Posted by bijb from on February 09, 1999 at 14:35:30:
I went to a place to get my bag fitted with a strap. This choice turned out to be a fiasco (sp?). The guy told me he could do it. I thought it would only take him a day or two. Well, turns out it ended up taking nearly four weeks. Not only that, but he wanted to charge me $25! I figure he was going to give me a discount because he was taking longer than he said he was. Anyway, I went back there today, and he finally had "the strap" in. Except, it was totally unflexable. It was horrible, actually. ANyway, he said that he could use two different types of leather, "belt leather" which was what he got, and "purse leather" (you know, like the straps for purses). I'm not sure, but I don't think indy's strap was either one. I'm looking for some help on this one. Should I go with the purse leather?? Or, perhaps someone who has already gotten one can help me out. Perhaps they can get another one made, and I could send them the money. Let me know. :-)
Hoping that this SUCKY situation doesn't make your day SUCK,