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Posted by Brett (Yasim) Lambert from spartacus.stfx.com on May 10, 1999 at 12:36:40:
In Reply to: If the Indy movies were Musicals..... (Note: I DEFINITELY do NOT mean a kiddy type musical, I mean buisiness) posted by Ben, friend of Indy on May 10, 1999 at 07:04:43:
: What kind of songs or what songs would you put in? Note: These would be IN the movies, NOT at the ending credits! Here's my ideas:
: Raiders:
: 1-A song for Indy and Marion, most likely a song to Marion's Theme. Possible Title: In Love. Scene: We would make a scene where they are singing the song, and there would be a split screen with Indy on one side, walking down the hill to his car (he doesn't note Toht and gang) singing the song, on the other side Marion, she just put down the Headpiece, walking around the bar singing. The song would end when on Indy's side he can sense that Marion's in danger, and on Marion's side the door bursts open and reveals Toht and the others. (Lyrics not yet made)
: 2-A song about the Ark, Indy and Belloq would sing it. Tune:The Ark.
: Title: The Ark. Scene: Again, split screen. They (Indy and Belloq) would be at the the two places that they are diggging for the Ark in (Belloq is not in the tent yet, the sun is just setting), they would be singing to themselves (quietly). I'm not yet sure what Indy would be singing about the Ark, but I KNOW that Belloq will be singing about the Ark's great power and everything. The song would end when Indy notices clouds and says "I think there's gonna be a storm." And we cut to it.
: If I have anymore ideas for Raiders, I'll post 'em.
: Temple of Doom:
: 1-There would be a song for Short Round. Tune: The tune would be kind of a mix between the Ewoks' hover chase (from Return of the Jedi), and Short Round's Theme. Title: This is Fun. Scenes: The first time it will be sung is during the Shanghai car chase, which would be much longer. It would start with Shorty's line in the car: "This is fun!" And the song would go through until they stop at the airport. Then there would be a short reprise during the raft on the snow, and it would end at the edge (the line that Indy has would be cut) and Shorty would sing: "This_is_fu-u-aaaaaaaaaa!" and it would continue the way it was.
: 2-I think there would be a war type song I guess for Indy and Mola Ram. Tune: ???? Title: ???? Basically they would sing the song on the bridge scene, which would be longer.
: If I have anymore songs for Temple of Doom, I'll post 'em.
: Last Crusade:
: 1-A song for Indy and his Dad. Tune: The one that goes right after Indy shoots the Nazis, and Dad "Can't believe what you just did!" Title: Ah, Dad--DON'T CALL ME JUNIOR! Scenes: First scene: Indy would start singing while they go through Castle Brunwald looking for Elsa, which would be a longer scene because Vogel took Elsa and told her the game plan. In the middle of that Indy's dad would confront him, and a little after that they would find Elsa. Second scene: After they do the "We named the DOG Indiana!" thing, they sing a new version, but this time there's two things different: 1>They like eachother, so it's a different version. 2>It's to the Raiders March.
: 2-A song for Donovan. Tune: ???? Title: War on the Jones Boys!
: It starts after the thing in the car while "THE FLOOR'S ON FIRE!!!" I'll have more detail later.
: If I have anymore songs for Last Crusade, I'll post 'em.
: Please post YOUR ideas, I'd like to hear 'em!