Posted by Belloq from on February 08, 1999 at 11:50:23:
In Reply to: Official Indy 4 news from the Star Wars Insider # 36 posted by IJ4 on December 05, 1997 at 15:29:20:
: I recently spoke with Tina Tweedale, the Editorial Assistant of the Star Wars Insider Magazine, on the phone regarding the status of the next Indy Jones movie.
: She told me that in the next issue of the Insider # 36. They are going to be running an in-depth artice on Indy 4, which includes an exclusive interview with Rick McCallum.
: In this interview, she says that McCallum stated that the tentative title of Indy 4 is "Indiana Jones and the Search for the Yeti"
: That's all she could tell me over the phone
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