Posted by Short Round from on August 24, 1999 at 08:11:37:
Aragorn woke up suddenly as a fist connected with his jaw.
"Wake up!" Fiddlers voice yelled. "Aaahhhhhhhhh... So I have one of you at least!" The chains on the Fiddlers hand cuffs had been broken yet the cuffs themself were still on the Fiddlers hands.
"Hey!" Aragorn growled. "Let me go!"
"Not so fast my friend! There will be a ransom on your butt!" The fiddler gave an evil chuckle. There had been a deserted cabin near the river and the Fiddler had dragged Aragorn and tied him there.
Aragorn noticed his guns were on a table which had been collecting dust.
"Let me go." Aragorn said in a calm voice.
"Your mind tricks won't work on me Aragorn!" The Fiddler said. "Just face it! Your friends will have to pay the ransom or you might go through some pretty nasty torture rutines! HAHA! I been waiting for this moment! Hey I may be able to squeeze some info from that emotionless brain of yours!" The Fiddler reached for his cell phone.
"Ok, so what's your friends' cell phone number?"
"I'll never let you know!" Aragorn replied. Fiddler backhanded Aragorn across the face. He then kneed him in the chest making the wind get knocked out of him.
"Tell me now!!" Fiddler yelled.
"Never!--" Aragorn got a punch in the face, splitting his lip. Fiddler took one of Aragorns handguns from the table and fired. He had fired at the wall.
"Hey Raggy," Fiddler menacingly said. "You'll be the first to find out what the barrel of a recently fired gun feels like. Hot enough to light a cigar." Fiddler moved it closer to Aragorns' face. Aragorn felt the heat of the barrel as the Fiddler moved it closer.
"Alright I'll tell you!" Aragorn said. Fiddler put the gun down and picked up the cell phone and got ready to dial. Oh great what number do I tell him! Aragorn randomly chose a cell phone number...
Jerico, Goodsport, and the humble Shorty got out of the taxi and stood on sidewalk in front of the airport.
"Ok let's rendezvous with the gang." Goodsport said as they walked towards the airport. Jerico's phone started to ring. Her picked it up.
"Jerico speaking."
"Hello. You want to see Aragorn?" A voice on the other end said, cloaked.
"Yes!" Jerico said. "Who is this?"
"I can't tell you that now. Just call me Ed." The voice said.
"Ok Ed. Now what do you know about Aragorn?"
"Well if you want to see your friend again I must have one millions dollars hard currency!" Ed said.
"Is this some kind of joke!?" Jerico said worriedly.
"This is no joke. It's a ransom. Let's go over a rendezvous plan..."
Michaelson, Indy, Meg, Tessa, and Dr. Jones got off the plane.
"They should be here, somewhere." Michaelson said.
"I hope your right general." Indy said.
"Hey guys!" A voice from behind yelled. They all turned around to see Shorty running towards them.
"Hi dudes!" Shorty said. "Goodsport and Jerico are waitin' for ya's!"
"Ok Shorty. Show us to them." Indy said.
"Here let me take that for ya ma'am." Shorty said helping Tessa with her luggage.
"Here they come." Goodsport said. Shorty and the others were walking towards them. Goodsport and Jerico saluted the General.
"So do you have any info about Aragorn?" Michaelson asked.
"Yessir we do." Goodsport said. "But it's not good news."
"What do you mean?" Michaelson said.
"He is being held captive." Goodsport said. Everyone's mouth dropped in awe.
"This better not be any joke!" Michaelson said.
"No sir it isn't." Jerico said. "I got a call on my cell phone saying he is being held for ransom and more instructions on where we are to meet."
"Well did you get any more information on who this guy is?" Michaelson said.
"Hey I think we better get out of here, you know check into a hotel and all. We could be on surveilence by God knows who." Tessa said.
"Ok," Michaelson said. "Lets go."
Short Round signaled a taxi. They put the luggage in the trunk. Shorty sat in the front while Goodsport, Jerico, and Tessa sat in the back to have a little chat about their experiences. The others got in other cabs.
The next day. Evening.
"Ok, here is some gear we will be needing." Michaelson and Indy opened up two huge suitcases. A few DD44 Dosovei's, a few Colt Peacemakers, a sniper rifle, Two rifles, different sized silencers and scopes.
"DANG!" Shorty said. "You have enough here to make Sudam Hussain jealous!"
"You ain't kidding!" Goodsport said.
"I get a peacemaker!" Shorty said.
Goodsport grabbed a Dostovei as did Jerico. Shorty grabbed a peacemaker, Indy was armed with his new 9mm Beretta, and Meg took a peacemaker.
"Good luck!" Michaelson said and saluted.
The parking lot was deserted. A rental car was in the middle of it. Then another car appeared and went some yards and parked near it. They arrived lately because of a manure truck that had broken doqwn caused traffic
Goodsport, Jerico, Meg, and Indy stepped out. Shorty stayed in the car at the steering wheel. Goodsport had taught him to drive. Fiddler stepped out the other car.
"You want your friend I see." Fiddler said.
"Where is he?" Indy said. "Hand him over!"
"Money first." Fiddler said. Jerico pulled out a suitcase.
"Show us Aragorn." Indy said. Fiddler went to his car and jerked Aragorn out and held him bound by his hands.
"Open the suitcase." Fiddler said. Jerico opened the suitcase and black smoke came out of it. Aragorn and Fiddler started to cough. Jerico threw it at Fiddler's face. He grabbed Aragorn and they all ran to the car. They shoved Aragorn in as they all jumped in it.
"Short Round!" Goodsport said. "Step on it!"
"Oke doke dude!" Short Round backed the car up. Fiddler took the suitcase off his head and stepped out of the black cloud of smoke and began firing at the car, only hitting the side of it. He ran to his rental car and hopped in and closed the door.
Indyís belt started to make a chirping sound and he picked up a walkie talkie from his belt.
ìSave was a success General!î Indy spoke into it. Suddenly a bullet came through the window, shattering it. Fiddler wasnít too far behind.
ìShorty see if you can beat him to the alley!î Indy yelled.
Fiddlerís car came closer to the side of theirs. Indy took out his 9mm and stuck out the car window in the back to aim at Fiddler when Fiddler hit the side of the car, making Indy fall out.
ìWHOAA!î Indy yelled as he grabbed onto the side door of the car.
ìIndy, no!î Meg yelled.
Indy held onto the top rim of the car, let his feet up and kicked through the window and hit Fiddler. He grabbed him in a headlock and punched him in the face. Fiddler then found the chance to knock Indy ibn the jaw, then he through him out the driver side window.
ìShorty,î Goodsport yelled. ìWhatever you do, donít ram into Fiddler or Indyís dead!î
ìYou donít gotta remind of me that ëSport!î Shorty replied.
ìNobody shoot at the car!î Goodsport yelled back. ìWe can ët risk Indyís life!î
Fiddler elbowed Indy in the face and Indy jerked back and the door opened! Fiddler started kicking Indy!
ìDie, die!î Fiddler chanted.
Fiddler noticed they were coming to a small alley and he started to gain speed. Fiddler was gonna try and hit the door on the wall of the alley. They were coming closer.
ìShorty slow down!î Goodsport yelled. ìYou donít wanna be squished with Fiddler in between the alley!î
ìAlright, alright, alright!î Shorty replied.
Shorty started to slow down, letting Fiddlerís car into the alley.
Indy swung on the door and went through the back seat, feet first right before the door got hit by the side of the alley, sparks flying everywhere.
ìThatíll teach him!î Fiddler said.
Shortyís car was just behind them in the long alley. Suddenly from the back seat, Indy grabbed Fiddler and Fiddler started hitting both sides of the alley. Fiddler then grabbed the hand Indy was grabbing him with and threw him up near the front seat. He punched Indy in the jaw, then heaved him out the front window! Indy grabbed onto the slit between the hood and the front window, now shattered. Only Indyís feet were hanging off the front of the car. Indy then looked back and noticed the alley was about to end in the main road! Indy put one foot on the bumper and heaved himself on the hood then jumped onto the top of the car!
ìWhat the!î Fiddler exclaimed.
Indy leaped onto Shortyís car and landed on the roof of it. Indy climbed back into the back seat.
ìIndy!î Meg said. ìI was worried!î
ìYeah me too!î Indy replied.
The alley ended and Fiddler was onto the main road, as was Shorty not too long after. Shorty brought his car to the side of Fiddlers and rammed into him. Fiddler veered off and crashed right in back of the manure truck that had caused traffic before! Manure spilled out through the broken front window and flooded the car. Fiddler flew out the side door.
ìYEAH!î Shorty yelled. ìWe got him!î Everyone cheered.
ìThanks for coming after me guys.î Aragorn said.
ìDid you like our plan?î Shorty said.
ìYeah it was smart, except you didnít have to nearly suffocate me with black smoke.
ìIt was my idea actually. I read it in a Star Wars book, Han Solo at Starsí End. See what he did was give Pluvo Two For One a suit case right? But it was loaded with all these nasty deadly creatures and they attacked him as he opened it up. Then Han made a run for it.î Shorty felt like he was all that.
ìPretty cool Shorty.î Aragorn said.
Shorty pulled up to the hotel and everyone got out of the car. Everyone went to the elevator and hit the button for their floor.
A cab pulled in the front of the hotel.
ìKeep the change.î Fiddler said to the driver.
Fiddler walked into the hotel.
The gang went into their room and found a note on the bed.
ìHey whatís this?î Indy picked up the note.
ìDear gang
Me, Tessa, and Indiana Jones left for the airport. Meet us their we already have tickets to board. Weíll be waiting outside.
-General Michaelson.î
ìWell guys he didnít care to take the ammo suitcase.î Shorty pointed out.
ìWeíll get the car going.î Goodsport said. ìYou guys get the case and anything else that may still be here. And load these guns.î Goodsport, Meg, and Jerico put their guns in the case as did Indy and Shorty. Goodsport and the gang left while Indy and Shorty stayed by to get any of their belongings. Goodsport and the gang boarded the elevator.
ìCome on Shorty.î Indy said. ìLetís go.î
ìíK dude!î Shorty picked up the suitcase.
As they were in the hallway they went to the elevator when the other elevator suddenly rang.
ìLetís get on this one.î Indy said.
As they stepped in front of the elevator the door opened: Fiddler was standing right in front of them.
ìI have you now!î
Fiddler wielded a gun and had pointed straight at Indyís head. They backed up as Fiddler came out of the elevator. The hammer on Fiddlers gun came back. Without hesitation Indy hurled the suitcase at Fiddler and as Fiddler was on the floor getting up, Indy picked up the ash tray that was near the door and threw it on top of Fiddler whoís gun miss fired and hit the door at the end of the hallway.
ìCome on Shorty!î Indy yelled. ìRun!î
Indy grabbed Shorty by the wrist and they both ran to the door at the end of the hallway and they were at a flight of stairs.
ìOk Shorty,î Indy began. ìWe run up to the first landing. When Fiddler comes through the door of course he will suspect we went down. When he goes dowbnstairs we make a run to the elevator in the hall.
ìGotcha!î Was Shortyís reply.
Both of them ran to the stairs. Halfway up Fiddler came through the door.
ìYouíre dead!î He yelled as he fired a bullet.
The bullet hit the railing. Shorty and Indy jumped to the landing on top of the stairs as another bullet hit the wall behind them.
ìLetís go!î Indy said as he helped Shorty up.
Both of them started running up the stairs.
ìWhere can they be!?î Goodsport said.
ìI donít know but their taking pretty long.î Jerico replied.
ìIíll go check up on them.î Goodsport said.
Goodsport headed toward the hotel.
They came to a door. Indy opened it and him and Shorty came to a dead end on the roof top.
ìGo ahead boys,î Fiddler stood in front of the door. ìJump! The suicide would look nice and neat.
ìWhat if we donít?î Indy said.
ìLed poisoning!î Fiddler pulled the hammer on the gun back.
Goodsport came to the hallway and noticed the ash tray and the suitcases on the floor. He then looked at the door at the end of the hallway and noticed a bullethole.
ìOh great!î Goodsport took a DD44 Dostovei out of the suitcase and ran to the door. He came to the landing and noticed bullet holes on the railing and the wall. He ran up the stairs.
ìAny last words you two little punks!?î Fiddler yelled.
The boys were silent.
ìHA ha! Thought so!î Fiddler aimed the gun. ìSee yaís!î
The door behind him knocked him off his feet as it hit the back of his head.
ìYou!î Fiddler turned around and crawled to his gun. Goodsport took out the Dostovei and shot it away from his reach. Fiddler stood up and Goodsport aimed the gun at him.
ìDonít make a move!î Goodsport said. ìIndy, Short Round! Get to the car. Iíll meet youís there.î
Shorty and Indy walked passed Indy and Goodsport and went down the stairs.
ìGoodsport,î Fiddler said. ìYour pretty good. But there is something I got to tell you.î
ìWhat is that?î
Fiddler opened his mouth to say something. Before Goodsport had a chance to shoot, Fiddler tackled him like a football player. Goodsport kneed Fiddler in the gut which was all he could do, then he grabbed him by the back of his shirt and threw him towards the glass window on the roof.
The room was dark and everyone was asleep. Suddenly the body of Fiddler came crashing through the skylight of the penthouse.
ìAAAHHHH!î One of the people yelled.
ìSorry,î Fiddler said, getting up. ìFelt like dropping in.î
Fiddler raced for the door.
ìWho was that man?î a lady asked.
ìI dunno,î The husband replied ìLetís go back to bed.î
Both of them laid back down and went to sleep again casually.
Goodsport ran to the first landing and out the door to a hallway and went to the first elevator.
He reached the bottom and ran out as fast as he could
ìJerico! Start the engine! Get the engine on!î Goodsport yelled.
Fiddler came through the elevator just as Goodsport jumped in the car. And it went off. Fiddler cursed under his breath. Every body looked at him. An elderly lady put her spectacles on in amazement
ìMy God!î She said
Fiddler ignored her and ran outside the hotel. Fiddler spotted a guy getting into his cool car.
ìSir hold it!î Fiddler yelled. ìIím an officer!î
ìGot any proof?î The man said.
ìYeah, this!î Fiddler threw the guy out into another parked car. ìDonít mess with us officers!î
Fiddler backed up
ìóand so we ran up the stairs and came to a dead end on a roof. Goodsport then rescued us. You should have seen him!î Shorty ended his story.
ìI see. Heís like a lethal weapon!î Meg said.
ìLethal weapon. HA!î Indy chuckled.
ìHey whatís that!î Jerico indicated in the rear view mirror.
Everyone looked back to see a car with Fiddler in the driverís seat.
ìDoes this guy ever give up!?î Jerico said.
ìI donít think soóì Indy was interrupted as a bullet came through the window.
ìJerico, step on it!î Indy yelled.
Another bullet came through the now shattered window.
ìHey thatís a Beretta!î Indy indicated.
ìHow do you know?î Jerico said.
ìIíd recognize a Beretta anywhere!î Indy said. ìHe probably carries it on an ankle holster for emergencies.
Suddenly Jerico came to a red light.
ìHere goes nothing!î He said. ìEverybody, hold on!î
Jerico went through the red light and dodged cars. He tried to avoid hitting a car which sent him going into the wrong lane.
ìEeesshî Jerico grunted.
ìJerico this is a one way street!î Goodsport shouted.
ìI know I know!î
Jerico dodged cars. Fiddler was on the other road. Jerico had more space and he went and veered back into the correct lane. He rammed into Fiddlers car. He was in front of Fiddler.
ìPerfect!î Fiddler snared.
Fiddler aimed his Beretta and shot again. The bullet hit right on the side of Jericoís head rest on the chair. Everyone ducked again as more bullets sprayed the car. Fiddler had to reload.
Indy made his move and fired out of the side window and kept firing at Fiddlerís bumper.
ìHuh?î Fiddler was confused.
Fiddlerís airbag suddenly came up and mad him lose control of the wheel.
ìYeah!î Indy yelled.
Fiddler went on the sidewalk and then crashed into a Blockbuster Video store.
ìAaarrrggghhh!!î Fiddler yelled. ìI HATE CAR CHASES!î
The gang pulled up to the airport.
ìGot our tickets?î Jerico said as he stepped out of the car.
ìSure do.î Michaelson said as they led them into the airport.
On the planeÖ
ìAnd so his airbag came up and he crashed into a nearby Blockbuster Video store.î Indy finished his story
ìThat was a slick idea Indy. For your braveryÖî Michael said.
ìYeah yeah?î Shorty interrupted.
ìI am giving you a promotion.î
ìAlright!î everyone cheered.
The plane started to take offÖ Next stop: Nepal.
Chapter 52 anyone?