Posted by blandar from on April 09, 1999 at 11:34:00:
One day i went to the book store and I bot a Indiana Jones novel. On one of the last pages there were adds for other Lucas Film books. Also there was a form to join the Lucas Film Fan Club. The cost to enter was $9.95 or somthing around that.Well anyway,I cut it out and mailed it with a check etc. Later I get a letter saying that somtime in 1995 the price went up to twelve somthing. On the letter it said somthing about star Wars Insider and The star wars fan club. I didn't want to join The Star Wars Fan Club, but the Lucas Film Fan Club. So i sent a letter saying that I wanted to Join the Lucas Film Fan Club, not Star Wars, Please return money etc. These people cept sending me star wars crap until i sent a letter saying to stop sending star wars stuff, I wanted to join the Lucas Film Fan Club etc. That was a wast of time. Don't try to enter the lucas film fan club unless your a serious star wars fan.