Posted by KALI-MA from on May 21, 1999 at 12:57:18:
Maybe it has something to do with only just seeing the Phantom Menace, but at times - this being one of those times - I often kick back and wonder why George Lucas does the things he does. To fans of the Young Indiana Jones chronicles: STOP reading!! What I’m going to say will no doubt piss you off.
Correct me if I’m wrong, o Indy fans, but I was led to believe that the character of Indiana Jones was created to be a sort of pulp hero, a Saturday afternoon serial kind of guy, a two-fisted adventure, a man who thinks on his feet etc. etc... You all’ve heard this before. Indiana Jones was basically James Bond as an archaeologist. And Spielberg and Lucas have said as much in interviews through the years. And for the first two movies, this held true....
But then...
Along came Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. featuring a “Young” Indy adventure. Here, we learn why Indy’s afraid of snakes, where he got the idea for his leather jacket, how he learned to use a whip and where he got his trademark fedora. Not only that, but we also learn how he got that scar on his chin! Hey, maybe it’s just me, but I don’t CARE why Indiana Jones is afraid of snakes. In fact, I’d rather not know. What matters here about the character is that he IS afraid of something. He’s not Superman. He’s just as human as you or I. THAT’S what makes him interesting! That’s what makes him so timeless. That’s what makes us say: “HEY! INDY ‘S JUST LIKE ME!! He’s afraid of something too!” The whole point of that opening sequence is ENTIRELY UNNECESSARY!!!! It brings nothing new to the character and only serves to explain things that DON’T NEED EXPLAINED!
As an example of what I’m talking about....
Did anyone ever see Highlander? It’s a brilliant movie revolving around the joys, dangers and sorrows of being immortal. It’s also one hell of an action fantasy. And do you know what the best part is? They never tell you why the Immortals cannot die. Two hours and you never find out. Why? BECAUSE YOU DON’T NEED TO KNOW. Because sometimes life’s more interesting when you don’t have all the answers. And so are movies for that matter. It’s much more interesting, much more romantic to NOT know why the Immortals cannot die. You’re left to either make your own reason why or to accept it as it is and enjoy a great movie.
But oh no.... Then they decided they (meaning the producers) needed to EXPLAIN WHY. And they come up with a reasonable, intriguing explanation - that only served to cheapen the characters and to sap a good chunk of the romanticism out of the concept of immortality.
Why am I mentioning all of this? Because George Lucas has a tendency to explain that which does not need to be explained. (For Star Wars fans out there I direct you to the concept of “midichlorians” which have now explained waaaaaaaaaaay too much about this “all-powerful force.” Are we really to believe that Lucas had this all plotted out twenty years ago? If so, why isn’t the expression “May the midichlorians be with you”?) For all you Indy fans, I point out the “Young Indiana Jones Chronicles.” What the hell was this? Who thought this was a good idea? Let’s take an immortal, timeless character like Indiana Jones and turn a fairly two-dimensional character into a James Joyce novel. We’ll tell his entire life, tearing all of the mystery away from this character. yeah, and along the way we can have him constantly bumbling into dozens and dozens of famous characters - THAT’S bound to destroy any sense of identification that the audience feels for the character. Sudden;y, he’s not like US anymore. On top of all that, we’ll show him having adventures as a five year old! That’ll prove that he’’s been doing this his whole life!!!
Can anyone imagine what would happen if they came out with a “The Life and Times of James Bond” 12 hour miniseries? Do you really think that would add anything to the character?? Or do you think that maybe, just maybe it would James Bond a whole lot less interesting??? Hmmmmnnn?
And this bring s me to my final point: During a recent interview with Rick McCallum it was claimed that Indy 4 WILL happen and that it will be (and this is the important part) the last step chronicling the life of Indiana Jones from his birth up until the late 1950s.
Is that why Indiana Jones was created? to tell one person’s entire life story? or is it more likely that the intentions of this character, the novelty of this character has gotten lost somewhere along the way?
And to Tessa: No offense, but Indiana Jones wasn’t created so that audience’s could watch him settle down and raise a family.