Posted by Dietrich from on April 14, 1999 at 08:29:09:
The way I figure it, with the chances of Indy IV ever happening growing dimmer by the second, (not to mention the drought of news in the forum lately...) we could really use a new Indy story. Or in this case, an old one that we've never seen or heard before. I seem to recall you being the keeper of all Indy scripts - having acheived that lofty position through countless endeavors to acquire past and present Indy screenplays.
Any chance you could throw some quick summaries together for some old screenplays? I've always wanted to find out what that haunted house one is about. How about the "Garden of Peaches" or "The Law of One?" You don't happen to have a copy of "Raiders of the Fallen Empire", do you? Hey, if your busy, I understand - but I'm dying to read some new Indy tales!! Thanks again, Walker!