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Posted by A Disappointed Fan from spider-tp081.proxy.aol.com on May 03, 1999 at 00:36:41:
To all-
After the news recently with Rick McCallum I think it's now confirmed that Indy 4 won't happen. It ain't going to happen 4 or 5 years from now folks. And if any of u out there r believing that crap....well your just about as dumb as dumber. I don't understand why Rick McCallum just didn't come out and say that everyone is too busy for it to ever happen. What I am really pissed off at is that they kept giving us all this hope for the past 3 years that something was actually going to happen. And what does Lucas, Ford, Spielberg and do..........they pull the rug right from underneathe our feet. I would have been satisfied if they just kept their damn mouths shut about the possibility over another one ever happening. Just to think that I have to sit through a FOURTH (ha ha)Jack Ryan movie flick wants to make me sick. And to think that Paramount would rather go ahead with Jack Ryan over Indiana Jones wants to make me puke!!!!
And why can't they make it next year? They r supposed to have a great script. I have heard no confirmned reports that Harrison is doing anything after What Lies Beneathe. Spielberg has made 3 movies back-to-back-to-back movies in the past. (Lost World, Amistad, Saving Private Ryan). And for Lucas, he will be busy shooting Star Wars 2. But so what.....he doesn't have to be on the set. And don't anyone tell me that Lucas is too busy with the Star Wars movies because he made Raiders of the Lost Ark in between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. I would still like to see from SPIELBERG'S own mouth that there is not going to be another Indy flick. But it doens't matter anyway because Rick McCallum confirmed it without confirming it. So for all of u out there that still believe......don't! It's over.
So long,
A disappointed fan