Posted by Carly Lahana from on March 27, 1998 at 02:08:46:
In Reply to: Re: BEST ONE LINERS!!!! posted by Yoda Boy on March 18, 1998 at 09:01:34:
: I know I'll probably change my mind by the time I finish writing but here goes in no particular order:
: 1. "C'mon, show a little backbone!" (Jock)
: 2. "Aaah Venice!" (Indy)
: 3. "Nazis... I hate these guys." (Indy)
: 4. "Asps! Very dangerous. You go first." (Sallah)
: 5. Just about anything Dr. Jones Sr. says (I suddenly remembered my Charlemagne...)
: I forgot one of my favorite scenes when I was making my last list. Few things in the movies make me laugh as much as the scene where the Nazi guard discovers Indy hiding in the submarine dock. First Indy's attempt to go along with it (straightening the stolen uniform, combing his hair etc.), then when he decides he's had enough and decks the Nazi I love how the Nazi's hat pops up for Indy to grab it. Just one of the many things that make watching the movies over and over so much fun.
The best one liner has GOT to be:
Indy: Oh, shit.
That's all I have to say. It speaks for itself.