Posted by ~The Raider~ from on February 06, 1999 at 19:00:22:
In Reply to: Mind me making acquaintances with all of you? posted by Deirdre on February 06, 1999 at 16:33:05:
: Dear Forum:
: I'm a fairly new member of the Indy forum; been observing your flow of opinions and exchange of ideas since a couple of months already, yet never had the courage to actually interact since recently.
: Does everyone in here know everybody else? Have you all ever been introduced to each other, whether formally or informally?
: I guess that this would be a good idea to get to know everyone on the forum a little bit better.
: Those who read this should answer my post bearing in mind to share something about them--but not too much if one prefers his/her privacy; tell me and the rest of the forum how they became fans and discovered this website; reveal their other secret passions and hobbies (aside Indy!)---*note*: I noticed that about more than 50% of the regulars are also avid authors who have written or ahve started to write their own books already!
: SO, since I popped the question, LET ME START:
: My nickname on the forum is: Deirdre
: Email address :
: Age : old enough to know what I'm doing!
: Occupation : Student/working
: Hobbies : Reading, writing short stories,
: poetry, swimming, daydreaming.
: Favorite quotation : "It is better to regret something
: you did,than something you haven't done!"
: Ambition : To be everything I ever wanted to be
: * How did I get here? Pure coincidence! It's a long story...
: ---That'd be all for now!--
: Hope to get a positive response on this!
: Deirdre!
If you can't guess by now, this is The Raider. I came across this forum about October last year, and have been coming here ever since. Here's the reply to the little survey:
nickname: ~The Raider~
Age: 17
Occupation: Student, amateur filmmaker, IGA grocery clerk.
Hobbies: reading, writing, computer stuff, watching movies, making movies, drawing, adventure.
Favourite Quote: either "I don't know, I'm making this up as I go," or "Do not let your eyes see nor your ears hear that which you cannot account for"
Ambition: To become a world famous director, travel the world (not necessarily in that order)
As for how I got to this forum, websurfing ever since my favourite Raiders site died down. If you want to know anything else about me, visit this site.