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Posted by Kent Allard from dial3.insolwwb.net on June 10, 2000 at 22:23:34:
Here it is, email me with questions or comments or post them here. I hope someone enjoys it. Tell me what you think. And I don't know how to start this but would someone help me get this started. I guess who ever wants to do the chapter 4 I could let them do that and we go on like this. Or maybe I could stop and wait and not do it at all. But this is the first time I have ever tried to do it. (well second if you check the nim forum but that was just a mess).
Indiana Jones
And the Third World
"All the great empires of the future will be empires of the
Winston Churchill, 1953
"If you dont know history, you dont know anything."
Edward Johnston, 1990
"Those who do not know the past are condemned to repeat it."
Michael Crichton, 1999
"Im not interested in the future. Im interested in the
future of the future."
Robert Doniger, 1996
Prologue SIZE="4">The Daredevils: 1917 Palestine
Maya cursed Indiana Jones, as she rode off across
the desert. She didnt have water, a map, or compass, she was lost and hot. The
bullet wound burned her flesh with each bobbing from the horse. She was lost and confused,
she felt dizzy and sick. After departing from Indy, se had ran off trying to escape,
before she had gotten away Indy had shot her in the arm. She saw a shadow cross over the
sand, she looked up. She saw a man possibly a murderer; she drew her weapon keeping it
from view of the man. She knew not to trust anyone, especially since she was in a place
where there were thieves running rampant, she had heard stories of women, even women from
the army, being beaten from her horse and raped. So she knew she should be cautious.
He dismounted, "Do you need help" he grinned slyly,
"It seems your lost" He advanced to her. "Let me help you," he grinned
evilly. He drew a dagger and lunged knocking her from her horse, he tried to stab her,
luckily she had drawn her pistol, as the man lunged she fired the pistol firing it through
his head. The lifeless body lying limply on her she cursed and pushed the body off her.
She searched the man getting a canteen, map, compass, and knife, she searched the pockets.
She looked up in surprise; "He is German" she said to herself, she then looked
at the other note attached
"Sir we think she has escaped and is out in the desert, you are to
kill her and then search all documents, her files have been erased, she no longer exists
we just need to dispense of the body, If she escapes it will be your life. She has failed
and not met up to our needs."
Those bastards she thought to herself. They are going to
kill me. She got back to her horse and rode off. Not afraid just the opposite
was planning her revenge, she knew she would have to get back to Germany. She used the map
and compass to find her way out of the desert into and to the airport
Palestine Airport:
Maya got off her horse and walked in she took a
ticket to Germany paying in cash, because as she learned none of her credits were
acceptable. As she flew to Germany she was planning what she was going to do. She knew she
would have to take revenge. She would take her revenge on her killer.
She arrived in Germany; she walked into the local dress
shop and bought a new skirt and blouse. She walked out with new clothes and walked into
the secret office building unto which she was to report after she returned from her
mission. She walked into the office, she saw General Grasso sitting behind a desk, smoking
a cigar, the smoke puffed a ring around the top of his head. The office was dark except
for the light emitting from the tiny lamp on his desk.
He stood up "Maya" he said
surprised "was sind Sie hier tuend: what are you doing
here." His eyes were shocked; he looked at her intently.
"Vertiefung I dachte, daß ich innen berichten
sollte: Well I thought I should report in." She said casually. "Warum Sie mich
aufstellten, warum Sie versuchten, mich zu beenden: Why did you set me up, why did you try
to kill me." She said quckly her manner abruptly changed.
He walked around his desk, "Amperestunde I wissen
nicht an allem, was Sie sich befassen: Ah I do not know what you are talking about."
He said puffing lightly on his cigar
Maya lifted her eyes, she glared at him.
"Eintragfaden des oughtta I Sie im Augenblick. Sie wissen, mit daß was befasse ich,
schickten Sie jemand heraus zum teödland, um mich zu beenden. Ich schoß ihn und stahl
jene Papiere: I oughtta shoot you right now. You know what I'm talking about you sent
someone out to the desert to kill me. I shot him and stole those papers."
"Höre ich bin traurig, aber wir die couldntgefahr,
die Sie also hält, wir mußten Sie uns entledigen traurig. Aber, da Sie nicht noch tot
ich sind, schätzen Sie, daß wir nur sie beenden müssen recht hier wir kippen lassen Sie
weg erhalten können jetzt wir: Listen I'm sorry but we couldnt risk keeping you so we had
to dispose of you sorry. But since you are not yet dead I guess we'll just have to finish
it right here we cant let you get away now can we." He pushed a button underneath his
desk. "Sie sind hier kurzzeitig zu kommen, Sie zu erhalten: They'll be here
momentarily to come and get you."
She pulled a gun from her pocket. Aimed it
directly at his head. "Ich denke nicht so, traurig, aber ich habe zu gehen: I don't
think so, sorry but I've got to go." She fired the bullet. It blew through his head
the blood spurted over his face and onto the desk. She then fired another bullet at the
cabinets lock, she opened the file cabinet and pulled out every file on her and
jumped through the window.
She was five floors up, as she was flying through
the air she was able to make her body turn right side up, she twisted and was able to grab
a ledge she was now about 2 floors up. Her hands were cut from grabbing at the concrete
building. She climbed up, not very far down there was a fountain, it looked deep enough to
jump, and she had only one choice. Stuffing the papers in her blouse she jumped and landed
in the water, it was cold, she shivered with cold, shook it off, then she jumped out of
the fountain and felt a chill streak over her body, the hairs on her neck stood up. Two
men in black trench coats came out of the building they held guns in there hands. She ran
out as fast as she could. Her heart was pounding, she turned a corner she knew exactly
where she was going, it wasnt far from where she was, and hopefully she could make
it. A black car popped out from the far alley and began following her. She couldnt
make it on foot especially since they had a clear view of hear from where she ran. A
trolley was coming down the street, she ran nearer and nearer to the trolley. Finally she
got close enough, she hoped along, staying from gunshot view she watched intently making
sure she couldnt miss her departure. She was carefully watching the black car, she
knew that they knew where she was but they couldnt get a shot out from all the other
people on the trolley. The people stared at her as she crawled down the trolley towards
she front, as it neared her departure she jumped from the trolley and came face to face
with a cargo plane. Hiding among the crates she hopped aboard the plane, she ducked when
she saw the car drive by. She had carefully planned this, although it didnt go
exactly as planned. She never planned for this chase but as long as she made it to the
plane, it was okay. She had checked this and had made sure that this plane was heading
towards America, her defection worked she was about to become an American. Yet she still
wasnt happy, she still hadnt got her revenge, although she had killed her
murderer and his boss she would have to do something to the German army to be truly even.
Chapter I Doing some research:
Barnette College 1933
Indiana tapped on the chalkboard and
shouted over the class bell, "Test over Chapter thirty-two on Wednesday, I wont be in
my office the rest of this week, and there will be a substitute the day of the test."
Indiana walked over to his desk and stacked a few papers to the side; he then clicked on
the lamp to the side and began reading over some texts.
One of the students remained next to the door
"Doctor Jones," It was Margaret Hempson, she was one of the plainer of the
students, she read a lot about history and had a large imagination. "I was just
wanting to talk," she said walking to his desk. "You know I dont have much
time on my hands."
"Yes I know Margaret what is it you wanted to talk
about," He said laying his glasses on his desk turning in his chair.
"Well since were both very interested in
history, I just wanted to know what you thought of this Time Travel idea I
just read a book about it. I think its kind of interesting, dont you. Oh yes I
remember the author, I believe the time travel novel was written by H. G. Wells. Have you
read it?" Margaret said laying her books on her desk.
"No I havent read it, but about this
question you have on time travel. First of all its not incredibly new, for ages
humans have wanted to go back in time and give themselves second chances, but
unfortunately we all eventually figure out that in fact we cant do that."
Indiana said.
"And how is it that you know time travel is
impossible?" Margaret asked.
"Well first of all the very concept of time travel
makes no sense, since time doesnt flow. The fact that we think time passes is just
an accident of our nervous systems-of the way things look to us. In reality, time
doesnt pass; we pass. Time itself is invariant. It just is. Therefore, past
and future arent separate locations; the way New York and Chicago are separate
locations. And since the past isnt a location, you cant travel to it. You
cant just fly over to a separate past, if you will. What I mean is you cant travel
to nineteen twenty of our world, because we flow on."
She stared in silence. She just stared.
"It is important to be clear about this, so as not
to confuse you" Indiana said.
"I believe I already am confused," She
"Now if its going back to the past
youre wanting, there is a theory developed about a form of space travel. To be
precise, its quantum theory, the theory to manipulate an orthogonal multiverse coordinate
change. I have talked about this theory to the physicist who had dreamed it
She looked at him blankly.
"It means," Indiana said, "that we travel
to another place in the multiverse."
"And whats the multiverse?" Margaret
"The multiverse I the world is the world defined by
quantum mechanics. It, means that "
"Quantum mechanics?" Margaret said.
"Whats quantum mechanics?"
Indiana paused. "Thats fairly difficult. But
Ill try to explain it to you, now pay attention its fairly confusing."
"Well go on," Margaret said.
"Recently" Indiana said, "physicists
understood that energy took the form of continuously flowing waves. We still refer to
radio waves and light waves. In fact, the recognition that all
forms of energy shared this wavelike nature is one of the great achievements of
nineteenth-century physics.
But there was a small problem," he said. It turned
out that if you shined light on a metal plate, you got an electric current." He went
on, "The discovery that energy came in quanta was the start of quantum physics,"
Indiana kept going. Stuttering trying to explain what he could recall what he had talked
about from his brief chats with the physicist."
"And pretty soon, physicists began to realize that
not only light, but all energy was composed of particles. In fact, all matter in the
universe took the form of particles. Atoms were composed of heavy particles in the
nucleus, light electrons buzzing around on the outside. So according to the new thinking,
everything is particles. Okay?"
." She didnt really
understand it but she was lying, what she called it was flirting she liked
Indiana and pretended to be paying attention and caring about what he had to say.
Indiana went on, "These particles are discrete
units, or quanta. And the theory that describes how these particles behave is quantum
She nodded. "But what does this have to do with
multiple universes?" Margaret said.
"Im getting there," Indiana said. The
topic began to bore Indy, he knew that she couldnt possibly understand what he was
talking about either, or really wanting to explain it. But yet he even still went on.
"One scientist Ive spoke with believes in a
daring new explanation. He claims that our universe we see, the universe of rocks and
trees and people and galaxies out in space was just one of an infinite number of
universes, existing side by side.
Each of these universes was constantly splitting, so
there was a universe where Lincoln lived and one where he died. One where you combed your
hair in the morning and one where you didnt. And so forth on and on and on, many
things such as that. An infinity number of worlds. He calls this the "many
worlds" interpretation of quantum mechanics. His explanation was consistent with the
quantum equations, but physicists found it very hard to accept. They didnt like the
idea of all these worlds constantly splitting all the time. They found it unbelievable
that reality could take this form.
"Most physicists still refuse to accept it."
Indiana went on. "Even though no one has ever shown it is wrong. But I
suppose its just the fact that it
seems so impossible but that is one mans theory"
Margaret interrupted him, "and do you believe any
of this?"
"I dont know whether or not to believe it,
only time can tell though. I really need to get back to work. Hope I didnt boar you
too much, I know you probably didnt understand much or any of it but the truth is I
hardy understood any of it at all either, but Im sure in about fifty years maybe it
will all become understood and explained. Just like I dont understand why some
people believe in spirits and ghosts, when they know it is just something that comes from
out of your imagination, maybe they ought to make a radio program called unsolved
mysteries that would be hilarious. I would just like to see them try and explain why
some one would believe in that sort of thing. But its all a matter of time and
change. Like how if you talked to a physicist from two hundred years ago about all the
advances such as radios and things that can make men fly and hold over ten or twenty
people, or that moving images could be cast to a large screen. Then if you told the
physicist all of this then he would almost certainly proclaim you insane." Indiana
said tiring himself from the conversation wanting to get back to his studies and
"Okay, Ill see you later then," Margaret
says walking out of the classroom. Even though she was madly in love with Dr. Jones she
couldnt wait to get out of the classroom, sometimes he could get a little carried
away with his studies.
Maya looked over the area; she looked up at the large
roof. And several cars parked out around the lot. She walked by some of the boys, they
were shouting obscenities to her like "hey girl Id love to get some of
that", or "hey you new here I can teach you some excellent skills" she
didnt realize what they were doing. The ignorant fools she thought. Finally becoming
fed up with what was going on she went over to one of the students, she kneed him then
kicked him to his knees then with her right hand picked him up from the ground and punched
him in the nose breaking it. The student ran off crying. "Men" she said to
herself. The walked to the steps leading to the door
Yes she had the right address, and this was Barnette
College. She walked in through the large double doors. She walked in to the secretaries
office, she said "Where may I find Dr. Jones class."
She pushed the glasses down to the end tip of her nose
and looked down across at the tall slender woman. "Down the hall, to the left, room
number three oh two," she spoke dryly, then pushed the glasses back up. Then seemed
to be studying the woman looking at her from head to toe "I guess that is true what
they have said about him," she said grumbling. And then she went back to her
typewriter. She wasnt the most cheerful person Maya thought to herself. Maya then
also gave a grunt and walked down the hall.
Maya walked down the hall, looking at the doors and
watching the people walk from the hallway, one of the men came up behind her and patted
her lightly on the butt. She then turned around and took him by the hair walked him next
to a corner and punched him in the face giving him a black eye. What is wrong with men
today she thought to herself. She saw a young plain looking girl walking from the room.
The door was open "Well, well, well Dr. Jones its nice to finally meet you,
what have you been up to lately." She said walking inside the room.
Indiana turned, in his chair to see who was talking to
him. He didnt recognize her. "May I help you young lady." His laid his
glasses down on the table. He too began staring at the woman but not exactly for the same
reason that the secretary was looking at her.
"Im sorry its been such a long time
since weve seen each other, dont you remember me. You probably wont be
especially proud to see me, Its me Maya we were spies together in Palestine. I am
ashamed to admit it but I was a traitor." She looked down at the floor feeling
embarrassed and foolish. "I feel bad about it, I would like to come to you with an
offer to make up for what I did."
"You were a traitor to me and America." He
looked at her disgustedly. " I shouldnt even be sitting here and listening, but
you are ashamed and willing to make up for it."
"Well I defected, they were going to kill me they
also werent going to pay for my medical bills either. Also I have been researching
some things I have found it requires us to go to Mongolia, we need to talk about it later
tonight." Maya walked a little closer. "Listen come to my apartment tonight and
we can talk about it. Its only a few blocks from here. Hey in fact I can stay here
until your ready to leave, and I can drive you down there."
"Okay Im only be a few more minutes. We can
discuss this later just sit outside on one of the benches." Indiana turned off the
light and then stacked up his papers as she walked out of the room; he then placed them
into a briefcase slipped it under his arm. He walked out of the room and into the hall
placing his fedora on his head. "Okay lets go"
Chapter II
More studies:
"Okay, Jones
heres the story," She paused and looked down at her cup of coffee. She began
searching for her next words, such as what to say and how to say it.
"Go on," Indy said as he took a sip of his
coffee his eyes never turning from her face, he began studying her, surveying. He
didnt trust her, and he shouldnt, but he decided to listen to the story.
She took a sip of the coffee, "Well, after you had
shot me, of course you know I rode off with the horse out into the desert. Well I
didnt have food or water. While I was riding a man came up, he would have killed me
but I shot him. He had some notes water and a picture of me, I suppose he needed a picture
to see what I looked like. He was
ah sent to kill, after I was out of the desert I
was able to make it to the airport where I boarded a flight to Germany, after a
mission we were to report in, I reported in. I had this all carefully planned
out; after he called the guards to come kill me I shot him and stole my documents from his
office. I had to jump out the window luckily I made it out with only a few scars. I had to
run because I was being tailed. I was able to hop aboard a cargo plane and sneak my way
into the United States Ive been living here for a while and I had began researching
through the papers I stole. There were many papers and documents finally I came across a
sheet of paper about, a cave in Mongolia, anyone who had ever entered never came out.
There have even been excavation teams searching the cave. But the weird thing is that all
the teams members disappeared, there have even been reports of someone completely
vanishing. One time a team tried to use a recorder and one person sitting outside the cave
would listen in to everything that was happening, the trouble was that he kept talking
then suddenly the whole thing crackled and then nothing but static. When they dragged the
wire out of the cave they found that the wire end was completely snapped. There have not
been any pictures made of neither the inside, nor any contact from the inside. But they do
know there is in fact a treasure there, something called a phurba dagger." She paused
and looked at Indys face, it then lit up.
"Wait Ive heard about these phurba
daggers. Yes but they arent believed to be real, I think it was a man named Maxwell
Grant who came up with this phurba dagger thing, he writes a series of novels, called
"The Shadow" yes I believe Ive heard about these before. Believed to
contain a power that could do things from transform human beings to be able to
destroy whole armies." He grunted, "Do you expect me to believe this."
"No trust me, the phurba dagger IS real,
trust me, there are also many golden idols and other treasures in the cave." She set
the cup of coffee on a table. "What you are talking about is a fictional novel, but
the phurba dagger is real. If you come with me and help me, I will pay you thirty two
thousand dollars. That ought to make up for the trip and what Ive caused
you." She began to ruffle through some papers "There will be, two more
teams going on this excavation, one will be a team of Germans I do not know there names
and the other will be led by an American, I believe his name is Forrestol. Oh I do know
that the German exhibition team is funded and headed by the government. Also this
exhibition has been being planned for quite some time." She pulled out the paper, and
handed it to Jones, he then stuck it into his jacket pocket, then she added, "One
thing though we absolutely must get there before the other two teams. If not they
may beat us to our treasure."
Indianas face lit up, he thought about it for a
moment then added "Okay Ill do it, but I want sixteen thousand now and the rest
later, after the trip. This will be a chance to show Forrestol up at his own game. You are
sure of this, now then you need to tell me about this cave." Indiana went on. After
about thirty minutes they had finished talking. "Oh, one more thing," he paused
waiting to get her attention "Bring the money to my house tomorrow, we leave at noon.
Indiana stood up put his fedora on top of his head and walked out of the room, through the
hall and out the door. By the time they had finished talking it had started to rain, as he
got to his car the rain picked up and became violent, fortunately he had brought his
trench coat, he got in the car and began to drive home
Indiana got inside the car. He began to review what was
happening in his head. He knew he couldnt trust her, people dont just
automatically change and decide to be a better person. Why would she even come back after
all this time to see him, she claimed that she wanted to have help with the finding of an
artifact. All this and more was running through his mind, he was trying to make sense of
it all, oh well he thought to himself, even if she is trying to fool me I will also have
the money that ought to hold me for a long time. "Fortune and Glory," he said to
himself. He turned a corner and walked up to his house. The phone was ringing when he
walked inside, "Hello" he said into the receiver "Jones residence."
"Hello, Indy this is Marcus I just wanted to call
to remind you that you have to give a lecture at three-o-clock tomorrow."
"Oh Marcus I forgot, um okay cancel that lecture
and schedule it a week from now okay, and get Peter to fill in for my classes." Indy
spoke into the receiver.
"Why Indy, whats going on. Are you going
somewhere." Marcuss voice crackled through the phone.
"Yes, tomorrow morning Im leaving for
Mongolia, Yeah Im offered thirty two thousand, to bring in some old relic, yeah
fortune and glory Marcus," he gave a sigh of contentment, "fortune and glory. I
cant talk anymore, I have to pack" Indiana then hung up the phone, and began his
packing. He tossed a leather jacket, shirt, pants, a bag, and bullwhip and then placed it
all in a suitcase. He then placed his fedora on top and set all of the items on a chair.
He then took a shower and lay down to bed.
The next morning, Indiana was up and going to
Mayas apartment. He had the suitcase in the trunk of his car; he would change his
clothes during the plane trip. Right now he was wearing worn khakis, and a plaid work
shirt. The fedora tipped up on his head. He checked his watch. It was eleven forty five;
he had plenty of time to get there. Indiana rounded a corner and pulled up to the side of
the apartment building. He walked up and knocked. When the door opened Maya was already
ready to go and had set her suitcase next to the door and was wearing a safari shirt, with
a long skirt, she also was planning to change on the plane trip also.
"So do you know how were going to get down
there." Maya asked bringing her items down the stairs and to the car.
"Yes I have a private plane trip set aside, it will be a small plane though."
Indiana said taking the few small packages.
Maya got inside the car and shut the door; she waited
for Indiana to do the same, then she added, "I dont care just as long as it is
As the car drove up the driveway to the small aircraft
hanger, a small young man began walking toward the car. "Hello Jones, where is it you
would like to go." The man asked holding a piece of a ham sandwich, "listen I
cant accompany you on this trip, I can only drop you off and pick you up, okay"
"Thats okay, hey do you mind dropping us in
Mongolia," Indiana said as he parked the car.
"Yeah sure no problem, hey well have to leave
today, listen I can only give you ninety six hours to do the job then Ill come back
to find you then Itll be another week, so try not to be late, okay Im sorry
though but Im booked up." The man said.
"Yeah sure that will probably be enough time,"
he looked at Maya for assurance she nodded, "Yeah that will be okay, um shell
have to help navigate," Indiana said walking into the hanger.
"Hello my name is Maya, It will be a pleasure
working with you," Maya said, shaking his hand.
"Oh sorry, my name is Chris, Chris Hughes,
Ive been taking your pal Indy around for a long time, hes quite an
adventurer." Chris said looking at Maya thoughtfully.
"Pleased to meet you, I hope this will be an
enjoyable trip. We will also need to get going," Maya said as she stared at Chris,
although not the way he was staring at her.
"Oh yeah sure, hey yeah I probably have the perfect
plane for you," Chris said taking her to the small aircraft, as Indiana fell behind.
Chris and Maya sat at the controls, and then Indiana sat
in the back tipping his hat over his head as he began to drift to sleep. As the plane
began to take off into the air, Maya walked to the back and was able to shift around some
boxes and things to block the others view and began changing from her casual clothes to
her adventure gear. She then took a large belt which had a gun holster
attached and hooked it around her waist. She had long somewhat curly black hair, her hips
swayed as she walked, and her eyes were thoughtful and dazzling, she had long tanned legs,
which were strong since she had been working for the secret service, although that was
something she was longing to forget.
Maya threw Indianas hat off his head and shook him
awake, "Indiana you can go change now," she then walked back to the cockpit.
Indiana began changing into his Indy gear. After
changing he went back to sleep preparing his mind and body for what was awaiting.
"Okay this is the area, I cant exactly tell
though," Maya said, she was holding a small torn map.
"Okay look there isnt a landing area anywhere
near here, or a place we could even get close to landing theres too much bush,
youll have to jump,"
"Yeah, sure where are the packs," Maya said
looking at Chris, she began to stuff the map into her pocket.
Chris looked back into the end of the plane then pointed
"In the back the large compartment." He began pointing to a small steel
"Okay Ill wake Jones" she bent over and
kissed Chris goodbye. His eyes opened wide, and glowed. She picked the hat from
Indys face, "Jones" she hit the side of his head with the hat, "Jones
we have to jump," he jumped to his feet, shaking his head.
"What, what happened," Indiana jumped up
clutching his whip.
"We have to jump" Maya said putting her pack
on, and handing him his.
"Why," he asked, putting the pack on his back
opening the door.
Chris shouted from the controls "Listen youll
have to jump now or well have missed our drop-off point" Chris shouted turning
back to his plane.
Maya shouted "No time" and pushed Indiana
Jones out the door, with her following behind.
The air beat against Indianas face as he was
flying through the clouds. His arms were outstretched, he couldnt tell if he was
supposed to pull the string yet, he finally made the decision, he yanked the string. He
suddenly felt himself falling lighter in the air, he was able to open his eyes, he looked
to the side, and he could see Mayas chute. He then hit the ground. His legs ached
from the impact. A few minutes later he saw Maya land. He ran to her helping her to her
"Okay now we" she took a deep breath,
"now we need to get to the cave, you might want me to lead the way Jones. As I have
been studying and examining this jungle for a long time preparing myself for this."
She said as she took the map from her pocket and started walking off into the jungle. They
walked for several minutes surveying the land around them, it was filled with trees and
shrubbery and wild plants and animals, and they also encountered some skulls. And human
remains, the skulls were laying there looking horrified as they slowly decomposed. Indiana
didnt have time to date or examine them, he just kept following Maya, and finally
she led him to the entrance of the cave. The place was overgrown with mold and mildew. Its
entrance was covered in spider webs, as they walked trough the cave they took extreme
cautiousness. Watching every step they, took watching the walls for any cracks or holes,
spiders scurried across the ground as they walked deeper into the cave, as they went
deeper they saw skulls. Some had what looked to be extremely old robes and clothes.
Indiana began looking at them; there was something he couldnt figure out. "Hold
it" Indiana whispered. He began looking at one of the skeletons. He began examining
it; it was wearing modern clothes, boots hat and a shirt. Only there was one odd
thing about it, as far as Indiana could tell it looked to be hundreds of years old, yet
this had clothes of modern day. "Theres something wrong here" Indiana
"Why, whats wrong," Maya whispered to
Indiana, as she proceeded into the cave
"Nothing lets go on," Indiana said as he
tried to conceal what he had seen, he began to lead through the cave not knowing what was
about to happen.
Chapter III
The Dagger
They then came to a large room, with large statues
largely decorated with golden jewelry and idols. Although when they began walking through
the room it was as though the statues began watching them, cursing their movement. Indiana
started walking to the back of the large room, "Ill be damned" he said
under his breath "it does exist" he looked down up at a mantle which had a
golden dagger
a Phurba dagger. He reached down to pickup the golden jewel.
"Hold it Jones, dont move," A voice
shouted from the room.
Indiana looked up startled, he pulled out his whip, he
shouted "Maya, is something wrong," Indiana started walking towards the front of
the room. "Forrestal" he grunted.
"Whats wrong Jones, I would have thought you
would be pleased to see me," he smiled "Oh if your wondering where your
girlfriend is" He snapped his fingers, a large bulky man walked in, holding Maya as
he came in "Shes in my care," he smiled again.
"Greedy basturd," he grunted under his breath,
"Hey listen here you
He was cut off short, "No, no bargaining this time
Im here to take all" Forrestal walked closer to Jones showing his yellow teeth.
"Not this time" Indiana said as he pulled out
his whip, cracking it in the air. He swung it in the air wrapping the hand of Mayas
capture; Indiana jerked on the whip knocking the man to the ground. "Maya over
here," He shouted as he ran to the Phurba. Maya then ran across the room to Indiana.
He took Maya by the arm, and then Indiana ran over to the dagger, he grabbed it.
It seemed to come alive; its eyes glowed a fiery red. It
moved its head, then sunk its sharp teeth into Indianas hand, he grabbed
his hand in pain, the dagger began flying off towards the ceiling, it then flew off and
sunk its sharp end into one of Forrestalls eight mens chest. It
immediately after flew from the chest and landed into Indiana Jones leg. He clutched
it yelling with pain, the ceiling began to crumble rocks shifting from place. The statues
fell over, Forrestalls men gathered around each other; a light began to shine from
the place of the dagger.
Then everything started to get bright white. They room
began to become large, or was he getting smaller Indy thought to himself. Then everything
began to cloud up, he felt his eyes began to sear with pain, he couldnt see anyone
else, he tried to yell out "Maya" but nothing came out he felt his body crumple
to the ground. He felt everything become heavier.
Indiana opened his eyes; he saw bright daylight on an
open field. He stood up, "Ill be damned, its true, that damned theory is
true, this is an actual multiverse" He said aloud.
"Jones where are we," Maya said standing up
rubbing here eyes. "What happened."
"I think the Phurba dagger opened up the parallel
dimension to the multiverse," Jones said walking around taking in the surroundings.
"Where is Forrestal." He grunted.
"Im right here you basturd, what the hell
happened." Forrestal said grunting as he got to his feet.
"Do you hear that," Maya said
"What?" Forrestal said.
"Shh." Maya insisted.
It was horse galloping, soon they all heard the horse
beating then saw it entering from the forest and come to the clearing. The horse came
close to one of Forrestals men, the rider drew his sword, and it swung, chopping the
mans head off, it rolled to Forrestalls feet.
Forrestal shouted "Run," they all began
scattering in different directions.
Indiana grabbed Maya by the arm and ran the horses
galloped off. "Who was and what was that," Maya gasped
"Genghis Khan," Indiana mumbled
"How do you know?" she said looking at Indy.
"The markings on his horse, I have a feeling we
have gone back to the time of Genghis Khan. This may be trouble. Well have to get
back to the cave, unfortunately I dont know where it is."
"Wait, do you mean we actually went back to the
past. How is that possible?" Maya said.
"Well actually we didnt go back in time from
our universe, we went to a multiverse, Its a little different and extremely
complicated." Indiana said ducking in the bushes.
"But wait a minute, if we went back in time,"
Maya said. "Wont our presence here change the local history? Wont we
influence the outcome of events?"
"No. We wont."
"How do you know?"
"Because we cant."
"But what about the time paradoxes?"
"Time paradoxes?"
"Thats right," Maya said. "You
know, like going back in time and killing your grandmother, so that you cant be
"Oh, that." Indiana shook her head
impatiently. "There are no time paradoxes."
"What do you mean? Of course there are."
"No, there arent," Indiana said firmly.
"Time paradoxes do not occur."
"What do you mean." Maya said. She was feeling
put out that her question had been so roughly treated. She looked at his stern face.
"The so-called time paradoxes," Indiana said,
"do not really involve time. They involve ideas about history that are seductive but
wrong. Seductive because they flatter you into thinking you can have an impact on the
course of events. And wrong, because of course, you cant."
"You cant have an impact on events?"
"Of course you can."
"No. You cant. A single person can do little
to alter events in any meaningful way. Of course, great masses of people can change
the course of events. But one person? No."
"Maybe so," Maya said, "but I can
kill my grandfather. And if hes dead then I couldnt be born, so I would not
exist, and therefore I couldnt have shot him. And thats a paradox."
"Yes it is assuming you actually kill your
grandfather. But there are many things that stand in the way such as, you accidentally get
killed yourself on the way or when you do get there you discover you cant pull the
trigger. You may kill him too late and your parent has already been conceived.
Indiana rubbed his hands together "Now then. Shall
we end this speculation and be on our way. I have a feeling being here with Genghis Khan
will be disastrous. Wait where the hell is Forrestal. We need to find him."