Posted by Short Round from on August 19, 1999 at 17:44:02:
Brett and the Fiddler struggled to run with their hands bound with handcuffs. Jerico, Aragorn, Goodsport and Shorty were close behind. They were near a river so all they(the Lambert's)had to really do was jump in, float up stream and their escape would be successful. This is gonna be cool! the Lambert's said to themselves.
"There they are!" Jerico shouted. Jerico tackled the closest: The fiddler. He grabbed him by the colar and kneed him in the stomach and then punched him in the jaw. The others were ahead after the Lamberts. Goodsport jumped and tackled Brett to the ground. Brett kicked Goodsport in the stomach and struggled to get up with only his feet. Aragorn ran after James while Shorty went to tackle Brett. He got Brett to the ground. Before he had a chance to punch Brett, Brett headbutted Shorty and kicked him in the stomach making him stagger a few yards away. Brett slipped his hands under his legs, making his handcuffed hands in front of him. Goodsport went and grabbed Brett. Then Brett slammed his head back into Goodsport's jaw. He got up and started running.
Only a few feet near the river James was being held by Aragorn in a headlock and Aragorn started to squeeze making James' face turn red. Brett slammed into him finally from behind and Aragorn let go of James. Aragorn fell to ground as did James who was in his grip. Brett kicked Aragorn in the side
"Messing with my brother huh? Well now I'll mess with you!" Brett kicked him again in the stomach. He then punched Aragorn with his both bound hands, in the back of the head knocking him out.
Goodsport got up holding his stomach. He ran to Shorty who was on the floor.
"Shorty! Shorty, buddy you ok?" Goodsport said. Shory started to groan as Goodsport shook him. Shorty's head was throbbing like a jack hammer!
"Man! My head is @*&%#@#*@&)in poundin' like a jack hammer." Shorty started to rub his forehead.
"Shorty! Stay here! If I'm in trouble I'll holar!" Goodsport ran to where Brett and James was.
James was still getting getting up.
"Come James--" Brett then saw Goodsport running toward them as did James. "Come on James move!"
"Go Brett go!"
"Just go!" James barked.
Brett was running along side of the river. Goodsport noticed James was kind of stalling so he ran after Brett. He tripped Brett and grabbed him by the hair.
"Your lucky I don't kill you now!" Goodsport said.
"I'd like to see you try pal!" A voice from behind said.
James rammed into Goodsport making him trip and fall into the flowing river.
"HALP!" Goodsport yelled on the top of his lungs as the tide started to carry him along the river.
Shorty heard Goodsportís yell for help and ran as fast as he could to the river. His head throbbed with each step.
ìCome on letís go!î Brett yelled as him and James ran. Shorty started to catch up to the river. Shorty tried to spot his pal Goodsport. He heard Goodsportís yell again. Shorty followed the sound and saw Goodsport along the river.
Jerico was guarding the Fiddler and giving hima few punches now and then. Jerico then heard a yell: It was Goodsport. Jerico ran as fast as he could to where it came from. He seen Shorty running alongside the river and noticed Goodsport was flowing along the river in big trouble! Jerico then noticed the two Lambertís getting away.
ìShortyíll take care of him. Got to get those pests!î Jerico started to run after the Lambertís.
Goodsport struggled to fight the current. Shorty was able to get a little bit ahead of him.
ìGoodsport!î Shorty yelled. ìGoodsport! Try to move close to me! I can lend you a hand!î
Anyone for 48? Sorry I couldn't get a little bit more of the rest of the story but I'm afraid i might mess up something with that thing about Lord of the Rings history or that Valinor thing.. well see ya.