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Posted by Brett (Yasim) Lambert from on June 06, 1999 at 09:04:55:
In Reply to: Re: Indy's next quest... posted by Ben, friend of Indy on June 05, 1999 at 12:14:50:
: :
: : : : We've seen Indy go after the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail.
: : : : What real piece of missing archeological treasure would you like to see Indy go after next?
: : : : There's lots of Biblical treasures he could go after and a good curse could probably be attached to most of them.
: : : : What do you want to see???
: : : Don't call me a lameo or anything, but, how about the ruins of Sodom and Gommorah!? As far as I know (I'm only in 3rd grade, go easy on me), nobody has REALLY, OFFICIALLY FOUND Sodom and Gommorah! Now, at the end, it could be kinda like Raiders, but this time, the Nazis plan to raise Sodom and Gommorah somehow, but when they do, they would be killed, but I'm not telling how! I mean, does a magician tell his secrets?
: : Hey. Sodom and Gommorah sounds good, but I remember reading
: : that a site in Syria (I think) has been rumored to be one of the two
: : sin cities. Archaeologists seem to think that the city was suddenly
: : abandoned, and have conjectured that it COULD be Sodom or
: : Gommorah. Of course, professional archaeologists don't jump to
: : conclusions or anything, and the site no doubt requires years of
: : additional excavation. Anyhow, I'm not sure what Sodom or
: : Gommorah might have to offer other than a five foot pillar of salt...
: : Just my two cents.
: : -graml
: : PS THIRD GRADE? Man, I am feelin' old today.
: You guys are REALLY starting to bug me!!!!! I AM only 9!!!! How I know all this stuff is that
: 1. I read my Bible and in the back there is a group of Biblical maps, and on one of them, it says POSSIBLE site of Sodom and Gommorah!!
: 2. My Dad has some OOOOLLLLLDDDDDD Christian comic books (70's, I think) and one of them gives some info on it.
: So stop getting all over my case, alright?!!!!!
Then my verdict is that you are an EXTREMELY super-smart 9 year old, that is smarter than most people around here. Besides, how do you have the patience to regularly read the Bible at the age of 9? I'm 16, and I nearly fall asleep from reading a sentence. OH, I get it, you're a super genious. Gotcha kid!