Posted by Webley from on February 05, 1999 at 11:42:19:
In Reply to: Re: Call me crazy, ok, you're crazy? posted by Michaelson on February 05, 1999 at 10:24:08:
: : :
: : : : I agree. 'sides, I won't ever use Indy's name for myself. That would make it some sort of disrespect, in my own opinion. The most I could do to honor Indy is by using a derivative of his name, not the name itself.
: : : : Till then.
: : : : ---Indiana Jerico
: : : If you ask me, I think that Jerico adds a kinda mythical ring to it. Kinda cool souding, almost as heroic as the simplistic "Jones"
: : : --just a little sidenote on the knickname thing.
: : somewhere in the recesses of my mind I remember another patron here who went by Indiana Jones. He "retired" from the Forum or something (he posted his farewell) and I and at least I think Michaelson responded to it. I said something like we shold retire his name. I'm being serious here. I can't find it in the archive, but I know that stuff happened. Maybe I'm just crazy. But I could have sworn it happened.
: : Since I'm not sure, I can't tell you whethet ot assume the name or not. Your choice, Stephen.
: : Check six.
: : -Mithrandir-
: You know, I remember that happening, and went back through the vaults to see if I could spot it. The last individual who used "Indiana Jones" posted back in Vault 11 in June. He disappeared not to shortly after that. I haven't found the posting you mentioned yet, but it wasn't him. For some reason I believe it might have been "Indiana Giles". We haven't see that name for quite a while, as with Northlander, Indy Anna Jones, etc. Lots of folks have disappeared from the fold for one reason or another, but new folks keep showing up too, which is great. Regards. Michaelson
Whooaaa "Indiana Giles", cool name!
My first name is Gilles, with a double LL people.
I never used "Indiana Giles", I use "Webley" since the first time I posted a message here.
Damn, you all know my fist name now!