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Posted by Kent Allard from dial3.insolwwb.net on June 10, 2000 at 21:26:03:
to et it rolling I took out chapter five and made it part of chapter 4 so now I only have 9 chaptters written but I wanted to get it rollin. Hope ya enjoy it. I'll post the first few chapters of third world later tonight. :)
Chapter IV A happy little stroll
Indiana ran faster and faster, his forehead sweated, he was panic stricken, his
head ached, his brains felt fried, and his body was tired. But the faster he ran the
closer the mist came. It ran like a cougar about to strike its prey. Indiana lit several
sticks of dynamite at once and threw to land where they fell. The dynamite blocked the
mist long enough for him to turn a corner, Indiana was now able to see light, The dynamite
also allowed him to escape the mist. He ran into the light, his eyes winced with pain
because he had been in the dark for so long. He shouted for them to help him block the
door, they grunted as they pushed and heaved the door closed, as they were able to block
the mist they were finally able to relax. Indiana bent over catching his breath sighing.
Roger came running over to him asking several questions.
Indy huffed and puffed as he spoke "Hes gone hes dead theyre
dead they all died" gasp "Whew Ill, Roger, Ill talk to you in the
tent in a minute let me catch my breath". Indy bent over to catch his breath he was
gasping like a fish out of water. He was able to stumble up to the tent he jerked his hat
off his head, and tumbled into the tent.
"So what is it" Roger was eager to hear his story. He was as giddy as a
schoolboy was.
"Ok Ok one minute. Once we were walking through the hall we came across a
corpses, dozens of em, all had their ribs bashed in and all had fresh fingers wrapped
around their necks." Indy was still huffing.
"What? Ive got to see this" Roger was already heading out the tent.
"Uh, you cant" Indiana was breathing calmer now. "Were not going back
in" Indiana was regaining his rough attitude, after he had caught his breath.
"Why not." Roger said confused.
"Well for a minor reason there are traps and second there is something in there
almost like a dead spirit engulfing all that came in there."
"Oh come now, I know you Dr. Jones and you dont believe all that
superstitious hocus pocus, boogey man nonsense." Roger said
"Well actually this was an old burial ground for an ancient more than presumably
long gone cult. Somehow they were able to preserve an acid or such inside the wall so that
once opened would produce the acid to release in the form of a large expanding gas.
Unfortunately I did not know of this and immediately opened it. Perhaps had I known we
could have studied closer and maybe actually escaped with some of the
treasures? But unluckily we didnt and now the mist is still there
waiting to be opened to destroy those that do come to open it. Actually we are going to
have to destroy of this before someone else can find it and use it against us hey
what time is it." Indiana put his head in his hands; he was tired, after that
exhilarating run.
"Uh eleven o clock AM. Why?" Roger said looking down at his watch which had a
cheap leather band, some of the lens had cracked and one of the hands was just slightly
bent but it still kept good time and had been handed down through his family for years.
"Great" Indiana said sarcastically. "Hurry tell them to pack up. By the
way when does the plane leave?" Indy kept speaking as he started packing, luckily he
had packed light. "I shouldnt have scheduled that lecture for today or I should
have cancelled. Ill never be able to make it in time."
"The plane leaves at eleven forty five." Roger was even packing his things
and out the door yelling to the diggers to get everything packed up. Indiana was right
behind him.
Indiana also screamed for the diggers to hurry "How long does it take to get back
to town?"
"Thirty five minutes" Roger was shoving his things into the convoy truck. The
diggers packed the gold and jewels safely into the wooden crates. The pick-ax were shoved
into storage compartments under the seats in the truck, the jeep was loaded with the
wooden crates containing the jewels, the sand was being swept away from the jeep as the
other diggers loaded the items onto the jeep. Indiana pushed his suitcase next to Rogers
and stuck his notes in his black briefcase. When he got inside the truck and settled down
he then began to jot down notes for his classes next week. Once everything was loaded
Roger hopped into the back of the Truck and sat next to Indiana. The truck drove off
following the jeep.
Berlin: Underground German Laboratory
General Veloshikov waited impatiently for a Dr. Kishov. He was usually late, he
had been on an archeological dig somewhere in Kazakhstan, they had discovered some sort of
weapon or something to help them with the war or something along these lines. He
wouldnt even be here had it not been for Hitler sending him down here. General
Veloshikov was a poker-faced man he never smiled and never frowned. He was a tall rough
set man of his forties. Clean- and polished boots till you could see your reflection.
Suddenly a door creaked open, the generals head swung to his side. It was a young
officer; he handed a small yellow slip of paper to General Veloshikov. It read:
" Dr. Kishov läßt es nicht im heutigen Tag bitte tomorrow bei dem
Taktgeber mit elf O zurückkommen: "
The general stuffed the slip of paper into his pocket and then walked out of the door
with a stern cold face.
Kazakhstan airport
The large convoy truck pulled up to the small airport. Roger started to yell
for the prizes to be unloaded to the smaller plane. People all over the
airport stared at the men; they were filthy and covered in dust. Possibly the owner a man
dressed in a black suit, came running out with a handkerchief covering his mouth from the
"Sir you are not supposed to be here. You were supposed to pull around back. With
you and your filthy crew" The man spoke with a strong accent. His hair was
greased back. Indiana merely pushed him aside and watched Roger finish the unloading.
Roger was loading the goods on to the mini plane; he looked back to the
jeeps and convoy truck they were covered in dust and filthy. Roger then was careful so as
not to catch Indy watching he pulled out a large Aluminum briefcase he shoved a few bits
of rock statues and numerous seemingly unimportant items, he shut the lid and locked it.
After they had finished the unloading, Roger began walking toward Indiana. The mini sailed
off into the sky; Indy watched it as it went off piercing through the clouds.
"Well lets go. We have a long flight." Indy started walking towards the
North American side of the airport.
"Hey Im sorry but I have a different flight." Kent said as he was
already turning around heading for the West wing.
Indiana began to wonder why Roger was heading towards the German wing of the airport,
but just shrugged it off not bothering or caring.
"Good evening Dr. Jones. Ticket please" The ticket taker batted her eyes
"Good evening" Indy smiled and gave her the ticket and proceeded through the
Airport. He then walked a long hallway and took a seat. And began making notes. The plane
began to lift and then started to head towards America.
Berlin: Underground German Laboratory
Dr. Kishov walked into the room General Veloshikov stood. He walked across the
room towards Dr. Kishov. He stared him in the face.
"So do you have it" The General had a monotone when he spoke.
"You know I do. Would I let you down." He smiled as he began to take the
contents from his suitcase. To Indiana Jones he would be Roger to the Germans he is a spy,
a scientist, and a brilliant geneticist, but he also had knowledge of archeology
"Good, very good" The General still did not have any excitement in his voice.
"Now you probably would like to have some idea as to what this is." He
allowed time for the General to give a nod. "Very well you see, actually contrary to
what the superstitious diggers had thought. It was not a mysterious living cult enchanting
them actually it was "
Barnette College, Classroom # 302
"As you heard me explain before, It was NOT an evil that was hunting us.
It was an uh ah" Indiana Jones blinking twice he stuttered. The girl closed her eyes
again, this time Indy was able to make out that in eyeliner pencil she wrote Love
You. He wished she would stop writing him messages, it began making him stutter.
"You see it was a Virus, and as you all know that viruses can stay alive for millions
of years" He waited for the class to nod "so it was preserved, it was held
within the walls, once the door opened, The virus unleashed itself. Also there were
currents in their planted at just the perfect place to where it moved as if it was living.
So dont get any ideas of Boogie Man ghosts haunting you. Also now
I am going to explain my theory as to how the fingers were preserved."
At that time Marcus Brody and three other men walked into the room and sat at the table
at the back of the room. Indy stared at them, he knew these people were government agents,
they dressed like them, and if anyone knew it would be Indy, he had deled with these kinds
of people before. They watched him finish his lesson, with a disgruntled look.
"You see Im sure all of you are familiar that Mummies preserved their dead
kings." The class nodded "Well they found a preservation of their own only it
kept it in pristine condition. Well it whitened as it aged but still it
remained preserved. You see they probably " BZZZZZZZZZZZ, the bell blasted from
the halls. "Ok remember homework is due next Monday." Indiana walked back to
Marcus and the three gentlemen.
"Good day Dr. Jones. We have something concerning youre most recent dig, do
you recognize this man" The chubby man stuck out his hand and showed a picture of a
man he covered up the name.
"Of course he is Roger, from my dig, he was one of my partners, why is he in some
sort of trouble" Indiana said cautiously
"Im afraid he is Dr. Jones," The fat man said. He grunted "You see
his real name is Dr. Kishov, Jerico Kishov." The fat man spoke still had the same
disgruntled look.
Marcus spoke up "You see Indy once you deposited those little items to me with the
diamonds and statues I noticed, his wallet had fallen in, when I read the name I
recognized it as German. Then I immediately notified these people, you see I had heard his
name before from one place or another, I cant recall where exactly but even still I
do remember it was German so I began looking through documents and that sort, and
The short skinny one cut Marcus off "You see he is a Scientist, he works for the
Nazis. We believe they have discovered something that could destroy the Human race, and we
dont want it to fall into Hitlers hands. So naturally we came to you, we want
you to help us. Do you accept the offer? We will also fund your dig"
"I dont know Im rather busy" Indiana said monotone, he
didnt want to get caught up in this any more.
"For the next five years," The chubby government man said.
Indiana smiled "Sure, when do I start."
"We will start you in Berlin" The third man and the tallest of the three
spoke up "You will locate the base, gather information as to what you are going to
do. Ok now, you will be started off with eight thousand dollars, if you need more money
ask us please, but be very careful, this man you are tracking, Jerico Kishov he is a spy,
there are probably many others, so be very careful." The men walked out of the room.
"I cant believe you are going to do this" Marcus said.
"Hey Marcus, could you get Andre to cover for me this next three weeks."
Indiana said as he watched the men walk down the hall. "Besides why wouldnt I,
funding for the next five years who knows what that could bring for the museum"
"Three weeks" Marcus was astonished "I guess I can. Why three
weeks" Marcus was shocked, thoughts raced through his mind why on earth would it take
three weeks.
"Even if its not three weeks I still want some time to recuperate"
Indiana now had a solid face. "Besides Andre can deal with this class well"
"Yes Andre is a tough teacher" Marcus walked out of the room. He shouted out
"I will call him in a minute."
Indy walked out of the classroom. He peeked in Marcuss office, there were
millions of papers and other things on his desk. Most of them were probably dealing with
that matter of the Ark, ever since the government had taken it, Marcus tried desperately
to get it back for the museum. "It does belong in a museum though," Indy said to
himself as he walked up to his car. Indy suddenly realized that he had forgotten something
he rushed back to Marcuss office. Marcus was off the phone now. "Marcus put a
note on my desk for Andre, that I have his lesson laying on the desk. Ok tell him that
everythings planned out. All he has to do is read it" Then Indy walked out the
"Ok Indy I got it" Marcus said as Indy walked to his car.