Posted by Jim from on April 07, 1999 at 11:41:29:
In Reply to: That is awesome! posted by Abner on April 07, 1999 at 09:51:08:
The Aztec figure is original and is in the collection of Dumbarton Oaks, Washington DC. Several of the tenon heads inside the idol chamber are direct copies of those at the ca. BC 800 site of Chavin de Huantar, Peru. This movie temple could be inspired by accounts of the Chachapoyas, a group which fought off Inca imperialism in the 15th century. The Chachapoyas lived on the eastern side of the Andes in the sub-trop. forest, and may have been connected to long-distance exchange systems to Lower Central America, and perhaps ultimately to Mesoamerica. The Pre-Columbian peoples in Columbia, northern Andes, & So. C.A. were very adept at gold metallurgy; thus we have the roots of the imagined syncretism that inspired our movie idol. Ta.
: : Oh, thought I would pass on this inspirational image.
: Is that an original? Obviously it was the inspiration for the Golden Idol. It's a better picture than the one on the PITA page.
: Cheers,
: Abner