Posted by Michaelson from on April 16, 1998 at 11:16:04:
In Reply to: Guess what? posted by The Northlander on April 15, 1998 at 23:17:20:
: Some of us actually care about the quality of a figure as a TOY as opposed to those who only worry about how much the piece of plastic is worth to them when they decide to sell it. It's people like you who let Kenner get away with the crappy figures they are currently making. Figures that don't stand up, figures that don't fit inside their vehicles, figures that bear little resemblance to the character they are supposed to be, the list goes on. Collectors don't care - they lock their figures away to appreciate in value for 20 years. Meanwhile the kids who try to play with these things can't do it. Ever try fitting the NEW Han and Chewie in the Falcon cockpit? Go on, I dare you...
: This is the company you want making Indy figures? Really? Okay... but don't expect my name on that petition!
: -Northy-
OK, then let's take this another step further...the only reason Kenner would ever consider reintroducing ANY past products would be if there was a means of making any form of a profit. That's why they're in business, money, regardless of who is paying for the item. They took a beating with the original Indiana Jones/Raiders issue in 82. Looking at the actual numbers involved in production, most of the last of that inventory hit the secondary market of Big Lots for .99 apiece to clear their inventory. The T of D toys were only produced by another company in 3 of the 5 planned characters until they were pulled, and NEVER hit any secondary market of memory. You're going to have to convince anyone to even tool up to create ANYTHING from the past without the promise of profit, regardless of kids with cruddy fitting toys, or collectors who horde their treasures for years. To have to create new toolings that accurately image what you're talking, don't hold your breath. Now your talking R and D costs that have to also be recovered, in addition to production costs.....the list goes on and on. The only chance I can see is a collectors edition, sort of the "blast from the past" idea that the SW figures have attempted to do. At least they're selling. Based upon that fact, Kenner is producing them for the market, and that my friend is what will grease wheels. Call it greed, call it capitalism, whatever, but that's the only way it will work. Regards. Michaelson