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Posted by Michaelson from on June 01, 1999 at 11:12:16:

In Reply to: Re: Jock's importance.... posted by ROB T. on June 01, 1999 at 02:40:43:

: : :
: : : : : : I'm thinkin' that weasely Jock character was just Indy's ride home in "Raiders". Otherwise somebody's got a lot of 'splainin' to do. Because if Jock dropped Indy off at the river/lake then what's the deal with all the guides and junk? Indy's leadin' the way plus he's got the map, so he don't need no guides. And what's with the donkey's carryin' supplies and stuff? You don't need no special gear to walk a distance that Indy ran in about 20 seconds....but then if Jock was just there to pick Indy up, how did he know where to be? It's a conspiracy baby, yeah!

: : : : : : Austin....Danger Powers

: : : : : If you'll read the script and all other sources regarding the start of Raiders, Indy only had 1/3 of the map, the other two handed him the other two pieces that he was holding together when he was almost shot in the back. I always thought that Jock just flew Indy there to meet the others, and was to fly him and the idol out of the country after it was found. At least that's the way past conversations have gone concerning his presence. Regards. Michaelson

: : : : I'm don't think that Jock brought Indy to Peru. If he had, Indy would have known about Reggie.Unless, of course, Jock picked up Reggie while waiting for Indy, but that seems like a stretch. I think Indy started the expedition from a nearby village and told Jock to be waiting for him at a designated spot. Jock arrived a little early and decided to get in a little fishing (pirahna fillets! Mmmmm!) Then Indy cut Jock's fishing short when he burst from the jungle with the Hovitos on his heels. The question I have is is the Chachapoyan temple was that close to a large water source, why didn't Indy just go by boat?

: : : : See ya.

: : : : The Man with the Hat

: : : :
: : : : "Fortune and Glory, Kid. Fortune and Glory."

: : : ROB T. here,
: : : Satipo and Barranca owned part of the map and were in some sort of partnership with Indy which they then tried to break. I don't think Jock took Indy in. He was just there to pick him up after. As far as why Indy didn't just take a boat, maybe a boat would have attracted too much attention from the Hovitos. Or maybe he did take a boat in but needed a faster getaway since he was there to steal their idol?
: : : My question is how did Belloq get there. I don't remember if the novel addressed this or not, but if Belloq didn't have a map then how did he know where the temple was?
: : : Also, Austin Powers, why would you call Jock weasely? He's one of my fave characters in the movie. I think he makes a very good impression considering that he's only got two lines and maybe two minutes of screentime.

: : Interesting regarding your feelings toward Jock, as I've read several folks pretty much state the same thing, and in one of our forum serials going on he's obtained a higher level of "insider" status with Indy as a close friend, and now has a Scottish accent and background to boot! I never gave him anymore credance than the proverbial "hired gun" that had Indy as a charter and nothing more. I saw Indy as a loner pretty much, with loyal friends of those whom he spent a lot of time with, such as Sallah, on digs where such a relationship could indeed become strong over time. Jock just didn't meet that level with me as he would have been a good business connection when needed, such as Tanaga at the freighter as the Ark was being shipped. I just didn't see him as a long term connection. Guess it's just my experiences with folks I've hired for "one time work" over the years. I liked them, worked closely with them on the projects, haven't seen or heard from them since, and actually haven't thought about them until I began to write this posting. They were there for the job. No message here per se, I just find it interesting....Regards. Michaelson

: ROB T. here,
: I agree with you that Jock's relationship with Indy was probably not that close. They were more likely just business aquaintances who worked together when Indy needed transportation in that part of the world. Not good friends like with Sallah or Marcus.
: As far as thinking about Jock's background, I agree that Indy wouldn't think much about it but on this forum we've given importance to every nuance of the Indy movies and that's caused us to think more about the offscreen lives of even the most throw-away characters. If you let your imagination go wild about the people in your own life whom you've hired for one-time work based only on the little you know about them (like with Jock, we know he's a pilot and has a pet snake) you'd probably come up with some pretty wild stuff.

In my business, not hardly. As a hired gun they work out ok, but they're also competitors for the same work when outside a contractual arrangement. Regards. Michaelson

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