Posted by sajnu from on May 25, 1999 at 13:27:59:
There's a scene early in Star Wars where C-3PO says something about being born to suffer and how "It's our lot in life". I'm beginning to think maybe Threepio was an Indy fan. I know Star Wars is Lucas' "baby", (and it's definitely one of the only movies I could sit through umpteen times as a kid), but why does Indy have to be the "son" nobody talks about?!
In all fairness, I've always liked that the Indy films never suffered from hype overkill. You never got sick of seeing Indy everywhere when a film was coming out, but at the same time, hell, you didn't have the option! Maybe Threepio is lamenting his days as a young droid when he wanted lots of Indy-themed gifts, and they just weren't there. Sure, Raiders had some cool toys, but until recently I didn't even know ToD had figures released! Man, I would've loved to have gotten some of those! As for Last Crusade, they didn't even bother, except I hear a few VERY shoddy ones were released somewhere overseas. Can you imagine a Star Wars film where they do that?
I know there's a MUCH greater demand for Star Wars, but you can now basically get ANY character you want from the films! I mean, they've even released the guy in the devil mask from the Cantina scene, and he's only in it for a brief second! I think it's pretty cool, actually, but couldn't we get at least SOMETHING Indy-inspired?
I've recently been going through all the Indy games, and you know, you'd think since they release very little Indy stuff, that they would at least make it all high quality! However, with the exception of Greatest Adventures, Fate of Atlantis, and maybe the Atari Raiders, there wasn't really much work put into anything.
So we got some cool Raiders toys, a handful of ToD, nothing for Crusade...but we'll make another film!!....just kidding, instead we're making a tv show where Indy's going to be a fairly cool teen...BUT we're also gonna make him a really, really old guy and a five year old!! (Woo-hoo!!)...We'll, I guess we'll give you another great game like Atlantis- screw it, we'll just make it a comic book...Okay, now we're REALLY going to make a new film......maybe....I wonder if everyone would just like us to do more of that tv show thing instead? Oh, and by the way, we'll authorize a few novels, a couple of comics, but we won't really keep any check on them, just turn `em loose and maybe someone will care. It's beginning to feel like we'll get Howard the Duck II before Indy IV!
I'm really not even that upset with Lucas, but after visiting enough of these Indy sites you eventually start to realize that they never do anything with this license. You start to remember how you never saw any Indy stuff that didn't look like it was thrown together by the cheapest bidder out there. I'd just like to see Indy get a really nice piece of the merchandising/attention next time out, and I think Infernal Machine and DVD's are a great start. Now, c'mon though, at least give us a Raiders special edition on the big screen.