Posted by ~The Raider~ from on June 06, 1999 at 23:16:22:
I just can't help but comment on what I've seen lately
It seems we're all on this big spiel about merchandising, berating Lucas and the new Star Wars movies.
I noticed something wearing the fedora over in Europe. Over there, people aren't afraid to say what they like, and the more you support it, the more people respect it.
Here, it seems if one person doesn't like it, and he's in higher standing, we must all follow him.
I'm not saying Europe is the place to be, I'm jsut saying in the colonization proccess of North America, something was lost.
Over here, people are afraid to like what they like, and be proud of it. If one critic hates a movie, so does everyone else it seems. I am a horror fan, above that an Indy/Star Wars fan. I have then been breated and labeled geek and nerd by 95% of the schools I went to. I liked somethign they didn't. I was different. I shouldn't have been.
It's been 12 years, and I've persevered. Star Wars and Indy rock and rule, horror movies are awesome, Metallica still sounds cool, and a feodra is stylish for adventure. As far as I'm concerned.
Guys, don't fall into the trap of conformity. Raiders and Star Wars were great movies. Stand up for your beliefs. Maybe one day the people of this young world will mature a little. (Really guys, USA and Canada are really very young as opposed to the people of Europe and so on.)
Just a little spiel on the life lessons from an Indiana Jones fan(atic).
~the Raider