Posted by MC from on March 30, 1999 at 04:37:50:
In Reply to: There is going to be a new Indy movie??????? posted by Meg on March 29, 1999 at 20:43:25:
Hello Meg. Yes, I have thought of what you said, too. The last scene of Last Crusade makes an Indyfan think: "The Indiana Jones 'circle' has come to an end, to a 'top', and that's because Indy is now a middle-aged man, he locates something VERY important(the Grail) and, most important, he continues his relationship with his father (Indy got away of Henry two years before graduating from univercity. Henry wanted Indy to follow Linguisticks, but Indy understood that archeology and adventure suited him better, and followed that way. Henry was really upset, and they didn't see its other for about fifteen years, not until Indy met Henry in Last Crusade).
So, someone can think that now (last scene of Last Crusade) that the Indiana Jones saga has reached its top, it's just the perfect time to end the trilogy, and the Indy films as well.
But again, I like very much the idea of old legends who become old and re-appear still capable of doing what they did when they were young! That's why I think that the new Indiana Jones film will be more
'emotionous' to me than the others... "So whylome won't" , we'll see in the future... (-:
What do u other Indyfans think?