Do we need an Indiana Jones Trilogy Special Edition?

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Posted by Abner from on February 26, 1999 at 10:17:47:

In Reply to: Corniest Sequence of the three movies? posted by Brett Lambert on February 25, 1999 at 13:59:37:

I disagree. I like that scene. The cheesiest sequence in every Indy movie is always when the bad guys die near the end:

Those melting wax Nazis in Raiders

When Mola Ram falls into the crocodiles in the river in To/Doom

When the tank goes over the cliff in Last Crusade

These are the scenes which seem really fake to me. Maybe Lucas should do a Special Edition Indy like he did for Star Wars and fix up those special effects.

By the way, I think the special effects my be part of the reason we have not seen Indiana Jones on DVD yet. The high resolution of DVD tends to show more than it should sometimes. Many of the scenes which look OK on videotape now I can remember seeing in the theater and noticing- hey, that's a painting! (Like when Belloq says, "Indiana Jones, Adieu" looking down into the well of souls or the jeep goes off the cliff) Some are obvious on videotape but would be even more noticable on DVD. How 'bout the scene where the plane hits the mountain and explodes as the raft slides down the snow in front of it in Temple? That looks horrible! (The colors in the two parts don't match at all!) Many of the special effects are great, but a few could use some work. I hope these are fixed up on the DVD version.

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