Posted by Sean from on June 12, 1999 at 11:35:56:
In Reply to: Re: Raiders posted by Ben, friend of Indy on June 12, 1999 at 11:27:49:
: : Alright........I give up! I heard several times that you can see c3po in the Well of the souls in Raiders of the Lost Ark. Where is he what is happening when you can see him (are they putting the poles in, lifting the concrete top off)? Thanks.
: : Mike
: Welllll, I THOUGHT I may have seen C-3PO's BODY, with a hieroglyphic head behind Indy before Sallah nodded to him, but no sign of our "little friend".
You CAN indeed spot Threepio and Artoo in `Raiders,' but it is difficult. According to info on page 30 of the `Raiders...Collector Magazine,' the shot of the droids is BEHIND Indy and Sallah as they approach the Ark. The text reads as follows: "...Look very closely at the wall behind the Ark of the Covenant at the complex hieroglyphics inscribed by the `ancients.' Right in the middle are the ever-popular droids Artoo-Detoo and See-threepio shaking hands. Smaller renditions of them also run up and down the posts of the altar that houses the sacred ark." The book shows a close-up of the image, with an Egyptian fellow kneeling beside Artoo, and Threepio on the other side of the droid. This is not a mass hallucination, they are clearly in the shot. I own the widescreen version of `Raiders' on laserdisc, and you can see the droids in high-res in some of the shots. It's tricky but they're there.
Hope this helps...