Posted by HANNIBAL KING from on February 27, 1999 at 04:09:24:
A tall, mild looking man sat uncomfortably in a darkened corridor. He looked at his watch, irritated by the telephone call that had dragged him from the warmth of his bed to the cold and unwelcoming FBI building. He drummed his fingers against the side of his chair. In his past he had had more than his share of late nights. Nights that had dragged on for an eternity. Now, he liked to retire as early as he could. At forty seven Eliot Ness was not getting any younger. However, the nature of the phonecall and the person who had made it, meant that he had no choice in the matter. Ness looked at his watch again. It was 2:20 am.
"Mr. Ness! Could you come in please?" A tall, attractive woman opened the office door and invited him in. Ness got up from his chair, his knees grumbling with a far off pain. He certainly wasn't getting any younger. He picked up his overcoat and walked into the office.
Inside the office were four men. One of them picked up a folder and shook the hands of the others before he left. A corpulent, hard faced man who Ness instantly recognised spoke.
"Well done Agent Gilbert! Excellent surveillance!" the young agent beamed as he left the room and the man turned his attention to Ness "Mr. Ness, thankyou for coming out at such short notice! I apologise for the inconvenience!"
"It's alright Mr. Hoover, anything to be of assistance!" Ness looked at J Edgar Hoover with quiet awe. The man before him, for all his many faults, was a living legend. Hoover favoured Ness with a smile.
"Gentlemen, I would like you to meet Eliot Ness! At one time the backbone of law enforcment in Chicago" As Hoover paid him this dubious compliment Ness winced. Many people forgot that he had continued to work after Capone had been put in jail.
"Eliot, I'd like you to meet Major Musgrove!" Eliot shook hands with an elderly man. Musgrove smiled pleasently at Ness.
"Mr Ness, this is a pleasure! I have long admired your work. Not only with your crusade against Al Capone but your work against the labor racketeers and that horrible killer . . . what was he nicknamed? The mad Butcher of . . ."
"Kingsbury Run!" Ness finished, quietly pleased that at least one person in the room appreciated his other achievements.
"And this is Special Agent Fleming!" Ness looked at the other man, Fleming was tall and muscular. He had a pleasent face, but hard and shadowed eyes. He shook hands with Ness, he had a strong unteilding grip.
"It's a pleasure Mr Ness!"
Ness smiled amiably at Fleming and then looked at Hoover.
"What can I help you with Mr Hoover?"
"Agent Fleming, tell Mr Ness about your special taskforce!"
"Certainly sir! Mr Ness, I am in charge of an operation monitoring a man called Vincenzo Dolomite, have you heard of him?"
"Yeah, he's a very powerful and high ranking member of the Sicilian mafia! But, surely he's based in Sicily?"
"Yes he is, at the moment! However Dolomite has many ongoing concerns in America. And to ensure these run smoothly he has many lieutenants! It is these scumbags that we are watching. One in particular, a man called Cianelli!"
"This is all very interesting Special Agent Fleming, but what's it to do with me?"
"Earlier today, Cianelli paid a visit to a respected professor and archaeologist called Henry Jones! Do you know this man?"
"Henry Jones?" Ness trailed off, puzzled by the name. Then it hit him "Oh you mean Indy? Indiana Jones! Yeah, I know him. I've not seen him for a while. We shared a room at college . . . oh, about thirty years ago!"
"Tell us about this Henry Jones character Mr Ness!" Hoover sat forward "What kind of man is he?"
"Why do you want to know Mr Hoover?"
"Earlier this evening Jones was observed by a surveillance team. He entered Cianellis home. Stayed there for about three hours and then left with an Asian man!" Fleming informed Ness. "We want to know what business Jones has with Cianelli!"
"Indiana Jones is a patriot" Musgrove interjected "He has a history of helping out the American government! He was the lynchpin of a number of operations during the late 30's and onwards. Why, he helped out a couple of years ago with that Babylonian thing! I have no doubts about Indiana Jones' integrity!"
"Major Musgrove, with all due respect he worked for Walter Donovan for a while!" Hoover argued "And he was a Nazi sympathiser and spy!"
"Donovan had as all fooled! Hitler launched a number of Nazi hit squads after Jones! He was a constant thorn in the Nazi's side! He faced off one of their best agents during a conflict with a Morrocan gangster called Ben Ali Ayoob!"
"I concede that Jones was useful against the Nazi's and has continued to prove useful against the Red threat. However, during the Mexican revolution he is noted as having rode with Pancho Villa and then during the First world war he fought with the Belgian army. I don't think that he can be classed as a patriot. He seems to ally himself with whoever will take him!" Hoover gazed at Musgrove.
"It's possible that Indy doesn't know of Cianelli's connections!" Ness interjected "I mean it's been thirty years but the Indy that I remember was capable of being immensely niave! He can be too trusting!"
"It's also possible that he is siding with the devil! In these days of advancing technology it must be harder for a man like Jones to make a living. His brand of archaeology is dying out!" Hoover leaned back in his chair.
"Indy's brand of archaeology is no different from any others! He's just went against greater odds than most! I don't know what he's doing with Cianelli, but he's not a crook!" Ness stood up.
"I hope for his sake that you're right Mr Ness!" Hoover stood up and looked levelly at Ness "If he sides with these bastards then he will fall with these bastards! I will afford him any favours just because he has been helpful and patriotic in the past! Special agent Ramage will you come here for a moment!"
Ness looked at Hoover, as the tall attractive woman moved over to the desk.
"Mr Ness this is Dawn Ramage! She's one of our top agents! She has been assigned to investigate Indiana Jones and if necesary neutralise him!"
The woman looked at Ness and smiled sweetly. Ness felt a shiver crawl up his spine. Indy was dancing with the devil and there was nothing he could do about it.