Posted by A FAN from on May 27, 1999 at 19:24:22:
I am confident that Indy 4 is next for Spielberg and Ford because if Ford had another project besides Indy 4 after What Lies Beneathe it would have been announced already....right? And I just read on Cinescape Insider that "The Sum of All Fears" is still in the script stages. A lot of people have said, including that jerk Harry Knowles from Ain't it Cool News, that "The Sum of All Fears" would definitely be next for Ford after What Lies Beneathe.......IT'S NOT!!! Also remember that Spielberg and Lucas are vacationing in Hawaii right now. I wonder what they could be talking about right now.....hmmmm. And for some of u on this forum who believe Rick McCallum's b.s about Indy 4 being filmed after Star Wars 3........forget about it!! It's going to happen in 2001 or NEVER.
"There will be another Indiana Jones."
-Steven Spielberg
A Fan