Posted by Brian from on May 22, 1999 at 04:54:59:
At last, though I understand Noel has been very busy, the whip holder has arrived.
It's the Last Crusade (maybe TOD, I can't remember) version with the belt loop and the simple close over loop with snap stud.
The colour is dark tan - same as the bag strap Noel did. Although the holder is coloured on both sides this time.
The age old prob of the whip slipping through occurs, but I've only got one of those cheap black party whips. However I do think if I were using a real bullwhip (D. Morgan or other), then the bulk would fill out the holder a bit more and stop the slipping.
Overall, I am extremely pleased with it. A little expensive for what it consists of but worth it for what it is. It looks the part, does the part and no Indy outfit is complete without one.
If anyone needs any more info, just ask away.
Regards to all,
wheepow *crack*