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Posted by Goodsport from adsl-216-102-199-185.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net on June 15, 2000 at 23:22:16:
In Reply to: Chapters 1-8 of Indiana Jones and the Indyfan Forum posted by Goodsport on June 06, 2000 at 07:52:39:
    Deirdre gasped. Indy's room consisted of a desk and chair filled with papers on the left, a single wooden bed in the middle and a cupboard in the corner. The room was dimly lit with a lone table lamp on the desk.The room was in a complete mess. There were Westeds, shirts, belts and pants lying around everywhere. Goodsport, the Fiddler, Meg, the two Short Rounds and Indiana Jayne, who were all staring back at her, had certainly turned the room upside-down just to find the perfect pants. But that was not what she had gasped at. Behind the head of the bed, Marion had a gun to Indiana Jayne's temple. Indiana Jayne struggled to loosen Marion's elbow grip around her neck. Deirdre opened her mouth to shout, but was cut off by Marion.
    "Don't try anything stupid! The girl can go-" Marion looked down at Indiana Jayne menacingly. "-anytime." Indiana Jayne looked at Deirdre and nodded her head vigorously. Cold sweat formed on her forehead. The others gave Deirdre a look that meant that Marion was really serious. Slowly, Deirdre stepped into the room with her hands up in the air. Marion flashed her an exaggerated sweet smile.
    "Yes, that's right. That's very good," her smile was replaced with a look of threat. "From now on, everybody listens to me. Get it?" she commanded. The Fiddler who was standing between Goodsport and Asian Short Round smirked. At once the attention was focused on Fiddler.
    "I wonder what Indy sees in you. The way you treat an innocent little girl or your fabulous impersonation of Rambo!" he said heatedly. Marion looked at Fiddler angrily.
    "Who is Rambo???" she asked through gritted teeth.
    Goodsport flashed the Fiddler a worried look.
    "Maybe you shouldn't have," he whispered.
    "I'll deal with you later, smart-mouth. But now I want everyone out of the room and into the truck parked outside. Silently!" she demanded. One by one, all of them went down the stairs. Just then Sallah who was downstairs repairing a stool saw the Indyfans climbing down the stairs and when he saw Marion holding the gun to Indiana Jayne's head, he immediately dropped the hammer and nails in his hands.
    "Marion what are you doing?!" he asked in complete shock. Marion, still gripping Indiana Jayne lifted the gun at Sallah's direction and shot him in the shoulder. The rest of the Indyfan Forum who were sleeping, woke up once the shot had fired. Screams and gasps were heard at all directions. Indiana Riggs rubbed his eyes and blinked as if he could not believe what had just taken place. The Lambert brothers stood still in bewilderment.
    "What on Earth??" exclaimed Indiana Jerico. Suddenly, Henry Jones, Senior appeared rushing into the living room to see what had happened.
    "Good heavens!" he looked at Marion. "Marion, what's going-" before he could finish his sentence, Marion fired at him. He fell to the floor with a great thump. This time, nobody dared to make a sound. Even Indiana Jayne had stopped struggling. Marion had just murdered two men.
    "Okay, I'm sure everybody knows who's in charge here right now. Everybody, inside the truck!" Marion ordered. The Indyfans obediently exited Sallah's house and climbed into the truck they had used earlier in the chase with Belloq. The crates full of weapons were gone and so were everybody's hopes on escaping. When Asian Short Round was about to join the rest in the passenger seat, Marion stopped him.
    "No, Short Round. You drive," she said. Asian Short Round nodded and walked to the front. When everybody else had got in the truck she and Indiana Jayne climbed in and sat at the back next to Deirdre.
    "To Al-Rouida and step on it!" Marion yelled to Asian Short Round in the driver's seat. Asian Short Round turned the ignition and brought the engine to life. The truck charged ahead to the direction of the village of Al-Rouida. Goodsport looked curiously at Marion.
    "Al-Rouida? That village is practically abandoned!" he said.
    "Exactly. We'll be safe there," she answered with a surprising tone of warmth.
    "Oh, sure. Like we're safe right now," Indiana Jerico said sarcastically. The Fiddler glared at Indiana Jerico.
    "Shut up, Jerico! Do you want to die next?" he snapped.
    "Whoa! Cool it, you two!" Forum Short Round chipped in.
    "Stay out of this, Shorty!" Indiana Jerico said angrily but his eyes were fixed on Fiddler. Indiana Jerico and the Fiddler started arguing. Asian Short Round stepped on the brakes and looked back at the commotion. He looked scared. What's going on?
    "Okay, okay! Stop this right now! I'm not who you think I am," shouted Marion over their voices. She let go of Indiana Jayne who fell on Deirdre's lap and the gun which dropped to the floor. She grabbed some skin at the bottom of her chin and tore it out! But it wasn't skin. It was a mask! She ripped the whole piece out unveiling her true face. Everybody sat frozen stunned. She took off Marion's long black hair which was actually a wig and revealed a head full of auburn curls.
    "Oh my God..........." Brett (Maverick) Lambert said under his breath.
    Indiana Jayne sat up straight and stared into the woman's intense green eyes.
    "Who are you?" she asked softly. The woman looked up.
    "My name is Agent Maria Farley from the FBI."
* * * * *
    "Hey, are you okay?" Maria, the woman who disguised as Marion asked Indiana Jayne who was regaining consciousness after passing out for 5 minutes. She started rubbing the huge blister on her neck. Indiana Jayne turned to her with fear in her eyes. Maria had a concerned look on her face She took out a band-aid from her dress pocket and gave it to Indiana Jayne. She smiled warmly at Jayne. Indiana Jayne looked at the band-aid but did not move an inch.
    "Go on, take it. And I'm sorry for grabbing you like that," Maria apologised. Meg who was quiet all along finally spoke up.
    "You can't expect her to take it just like that! You just murdered Sallah and Indy's dad! Who are you? Really!" Meg asked angrily.
    "Yeah, one minute you're Marion, another minute you start killing people and now you're some-some-" Indiana James Lambert searched for the words. "some Maria!"
    Maria ignored Meg and James. She called out to Asian Short Round.
    "Hey, Short Round! Continue driving. We still have to go to Al-Rouida," she said. But this time, Asian Short Round did not obey. Instead he climbed into the back with the rest.
    "No, answer first," he said curtly. Maria hesitated but finally spoke.
    "I'm just like everyone of you!" she said. Then, she looked at Asian Short Round. "but Short Round here isn't one of us." The Fiddler rolled his eyes. The he turned and smiled at Indiana Jerico.
    "Hey, Jerico! I'm sorry I snapped at you. She deserved it," he told his friend. Indiana Jerico smiled back.
    "Hey, it's okay. We're all on the same side. Except for Maria," he glared at her. Maria slumped back on the seat and looked away. She was really frustrated. Goodsport, who sat opposite her, leaned forward.
    "Can you please tell us who you really are and where you came from?" he asked.
    "And why you were disguising as Marion?" Brett (Maverick) chipped in.
    "Maybe an explanation on how all of us got here and why?" Indiana James added. Everybody kept silent. Each and every one of them were waiting anxiously for the answer. The real answer.
Indiana Jayne, we are anxiously awaiting your Chapter 10! :)