Posted by Short Round from on August 23, 1999 at 16:12:01:
Ok a few people I think said I have a baseball cap on. I don't wear hats. I felt a nice warm feeling inside when you said I was wearing an oversized shirt cuz I always do. I hilariously laughed when someone I think in the novel said "kids..." when I said something in the novel.. Indy is 14, James is 13-14 and I am 13. going on fourteen sometime in Oct. so how come I am only known as a kid.. especially that part after you save me from the barn I ask meg "Want some M&M's?" I laughed till I cried! And if you ever describe my hair in a profile kind of thing, I have Dark brown hair and it is like John Conner's from terminator II except I dont have a bole cut all around. Well I jes felt like correctin' ya's on some things about me(Even though I imagine Aragorn looking like Don Stroud in a trench coat and sunglasses.) See ya's, Shorty.
"Not that Jones the other Jones!" -Donovan, LC