Re: Help in choosing an Indy Novel

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Posted by Young Mr. 'Don't Call Me Junior!' Jones from on March 28, 1998 at 21:46:34:

In Reply to: Re: Help in choosing an Indy Novel posted by Ultraman Tiga on March 28, 1998 at 16:27:04:

I suggest, anything by the immensely great Max McCoy, The Hollow Earth, and Dinosaur Eggs, are both superb! They read truly like you're seeing an Indy film in your head. Especially,
the introduction of Deitrich-like characters, makes them especially interesting.

--Young Mr. "Don't Call Me Junior!" Jones
: : : : I haven't read any of the Indiana Jones spin off novels and would like
: : : : some advice in choosing one. I live in Galway, Ireland so I have to
: : : : order rather that walk into a bookstore and pick it off the shelf.
: : : : I your "expert opinions" what novel would you reccommend. Bare in mind that Raiders is my favourite of the movies closely followed by
: : : : TLC and I think Temple of Doom is good but dodgy in places.
: : : : I really don't want a book where Indy faces TOD style villians.

: : : : Thanking you in advance,

: : : : Harmonica

: : : I think that any of the Indy books by Rob MacGregor are great stories. The others are okay, but they aren't a thing like Indy, it's as though they each just created their own characters and called them Indiana Jones. Whatever you do, do NOT bother reading Sky Pirates. Totally unlike anything Indy. I vote Rob MacGregor!

: : Though I've read them all and enjoyed MOST (forget Martin Caiden's books) I have two favorite Indy novels that I would recommend to you. The first is "Philosopher's Stone", by Max McCoy. "The Dance of the Giants", by Rob MacGregor, is just as good. The best of the series are they, in my opinion. If you want to steer clear of a TOD style novel, then keep away from "The Dinosaur Eggs" by McCoy. I, personally, enjoyed it immensely, but you may not.

: : Aragorn

: Wrong Wrong Worng!

: I agree with everybody that MacGregor wrote the better books (his one truly weak work was The Genesis Deluge - but the rest are terrific). However, I am NOT in agreement that Caidin wrote bad Indy books. The series was becoming stale anyway, and needed a fresh take. In The Sky Pirates we see Indy going through a story unlike anything he'd been involved with before, but it is still Indiana Jones - no doubt about it. It is one of the most refreshing Jones storyies of them all, and quite inspired. (So good that that's why WEG made it their lead adventure in the novel supplement book).
: The White Which ain't that bad - just lacks the villains, but it's still a rousing Indiana Jones adventure, and much better than McCoy's lame Philosopher's Stone book (McCoy forgot to inlcude the things that make an Indy adventure fun: the ADVENTURE!). McCoy's second book, "Dinosaur's Eggs" was much better, but yeah, it is very Temple of Doom-style (but I like Temple of Doom the best, so I din't mind one bit, heh-heh).


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