Posted by Short Round from on June 09, 1999 at 08:27:22:
Ok I had a post on Indy bloopers and I really didn't do Last Crusade, so here they are:
#1) When Indy stole the cross of coronado from the diggers he runs down the hill but then the diggers go after him. They cut to a part where Indy tries getting his horse. But after those long seconds they show the diggers still on top of the hill like they didn't move!!!!
#2) Indy and Elsa were running from the guys in the cone-head like red hats in Venice. They find a few boats and they get in but one of the guys jumps on the boat but he rolls off. Next scene when they are being chased the guy comes from the back of the boat and attacks Indy! But he fell when he jumped on which would make him unable to be on the boat(duh)
#3) When Indy and Dad are on the motorcycle they go through a gate. And another dude is ahead of them. But when he takes the flagpole they show an angle and they are coming from the gate again!!!!! It keeps happening through this whole few seconds!!!!
#4) When Indy and Dad are in the plane Dad aka Henry Jones Sr. accidently shoots the dorsal fin of the plane. And from different angles and from different distances away it just has a hole in the middle!!!
#5) Indy is on the horse running after the army tank(well the horse is running, not Indy). He starts shooting at the army tank. One of his shots was a mis-fire in the air, but he shoots a few other bullets. He shot seven, but when he was checking his bullets at the beach when Dad killed the pilot after all those birds Indy had pockets(in the gun) for six bullet's
#6) Before Indy is about to jump on the tank, the crease on the top of his hat, is kind of coming out. But when he jumps on the tank it is all the way in!!!!
#7) After the Colonel is rubbing Indy's face against the wheel treads of the tank. The truck in the back explodes after Dad blows it up with the side turret gun. Indy falls off the side but he grabs onto the other turret gun. They show a few scenes IN the tank with Henry and Marcus but then they show Indy again on the side. The strap to his satchel is over the gun barrel!!!! He didn't have it hung up there before.
#8) When the tank goes over and Indy supposedly wentdown with it, Marcus, Sallah, and Dad mourn. They show Indy coming up from a vine or something and he walks beside Dad. He has his whip in the holder. He grabbed Dad's leg with it when he was about to fall off the tank a few scenes ago. It would've fell off somewhere and Indy walked right up to them. He couldn't have gotten his whip back.
#9) Where the heck did Sallah get those horses from?
#10) When Indy was stepping on the tiles for "The Name of God" he accidently steps on the letter O when trying to step on another letter. After he is done you can perfectly see that none of the letters even broken!!!
#11) After Indy gives Dad a drink of the Grail he then pours the last few drops on the bullet wound. You can see all of it was probably gone after he poured it on the bullet wound. After he hands it to him you can see that there was enough for one gargle of a drink!!!
#12) When Elsa almost fell down the put Indy had her hand. They showed it slipping, and they cut to other angles. They then showed the same sipping process when she would have already fell down!!!!
Well Indy dudes there ya are. If ya notice any more post it.
"Elsa!! Don't cross the seal the knight warned us not to take the Grail from here!!!."