Posted by Mack from on April 14, 1999 at 15:49:16:
Not to say that I'm sure your trip to Bogota was cool, I'm just saying that I had my own little adventure not long ago.
As some of you may remember, I went to Belize a little less than a year ago. Yes, I had my hat with me, but I hardly wore it. The climate, as Sheldon can probably tell you, is so harsh to felt hats! Anyway, I was there to take part, as a student of course, in the Program for Belize which takes place in a large nature reserve. As well as archaeology, which I did, there are also biological projects going on. But if you think just anyone can do it, think again. Not becaue it was tough, although it was, but because it wasn't a cushy little trip for any tourist to take part in. PfB works in cooperation with the University in Austin, where I live. The university sends students there to earn field credit. I chose not to earn credit while I was there, although I still did a lot of hard work. Hell, I wasn't even in college then. Let's just say I had to pull a few strings.
I would have pictures to post but I don't know html so I can't add a URL link. If someone who does know html can give me their e-mail address, I can send you some pictures so that you could post them here.