Posted by MC from on May 07, 1999 at 06:40:16:
Damn! I red the answers to a previews post of mine, and some guys answered that there has not existed an Indiana Jones person. Inbelievable! They know nothing? There is even a VIDEO TAPE (old cameras, like the 1940's, black-white with that trembling screen where u can hardly make out everything), that lasts about half a minute, where Indiana (u can see only his back) enters a piramid holding a torch! And the speaker says (the tape has no sound, the sound was added later) "Here we can see Indiana Jones entering the pyramid of 'I-dont-remember-what'". That's no fiction, that's a documentary! Of course, it is sure to be a great difference between the real Indy and Indy we saw in cinema. But still, there exists an Indiana Jones person... Even if his name wasn't Henry Jones Junior!