Posted by Short Round from on July 27, 1999 at 13:18:17:
In Reply to: Chapter 32 posted by Short Round on July 27, 1999 at 12:49:52:
: Chapter 32 "The Nic of Time" written by Short Round.
: BOOM! The "Goon's" made their way through the trap door, gun's raised, ready for action!
: "Shorty," Goodsport whispered to the frightened 13 year old "Whatever happen's to us stay right here and hide!"
: Short Round didn't like the sound of that. If Goodsport had died it would be like taking away half of him. Goodsport was like a big brother to Shorty, and like a sidekick. But a feeling told him it wasn't the end.
: The lead goon of the mysterious raider's signaled his men to pause while he observed the corridor for anybody. When he seen there was nobody he gestured his men to follow him as they ran down he corridor making a big racket.
: Guard's stood outside the entrance of the hideout, while several other troops combed the place for any clues of their targets' whereabout's or what become of them.
: "Hey look!" A troop yelled at his companion's while storming the hideout. "Lookie what we got here! The little guy would've got in deep s****t if we hadn't arrived when we did!" The troop gestured to James and Brett Lambert sitting in the cell all bound and scared for their life.
: ----
: "Come on Shorty answer!" Indiana Jerico nervously said in the corridor of the hospital. Jerico tried calling again which left him with no answer. Jerico finally gave up and slipped the cell phone back in his left jacket pocket.
: "Perfect." Indiana Jerico said. Indiana Jerico paced the corridor nervously.
: ----
: The moment was getting more tense by the second. Indy, Shorty, Goodsport, and Aragorn could hear the goon's coming closer and closer!
: The head goon put his hand up for his men to stop as they came to a dead end of the secret cellar corridor. The lead man observed the room carefully. They were sure this was the only place they could have gone. They had crates and boxes stacked up all over the place, a work bench in the far right corner with a few tool's and an unfinished project that had collected dust from some time. A small alcove covered half of the room on left wall,within it, it was stacked with smaller crates, and other equipment. The only source of light was a small light hanging fromn the cieling, and the goon's flash lights.
: "Comb the place," the lead man said. "They have to be here, and when you find them: Shoot to kill!"
: Indy could hear one of the men coming near the crates they were hiding behind, which were close to the work bench. Indy knew it best that they ran into this room for a better ambush since it had more cover to hide behind. Indy suddenly came up with another crafty idea. Indy had noticed one of the ammo crates had hole in it from pesty rats. Indy wasn't too fond of rats but he'd make an acception for being with them at the time if it was his life on the line like right now. He took one of grenades from the ammo crates and pulled the pin. He was holding the release lever so it wouldn't go off just yet. He quickly grabbed a jar from the work bench and put the grenade in it, so the walls will hold the release lever down. indy noticed a troop was coming nearer to the crates they were behind. Aragorn got ready. As the troop was visible, Aragorn made his move! He grabbed, and pulled him behind the crates, and covering his mouth, he squeezed a pressure point on his neck making him knocked him out cold. Goodsport gave a lopsided grin at Aragorn, while Shorty, being wide eyed from the tense moment, was staring in disbelief as they came as close as it gets to being found and possibly turned into a pinyatta for bullets. Indy fixed the jar containing the grenade carefully and quietly on top of a crate while him and the rest of the gang snuck from their hiding place. Shorty went and carefully took the knocked out cold troop's rifle. Indy and the rest were about to turn head towards the alcove when suddenly they were face to face with one of the goon's!
: "What's that!" Short Round yelled, pointing behind the soldier's shoulder. The soldier turned briefly and flew into the crates as the butt of Goodsport's gun came down up on his left temple.
: "Their over their shoot em!" a troop yelled.
: "Go get down! Indy said while the first shot's were fired from the troops. Short Round ducked behind a crate as the shot's repeatedly were fired throughout the room! Short Round finally had enough courage to pear over a crate, when suddenly two bullets bit into the wood of the crates, inches near his head. He heard a groan as Goodsport took a shot to the to his shoulder.
: "AAARRRRGGGGGGGGGHHH!!!" Goodsport yelled in pain.
: "GOODSPORT!! NOOO!!" Short Round yelled, not paying any attention to the ongoing battle.
: "Buddy," Goodsport said with a slight wince "Stay down, try not to--" Goodsport's sentance was interrupted with a loud pain filled groan!
: Indy shot off two guard's while a few other's hid behind crates to take cover. In anger Short Round stood up from behind his crate, his rifle in hand and furiously tried to shoot off a few bullet's giving a warrior's cry! He shot at a crate which fell, and crushing the main leader he furiously shot off a few rounds at the cieling, debris flying everywhere.
: "You sunuva b-" Short Round was interrupted as a bullet knocked him off his feet.
: Indy knew they were losing, having almost lost Shorty and Goodsport, he knew he still had himself and Aragorn, then he remembered what he set up: the grenade! He suddenly aimed his gun at the crates and failed at shooting a few rounds then he noticed he had to reload! Luckily Aragorn picked off a few troop's leaving Indy time. Suddenly he heard the noise of more foot steps as more troops barged in, apparently the one's who were outside guarding the hideout. Indy had a new magazine, and he started firing at the crates again, when suddenly the explosion sounded, killing off almost all the guards and troops! Suddenly they started shooting off and successfully picking off one guard after another. Then the unthinkable happened: they ran out of ammo! The guards came rushing at them, their guns raised at them, point blank range. Indy and Aragorn closed their eyes as they heard gunshots! The last thing they were gonna ever hear, they thought. Nothing happened.
: Silence. Then the sound of food steps. They both opened up their eyes to see all the guard's sprawled all over the floor with bullets embedded into their bodies. Then they saw two men in wested jacket's, and one was Indiana Jerico but the other looked like a geek from the seventies or sixties.
: "Lucky to be alive." Jerico said with a slight chuckle.
: "Who's this guy?" Aragorn asked.
: Troops, much different from those of the goon's came barging in. They were obviously on their side.
: "The name's Powers Austin Powers baby!" The guy said shaking hands with Indy and Aragorn.
: "Hey! Aren't you from the forum?" Indy said in surprise.
: "As a matter of fact I am! I recently got an ICQ from your friend here' Indiana Jerico, and I came as fast as I could on my jet plane, baby!" The brittish agent said with glee.
: "You arrived at the last minute!" Indy hollared.
: "But we came... Yeah baby!!" Austin Powers said.
: ----
: Soon outside all the goon's guards and troops lay sprawled on the plains, limp and dead.
: "So who were these punks?" Short Round asked.
: "They are called the Spectre. Sent by Nobody and Deirdre. But Shorty our mission is not complete ye-" Indy turno se Short Round not their. Short Round was walking toward's a few of the troops who were with Mr. Powers. Short Round tapped the shoulder of one of the thugs the troops were holding. As the thug turned around, revealing the face of Bret Lambert, Short Round slugged a fist at him, knocking him out cold.
: "SHORTY! What do you think your doing!?" Indy said running to Short Round who was continuously kicking Bret in the stomach.
: "This is for my nose--" Short Round was interrupted by Indy.
: "Shorty your even now let it go!" Indy madly said at Short Round.
: Short Round clutched his side as Indy turned him around.
: "Ouch Indy watch it, it's still sore!" Shorty said.
: Shorty hadn't been wound but luckily a bullet hit the rifle, catupulting his little body.
: "Sorry bud!" Indy said.
: Goodsport was being took care of as it is also.
: "So Indy?" Shorty asked. "Where do we go on from here?"
: "We're ever the road takes us." Indy answered. "But we still can't waist too much time, so Shorty, get our stuff!"
: Who's for chapter 33??????