thought Who could be after Dad? And Marion and me?
    "Tom, I really need you," she whispered. The thoughts of her former partner and fiancé flooded back to her, memories flashed in front of her eyes. A lone tear fell down her cheek as she wiped it away. Why was I so stubborn? Why?, she thought as she heard footsteps behind her. She turned cautiously and saw her brother and he asked,
    "Couldn't sleep?"
    She shook her head, "Too much on my mind. You?"
    "Your kid snores," jokingly, "Woke me up."
    She smiled a bit, "I'm really glad you're here, Eric."
    His expression changed and said, "What's wrong, little sister?"
    "I don't know," sighing, "I'm wondering if what I did was right."
    "What did you do right?"
    "You know," gesturing with her hand, "Not accepting Tom's proposal the first time, moving to Paris after Michaela was born, letting Tom go to Central America…"
    "Laurie," Eric said, "Don't blame yourself. You've done wonders that surpassed even Dad's expectations."
    "It's not enough."
    "You're a wonderful mother to your children, a faithful daughter to Dad, a good sister, and an okay archeologist."
    "Just okay?" eyeing him.
    Eric laughed, "Ok, a great archeologist. The best one out there, with the exception of Dad."
    Lauren laughed, "No one could be as great as Dad was. Tom as well."
    "Have you spoken with his parents?"
    Shaking her head, "They blame me for his death. All the letters I've sent have been returned."
    "They don't know about Micki?" shocked a bit, "Lady Raleigh didn't seem that way."
    "I'm sure she isn't. It's Lord Raleigh who intercepts the letters," sighing, "It's better that the children don't know."
    Eric shook his head, 'It's not right, Laurie."
    "How would you tell them?" she said roughly, "If you were in my situation?"
    Eric thought for a minute, remembering the situation. At Tom's funeral, Lord Raleigh announced to Lauren that his son's "bastard" children were not part of the Raleigh clan and that his estate would be divided evenly between other relatives. Lauren was crushed, not because of the money, but for children's' sakes. Painfully, she changed Jack and Michaela's last name from Raleigh to Jones to avoid any suspicion. Indy was outraged at the treatment and wanted to talk with Lord Raleigh, but she held him back, claiming it was pointless. "Besides, Dad," she said, "They still got me. I'm their mother, that's all they need."
    "It still isn't right," insisting to his sister.
    "It's in the past, Eric," Lauren said, "Let it be."
    Eric shrugged and went back inside. Lauren looked out to the stars, sighed, and walked back into the house.
* * * * *
    Two people were watching the movement from opposite directions. One of them was Jean-Paul Reginer, grinning to himself, "It will all be over soon," as he walked away from his hiding spot.
    The other was a man in black, a tear glistened down his cheek, Lauren, if only you knew, he thought. He had been on the lookout of Lauren's whereabouts for the past six years. He wanted so much to tell her everything and who he was, but he couldn't, not until the right moment.
    Someday Lauren, someday, he vowed.
    Lauren was pouring over notes in her office at the Sorbonne. Her eyes were intense as she read and reread her father's notes as well reading government files on the Ark. Indy knocked on the door and asked,
    "Find anything?"
    Lauren shook her head and yawned a bit, "Nothing yet."
    He peered over at the desk, "Where did you get those?" indicting the government files.
    "I have a friend in Washington. He express mailed the copies."
    "I'm impressed," smiling at his daughter.
    "Don't be," Lauren laughed a bit, "I told him that I would let his superior know about his marijuana habits if he didn't give them to me. Let's just say he bought my silence."
    Indy laughed a bit as she noticed an item; "According to this, the ark was moved from Washington to an army base in Presidio in the early fifties."
    "San Francisco?"
    "Probably when Louis Belloq tried to steal the Ark, the government took some precautions," as she took an apple from her desk and bit into it, "The time frame does add up from what you told me."
    Indy nodded, "So it's still there?"
    "From these files, the last record of them is 1951, when the Ark was moved, in secrecy. It could still be there. Right under their noses and the army might not know about it."
    "It's a chance we're going to have to take," Indy said softly.
    "I'll call Michael if he could watch Jack and Michaela," firmly, "If he can't, I know Rebecca can."
    "You're not going," Indy said abruptly.
    "May I ask why not?" raising her eyebrows at him.
    "Marion and I know about the Ark. We know of the circumstances."
    "Dad, I'm not a little kid," raising her voice, "I can help. I do have friends in the army."
    "No," staring at her.
    "My children's' lives were threatened," she said loudly, "If anyone threatens them, I make it my business to find out why and prevent it."
    Indy looked at his daughter - a combination of her mother's feisty and fiery attitude, his wit and skill, and a blend of intellect that astonished him at times - and gave a lopsided grin. He put a hand out to her and said,
    "Partners then, Laurie. But if there's danger -"
    "Nothing will scare me off," interrupting him as she picked up the phone and made the call.
San Francisco
    Marion looked at Lauren as she was arranging for transportation to Presidio. She's amazing, she realized Even Dad would have liked her as his student. Indy came up from behind her and said,
    "She's something else."
    'Yes," turning to him, "Where's Eric?"
    "Getting out luggage," gruffly.
    "You're upset," she remarked.
    "I didn't want Lauren involved, much less Eric," shaking his head, "But when Lauren stubbornly forced her way into this mess and Eric said we were getting his help if I didn't like it or not, I saw their mother in them."
    "Katherine was a bit stubborn."
    "A bit?" raising his eye to her, "She's found one way or the other to tag along with me."
    "Might have been jealously," Marion pointed it out, "You did have a reputation as a ladies' man."
    Indy grinned and nodded, "She had nothing to worry about."
    "You sure?" softly.
    Indy shook his head; "I've never cheated on her. I think she just wanted the excitement and being rich and famous didn't cut it."
    They laughed as Eric brought the luggage, "What's funny?"
    "Nothing, son," Indy said, "Where's your sister?"
    "Making a few phone calls," he said as he set the luggage down, "This could take hours."
    Indy laughed, "You were as bad on the phone as she was."
    "Was not," Lauren said from behind as she picked up her bag from the floor, "I've talked to Anita. She arranged to have us stay at the base at the Presidio."
    "Anita?" Indy asked.
    Lauren nodded, "Anita's a friend of mine from Sorbonne," she said to Marion, "We roomed together and she married a army career man. He's one of the captains on the base. Assistant to the General."
    "Impressive," she remarked, "You have connections?"
    Lauren nodded as she led the way to the rental car; "Some of them are acquaintances from Mom and Dad. The majority are friends from college or childhood."
    "I thought you and Anita had a fight during your second year," Eric said.
    "It was concerning Jacks," sarcastically, "She kept coming home late from the cafes, driving Anita nuts since she had six a.m. practices. And since I had classes at ten or later, if didn't bother me at all. It's in the past."
    Marion nodded as they piled in a black jeep. Lauren went into the driver seat and said, "Fast your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy ride."
    Indy and Eric quickly put their seatbelts on as Marion asked, "What in the world --?"
    Then Lauren sped out of the lot, going 20 past the posted speed limit. Marion grasped the seat in front of her as she reached her seat belt and put it on. Indy grinned and said,
    "Can you tell who taught her how to drive?"
    Marion laughed as the rode to Presidio.
    "Laurie!" Anita said as she saw them pull up at her house.
    Lauren smiled and turned off the engine. She hugged her friend and said, "It's Alex now, Anita. How have you have been?"
    "Wonderful," putting her arm around Lauren's shoulder, "Mark is terrific and," patting her stomach, "I'm finally expecting."
    "Good for you," her eyes sparkled, "I'd like you to meet my father, my brother Eric, and Marion Ness. She's a friend of Dad's."
    "Eric?" looking at him, "You married Jackie right?"
    Eric nodded as Anita shook her head, "Poor thing."
    Lauren started laughing; "I said the same thing at their wedding."
    Anita nodded and shook Indy's hand, "Dr. Jones. It is an honor. I have heard about you from Lauren."
    "Thank you," Indy said.
    Anita pointed at the dwelling next to the house; "You're lucky the last recruit left last week," smiling, "Otherwise you have been stuck at the barracks."
    Lauren laughed, "Thanks, Anita," as she took a few bags to the house, "I'll go put these in."
    Anita waved and then turned to Eric, Indy and Marion; "She's still reeling from Tom, isn't she?"
    "That oblivious?" Eric asked.
    Anita nodded, "Remember I dealt with her and Tom in Paris. She wouldn't admit to me that she was in love with him, even after she got pregnant with Jack. But she had that glow whenever he was around or when his name was mentioned."
    Kate had that too, Indy thought as Anita looked at Marion curiously, "You look oddly familiar, Miss Ness. Have we met?"
    "It's Mrs. Ness," Marion said, "And I don't believe we have."
    "Eliot Ness was your husband?" she asked.
    "Yes," in a stage whisper.
    "Mark knows your son, Matthew. In fact, he is due for a visit."
    "You didn't mention Matthew was going to be here," Indy said to her.
    "I hardly keep up with his schedule," Marion replied.
    Matthew was Marion's only child with Eliot. At thirty-two, he had traveled extensively, majoring in political science and joining the ROTC in college. He was a major in the army as well, but was in several assignments that took time from home. In fact, Marion had not seen him in a couple of years, only letters she had received from him.
    "Matt's an asset to the army," a voice behind them said.
    They turned and saw a man in full army regalia. Anita smiled and said, "This is my husband, Mark Collins -"
    Lauren's voice floated to the group as she shouted, "Mark! It's been years," as she hugged him.
    Mark laughed and let go to take a look at her, "Jones, you devil. Look at you, you're as thin as a rail and stunning as ever."
    "Thanks for the reality check," grinning at him, "You remember Eric, I think?"
    "I doubt he does," smiling at Eric, "We were at UCLA for a while-"
    "Mark," realizing at the moment, "You were one of the best football players, but then you vanished."
    Lauren laughed, "He met Anita when she, Jacks, and I came for a visit. They wrote letters back and forth. Then one day, he appeared in our doorway, announcing that he was studying at Sorbonne for his last year and after that, they got married."
    "Short, sweet and simple," Mark said, "Come on in. We made the traditional American meal."
    "Chili cheese hot dogs with barbecue potato chips?" Lauren asked.
    Anita laughed, "Of course. We need to fatten you up, Laur-Alex. The thin look ended in the seventies."
    Everyone started to laugh as they went into the Collins' house to eat dinner.
* * * * *
    Soon they will be in my grasp, Jean-Paul thought to himself, I will have the Ark and its' power to destroy the Joneses.
    He looked from his point at the hotel, where the Presidio was mildly visible. When he stopped by Lauren's office, he was informed that Dr. Stephens was going stateside for an archeological expedition. It took some prying and contacts to find out where they were headed. He knew that Lauren; Eric, Dr. Jones, and a woman named Marion were staying at a house in Presidio, as guests to the Assistant General. He found out the actions she took when he left the note on the door. All he had to do was wait.
    Soon, very soon.
* * * * *
    The mysterious man was watching outside of Lauren's bedroom window, dressed in army fatigues. He stared at her figure sleeping peacefully. Beautiful as the day I met her, as tear glistened down his cheek, I want to tell her what happened years ago, but I can't.
    The man took a slim pocketbook out of one of the pockets. Opening it, he took out the contents - pictures of Lauren, the little boy and girl; newspaper articles about her, the birth announcement of her youngest child as he read Michaela Katherine Jones. I wish I could have been there.
    The man looked in, blew a kiss towards her sleeping figure, "Until soon, my love," whispering as he resumed his post.
    "No!" Lauren screamed, "He can't be dead. He can't be."
    She was clutching the telegram she was given by the general. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, as she collapsed on the living room floor in the house in Greenwich. Her young son came up to her and kept asking, "What's wrong, Mommy? Are you ok?"
    Lauren couldn't look at her son; she gently patted her stomach, the baby growing inside. "Tom," she moaned, "You can't be dead. Wake me up from this nightmare, please."
    "Daddy's dead?" Jack said, "Mommy, no!"
    The little boy started crying as Lauren pulled him closer, "Jack, I wish -"
    Jack stared at his mother, angry, "You killed him, Mommy. You did," running away from her.
    "No!!!!" screaming in agony.
    "Lauren, wake up," a gentle voice said.
    Is it a dream? Lauren wondered, as she was startled awake to see her father's concerned look, "Dad?"
    "You were screaming in your sleep," he said softly, "You alright?"
    "Just a nightmare," as she looked at the clock on the table beside the bed, "Three o'clock. Never fails," she muttered.
    Indy looked at her in concern; "I worry about you."
    "You don't have to," as she sat up in the bed, covering herself in the blankets. Tears in her eyes glistened as she reached for the glass of water on the bedside table. Indy sat at the edge of the bed and said,
    "It's been six years."
    "I know," wistfully, "And it doesn't get easier."
    Indy frowned a bit and said, "Have you thought about seeing a specialist on this matter?"
    "Dad," the blue eyes intense, "Every shrink in Europe and the States would tell me I'm suffering from grief and that I should let it go."
    "You should."
    "I can't," sorrowfully, "Nothing will ever make me forget. I have two children without a father. I'm reminded everyday."
    "Laurie," Indy said engulfing her into a hug, "You can't blame yourself. You didn't force him to take the expedition."
    "But he wanted to stay," she said softly, "I wouldn't let him. I convince him that I would be fine."
    Lauren started sobbing into her father's chest as she cried herself to sleep. Indy put her down on the bed and covered. She's helpless and I can't stop her pain, he thought as he walked out of the bedroom and saw Marion in the hallway.
    "Heartbreaking, isn't it?" Marion said.
    "You don't know the half of it," as he walked to his room.
    "What exactly is her problem?" following him.
    "Similar to mine."
    "She blames herself for her mother's death?"
    "No," roughly, "She blames herself for her colleague's death. It's haunted her for years."
    "Her colleague?" Marion said curiously, "Who?"
    "His name was Thomas Raleigh. He was one of the professors at Barnett while Lauren was in school. They had a rough beginning but they eventually realized they loved each other."
    "Like you and Deirdre Campbell?" remembering his liaisons with his student.
    "Similar," crackling a smile, "Tom eventually took a sabbatical to Paris in Lauren's final year at Sorbonne. He proposed to her there and within months, she'd gotten her degree, moved back to the States with him, and then pregnant with their child Jack."
    Marion nodded as Indy said, "Tom wanted to marry her as soon as she found out the baby. She refused to marry because of misplanned pregnancy and wanted to wait until her career to start. He agreed to it, but then years past for them to be too busy to plan a wedding. When they finally decided on a date, Lauren found out that she was pregnant with Michaela and Tom was offered a chance to work with the army in an expedition."
    "And?" Marion said.
    "Tom didn't want to go with Lauren's delicate condition. She told him to go, do the expedition, and when he returned they would get married. He did, but he never returned."
    "He was killed?"
    Indy nodded, "Lauren received the telegram two weeks later. Apparently by a sniper who plotted against the general. The sniper mistook Tom for the general."
    "I had no idea…" Marion started to say as Indy raised his hand, "That's not all. When it was arranged for Tom's burial in England, his family stubbed Lauren, claiming that Jack and Michaela were not heirs to their holdings and blamed her for him to take on a dangerous mission. With grief, as soon as Michaela was born she changed her childrens' last names to her own and took the position at Sorbonne."
    "Dear Lord," Marion exclaimed softly, "She's keeping inside isn't she?"
    "Most of the time," Indy said, "She claims she's happy, but she's not. She's crying in the inside."
    "Raleigh?" Marion said and realized, "Tom Raleigh was Lord Thomas James Raleigh?"
    Indy nodded and said, "He was the only heir to the estate. He would be furious of how his family treated Lauren."
    "Didn't they know who she was?"
    "Only that she was his student," slyly.
    "Your children never used Katherine's influences?"
    "Nor mine," Indy sighed, "That's their mother in them. They worked for what they wanted on their own."
    Marion had a different impression of them, but she realized she was mistaken. Indy went to the door and pointed at it, "Go back to bed, Marion. I'll see you in the morning."
* * * * *
    Lauren looked around the base while jogging the next morning. Incredible, she thought, Military doesn't cut it in France! As she ran into the house next to Anita's, A shower first, then put on some working clothes, as she walked in. She peered in the kitchen and saw her dad and Marion drinking coffee at the table, "Morning."
    "Hi, sunshine," Indy said with a smile.
    "Where's Eric?"
    "Getting some breakfast with Mark," Marion said with an amused smile, "Exchanging football stories I gather."
    Lauren nodded and said, "I'm taking a shower. Be back in a bit."
    Lauren relaxed in the hot spray of the shower, rubbing soap on her muscle-toned body. She was about average for a woman her age - nothing really exciting about it, Lauren mused. She got out after washing her hair, wrapping a towel around her, and froze.
    On the mirror was written in blood, GIVE ME THE ARK OR YOU WILL DIE!
    It wasn't there before, she realized as she ran out of the room and saw it ransacked. She put on pants and a T-shirt and checked the other rooms, ransacked as hers. Then a thought dawn on her, Dad and Marion are downstairs!
    "DAD!" yelling as she ran downstairs.
    They were gone, the coffee cups on the table undisturbed. She ran back upstairs for her gun and whip in her hiding place and came back downstairs. She froze as she saw a man with his back faced to her, "Hold it right there!"
    The man held up his hands and Lauren demanded, "Turn around slowly."
    The man did so as Lauren held the gun steadily, "Where is my father and Mrs. Ness?"
    The man stared and said, "Outside. What is this about?"
    "Who are you?" she demanded.
    "Laurie," Indy said coming into the kitchen.
    "Dad," as she hugged him, "I thought you were gone…"
    Indy turned red and Marion, who was behind him, said, "And what are you doing holding a gun to my son?"
    Lauren stared at the man, "Son?
    The man nodded and saluted, "Major Matthew John Ness, US Army."
    Lauren lowered the gun and said, "What are you doing here?"
    "I visit the Collins' quite often," Matthew said, "They mentioned that my mother was here and I called them outside."
    Lauren stared as another voice said, "What's going on-"
    Lauren whipped the gun in the direction of the voice and Eric appeared, "Down with the gun, sis," jokingly.
    "Why are you carrying a gun?" Matthew asked, "And that clumsy piece?"
    Lauren ignored him and said, "There's message on the bathroom mirror for you," looking at Indy and Marion.
    Indy's smile faded, "What message?"
    "Oh, the words 'Give me the Ark or you will die'," sarcastically, "And written in blood."
    Marion paled a bit and Indy's fists clenched as he walked to the bathroom to investigate.
    "Now", Matthew said, "What is going on here and what are you doing here, mother?"
    Lauren snarled and said, "Better sit down and have your mother tell you a story."
* * * * *
    Matthew was amazed at the tale he was told as Lauren watched him suspiciously. She left the room and he remarked to Marion, "What's with the guarded look?"
    "Don't mind Lauren," Eric said, "She's harmless. She's just a bit tense."
    "A bit tense?" chuckled, "What's anxiety?"
    Eric chuckled as Indy said, "She's like me. She doesn't want too many people involved. A good trait in an archeologist."
    "Archeologist?" as he pointed at the doorway she left in, "Her?"
    Indy smiled and nodded, "She's pretty good."
    "I've never heard of Lauren Jones."
    "She changed her name and moved to Europe years ago," Eric replied, "Perhaps you're familiar of the name Alexandra J. Stephens."
    "Dr. Stephens? The renowned archeologist of Europe and the US?"
    "Very same," Marion said, "You've heard of her?"
    "I've seen several articles about her and read the papers she presented. She's very extraordinary."
    "Learned it young," Indy said with a smile.
    Matthew smiled as Lauren reentered and he bowed, "'Tis an honor, Alexandra."
    Lauren nodded, "Thank you. But since you know it already you can call me Lauren."
    "Lauren. A beautiful name."
    "Named after my great-grandmother," shrugging, "On my mother's side."
    "And the Alexandra?"
    "My grandmother. And the last name comes from my grandfather's first name. They died before I was even thought of."
    Matthew smiled as he sipped his coffee; "Your work in Egyptology was extraordinary."
    "Not really," as she sat down in one of the chairs, "I got most of the background from a family friend. I helped with the excavation of the Sphinx and the Great Pyramids a while back."
    The phone rang as Eric picked it up, "Hello?"
    Eric smiled and handed the phone to Lauren, "Micki."
    Lauren took the phone and said, "Michaela? How did you know-"
    She smiled a bit and laughed, "Yes, Uncle Mike was a bit anxious," as she moved away from the table to continue the conversation in private.
    "Micki?" Matthew asked, "Her acquaintance?"
    "Worse," Eric said with a grin, "Her daughter."
    "She has a child?" surprised, "I've never read about a child."
    "She has two," Marion stated, "A boy and a girl."
    "Nope," Eric said.
    Matthew stared as Lauren came back in and said, "I'm going for a walk."
    "Lauren…" Indy started as Lauren said, "I'll be fine."
    Lauren left as Matthew shook his head; "Dad would have said several things about her…"
    "Hot headed would be one," Marion said.
    "She's not -" Indy started as Eric laughed, "Dad, you know Laurie is hot blooded. It's from the Irish and Scottish sides."
    Indy smiled a bit as Marion asked, "What is he talking about?"
    "I'll tell you later. Right now," as he grabbed a piece of paper, "we have to discuss on what to do when we find the ark."