Posted by Harmonica from on March 30, 1998 at 07:50:23:
In Reply to: Re: TITANIC on the INDY Board posted by Ultraman Tiga on March 28, 1998 at 16:12:48:
O.K. Rose and Jack are the main charactors so that immediatly means
that practically all the events on the ship should revolve around them?
I would have liked to see a movie about the Titanic, not a love story
that happens to be set on the Titanic. I just didn't like the way
the Titanic's story seemed to be a subplot. It bothered me through
the whole running time of the movie, but the final insult was the
scene with the lookouts watching Jack and Rose kissing instead of
watching for icebergs.
"So, if you had been on the ship, you wouldn't be affected by the sight of the total abolishment of
1500 strangers? I certainly cared."
Are you saying that if you had skipped the first part of the movie and
came in when the ship was sinking that you would have cared as much as
you did?. I know I would have, which makes the first part of the
movie completely pointless.
If I had been on the ship I would have been affected by the sight of the total abolishment
of 1500 strangers. But I wasn't there and the movie was not convincing
enough to make me feel I was there. (e.g. If a t-rex ran down the main
street of my town i'd be very scared, but that didn't make the
finale in the lost world scary)
I found the scenes with the real charactors facinating, and was left
hungry for more everytime it cut back to Jack and Rose. What i mean
about artistic libery is obviously nobody knows everything that the real
charactors did on the Titanic and if Cameron had developed them then
he would have had to have taken some. (not like he didn't already!)
I gotta go.