Posted by Michaelson from on April 03, 1999 at 10:43:46:
In Reply to: INDIANA JONES INDIANA JONES INDIANA JONES NOTHING BUT INDIANA JONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! posted by Tejas Indy on April 01, 1999 at 15:25:24:
: Friends, it is my belief that the character known as Indiana Jones has to be the best movie character ever created thus far. I have watched tons of movies, action,drama,comedy, and no character is as interesting and unique as Indiana Jones. Han Solo cannot even compare to Indiana Jones. Hans character was never really given a chance though.Well, enough of the Star Wars crap, lets get back to Indiana Jones. I mean the name even, INDIANA JONES, how cool is that! I wish I could have been tha mastermind who created Indiana Jones. Or maybe I could just play Indiana Jones in Disney's Stunt Spectacular. I hear they pick audience members to participate in the streets of Cairo scene. Of course I would be an extra, not Indiana Jones! Only a trained prfessional such as Harrison Ford could play the real Indiana Jones however. I really hope they make Indiana Jones IV. I have my fingers crossed. Bye now, you can probably tell that I am a diehard Indiana Jones fan. Diehard, now that was a crappy movie. I can't seem to shut up. Anyway, until next time, love to all U Indiana Jones diehard, hardcore, reason for living, fans.
Interestingly enough, Disney was advertising for stunt replacements back a year or two ago, looking for backup Indy's and Marion's to play the parts in the stunt show. My youngest, an aspiring stunt actor (among other things), thought we should look into it. Sadly, she and I were BOTH to tall for the parts, advertised as Indy, 5' 9" and Marian 5' 6". We're both over 6 feet, so I guess the Disney sets are much smaller than I imagined. Oh well. Regards. Michaelson