Posted by Brian from on March 24, 1999 at 08:33:28:
In Reply to: What would you people like Indy to go after in Indy 4? (no important message) posted by Indiana James (Lambert) on March 23, 1999 at 15:42:13: a good old fashioned adventure movie. Not like King Solomon's mines or anything like that though.
How about this for a story....
"Raiders of the Found Ark"
Some guys break into the warehouse we see at the end of Raiders. As they are looking about for their confiscated pirate video tapes, they come across the Ark of the covenant.
They then steal it and load it onto their open-back 4x4 (for all to see) and after showing it off round the neighbourhood, take it to their hideout in a garage somewhere. There it lies until it mysteriously vanishes and re-appears on the David Letterman Show just behind Dave's desk but to the left a bit so you can see it.
As he interviews a guest (Tom Selleck say), it starts to glow... then it opens up and the scene from the end of Raiders is repeated with good light rays shooting out from Dave's face and hitting Tom and some of the crew and guests.
Then the lid closes again, just as Indy (around 93 years old) "runs" in (like Grandpa Simpson) and shouts "Hey! Nobody touch that... oh.".
Then it's taken away by the Government again and this time they give it back to the Cairo Museum because that's where it was found originally and that's the politcally correct thing to do nowadays.
Closing credits sequence fade in:
the Dave Letterman show:
Dave: "And now it's tonight's Top 10 list!", audience clap, cheer, whoop and cough.
"Yep folks, tonight's Top 10: 10 reasons not to play about with the Ark of The Covenant! More whoops and laughs, etc..
"Number 10. Because you don't know where it's been."
(canned laughter)
"Number 9. It's to heavy to carry in your pocket"
(more canned laughter)
"Number 8.....
"And finally, the number one reason not to play with the Ark of the Coventant.... It'll melt your face off and tidy up your room they way you won't want it!"
(whoops cheers, coughs, farts (well John Rhys-Davies was in the audience that night).
Ok, I don't care if no-one ever takes me seriously again!