Posted by sevenwords from on June 12, 1999 at 14:29:40:
In Reply to: If Elsa, Willie, and Marion Got in a Free For All Fight Who Would Win? posted by Short Round on June 11, 1999 at 12:18:14:
: Ok here are number of what all the MOVIE women did for Indy:
: Saved His Life: Marion saved his life first in the bar when she shot the guy who was about to shoot Indy and shot all the Nazi's while in the gun turret AND kept Belloq busy for quite some time. Willie saved Indy's life by being a wimp and not moving while he was poking the fork in her rib*snicker* and waking him up when the plane was crashing AND saving him and me, Shorty, from the ceiling coming down, it was scary I almost had a yellow mark on my pants and handing him the bin to hit the guy on the treadmill thing. Elsa saved his life by driving the boat the way she did and driving it close enough for Indy and Kazim to jump in before the other boat got turned into fish bate, told Col. Vogel not to kill them now, maybe out of love? Marion would win in this from not betraying him and for not whining like a baby, and for being his type of chik. Marion in first I'd guess Elsa in second and Willie in third.
: Wimped Out: Marion could have kicked Toht where the sun don't shine when he was about burn her with the metal piece, and if she stood up when she was in the basket it would have tipped over and she could've gotten away! Willie let Indy take control of her when he was shoving the fork in her rib on da beginning, and most of the movie! Elsa really just tagged along and never really wimped out. Willie wins for biggest wimp and whiner and Marion in second and Elsa in third.
: The Most Greedy: Marion agreed to be Indy's partner and really wanted nothing. Willie just wanted to get out but wanted some daimonds hehe. Elsa almost betrayed the Nazi's and betraying your country even if they are Nazi's is not a fair countryman or woman and she even tried crossing the seal that she wasn't supposed to just to get the Grail out and even went after it when it fell in the crack not realizing what she had done, "Elsa really didn't believe in the Grail, she thought she found her prize". So Elsa comes in first for most greedy Willie comes in second and Marion in third. Marion really shouldn't have gotten any place in this.
: Who Most Respects Indy and Vice Versa: Indy treats Marion like he would anyone but would yell at her and reprimand her if he had to. Willie really gets on his nerves making her almost lose her voice and Indy's from yelling at her too much. Elsa is kinda snobby. Elsa and Willie are tied it seams and Marion is in first.
: Who Loves Indy The Most and Who Indy Loves the Most: Well Marion was his childhood girlfriend and still is! Willie was just there but he still wouldn't let any harm come to her. With Elsa it was "Just business." So Marion is in first again and Willie then Elsa.
: Who Almost Killed Indy: Making Indy have to come over "Tomorrow" to get the medallion instead of giving it to him when he was there letting the Nazi's come and almost kill him and her, and in the plaza she cooperated with him and in the well of souls but almost burnt his pants and his whip. Willie was holding back on many things kind of, making Indy have to rush her putting him on a tight schedule, and if Willie kept on babbling in the tunnel with all the bugs and junk they would have died, and Elsa let Indy get captured by the Nazi's and when they were in the boat chase could've kept a sharper ear out, and she almost killed Dad, Sallah, Marcus, and Indy after she dis-obeyed him and went accross the seal. This is like a huge tie for all three of em and hard to decide
: Well indyfans now your time to decide, but Marion won for the best Indy chik, she saved him, was more a friend, never had that much greed, and was just plain better than all of em. But if it was only Shorty and Indy they would've kicked booty!!!!
Well it actually depends if you broke Willie's nail or not...